Thursday 3 June 2021



Ombuin yog O-methylated flavonol, yog ib hom flavonoid. Nws yog tus lej 4 ', 7-O-methyl derivative ntawm quercetin.


Glycitein yog O-methylated isoflavone uas suav 5-10% ntawm tag nrho isoflavones hauv cov khoom noj ua kua zaub. Glycitein yog phytoestrogen nrog cov kev ua haujlwm estrogen tsis muaj zog, piv rau lwm cov kua isoflavones.


4 ′, 7-Dihydroxyflavone yog flavone. Nws pom nyob rau hauv Medicago truncatula hauv kev sib raug zoo nrog lub hauv paus kev mob siab symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti lossis hauv cov noob ntawm Sophora viciifolia .


Daidzein yog ib qhov chaw zom zaws uas pom tshwm sim tshwj xeeb hauv cov taum pauv thiab lwm yam keeb kwm thiab muaj cov khoom sib luag uas yog cov isoflavones. Daidzein thiab lwm yam isoflavones yog tsim nyob rau hauv cov nroj tsuag los ntawm phenylpropanoid txoj kev ntawm cov metabolism hauv theem nrab thiab tau siv los ua cov teeb liab xa khoom, thiab kev tiv thaiv kev teb rau kab mob kev tawm tsam. Hauv tib neeg, kev tshawb nrhiav tsis ntev los no tau qhia txog kev muaj peev xwm ntawm kev siv daidzein hauv tshuaj rau kev kho mob menopausal, pob txha, ntshav roj, thiab txo qis kev pheej hmoo ntawm qee cov qog noj ntshav hormone, thiab kab mob plawv.


Equol (4 ', 7-isoflavandiol) yog ib qho isoflavandiol estrogen cov tshuaj tiv thaiv los ntawm daidzein, ib hom isoflavone pom muaj nyob hauv cov taum pauv thiab lwm qhov chaw cog, los ntawm cov nroj tsuag muaj nyob hauv plab hnyuv. Thaum endogenous cov tshuaj hormones estrogen xws li estradiol yog steroids, equol yog estrogen nonsteroidal. Txawm li cas los xij, tsuas yog hais txog 30-50% ntawm tib neeg muaj cov kab mob hauv plab hnyuv uas ua kom muaj kev sib luag. Equol tuaj yeem muaj ob hom enantiomeric, ( S ) -equol thiab ( R ) -equol. ( S ) -Equol nyiam khi cov tshuaj estrogen receptor beta.


4'-Aminopropiophenone yog ib qho tshuaj lom neeg sib xyaw. Nws muaj kuab taug ntau heev, thiab tuaj yeem ua rau raug mob lossis tuag thaum kov lub cev lossis nqus pa.


4'-Dimethylamino-7,8-dihydroxyflavone yog cov khoom siv hluavtaws flavone thiab xaiv me-molecule agonist ntawm TrkB, lub ntsiab txais ntawm lub hlwb-neurotrophic yam (BDNF), uas tau los ntawm cov kev hloov kho ntawm 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. Txheeb ze rau 7,8-DHF, 4'-DMA-7,8-DHF muaj cov haujlwm siab dua ntawm TrkB, yog qhov muaj zog ntau dua 7,8-DHF ob qho tib si hauv vitro thiab hauv vivo , thiab muaj lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke tau pom los tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv neuroprotective, neurogenic, thiab antidepressant zoo li cuam tshuam hauv cov tsiaj.


4'-Dimethylamino-7,8-dihydroxyflavone yog cov khoom siv hluavtaws flavone thiab xaiv me-molecule agonist ntawm TrkB, lub ntsiab txais ntawm lub hlwb-neurotrophic yam (BDNF), uas tau los ntawm cov kev hloov kho ntawm 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. Txheeb ze rau 7,8-DHF, 4'-DMA-7,8-DHF muaj cov haujlwm siab dua ntawm TrkB, yog qhov muaj zog ntau dua 7,8-DHF ob qho tib si hauv vitro thiab hauv vivo , thiab muaj lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke tau pom los tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv neuroprotective, neurogenic, thiab antidepressant zoo li cuam tshuam hauv cov tsiaj.


Epirubicin yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tsis txaus siab uas siv rau kev kho mob tshuaj lom neeg. Nws tuaj yeem siv ua ke nrog lwm cov tshuaj los kho mob cancer mis hauv cov neeg mob uas tau phais los tshem tawm cov qog. Nws yog kev lag luam los ntawm Pfizer hauv qab cov npe kev lag luam Ellence hauv Asmeskas thiab Pharmorubicin lossis Epirubicin Ebewe lwm qhov.


Epirubicin yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tsis txaus siab uas siv rau kev kho mob tshuaj lom neeg. Nws tuaj yeem siv ua ke nrog lwm cov tshuaj los kho mob cancer mis hauv cov neeg mob uas tau phais los tshem tawm cov qog. Nws yog kev lag luam los ntawm Pfizer hauv qab cov npe kev lag luam Ellence hauv Asmeskas thiab Pharmorubicin lossis Epirubicin Ebewe lwm qhov.


4'-Fluoro-α-pyrrolidinooctanophenone yog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj zog hauv chav cathinone uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab.


4'-Fluoro-α-pyrrolidinopentiophenone yog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj zog ntawm cathinone chav kawm uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab.


4'-Fluoro-α-pyrrolidinooctanophenone yog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj zog hauv chav cathinone uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab.


4'-Fluoro-α-pyrrolidinopentiophenone yog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj zog ntawm cathinone chav kawm uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab.


4'-Fluorocannabidiol yog fluorinated cannabidiol derivative uas muaj ntau dua kev ntxhov siab, tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob ntshav siab, tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv thiab tawm tsam hauv cov nas piv rau nws niam txiv qhov sib xyaw. Nws tau xub tsim ua ntej xyoo 2016, nrog 10-fluorocannabidiol diacetate thiab 8,9-dihydro-7-fluorocannabidiol, uas pom ntau yam haujlwm tsis muaj zog.


4′-Fluorococaine yog ib qho tropane derivative tshuaj uas yog cov tshuaj hluavtaws ua yeeb yaj kiab ntawm cocaine. Tsis zoo li muaj cov sib txuas ntxiv xws li sib xyaw 4′-fluorophenyltropane derivative CFT thiab 2′-hydroxy analogue salicylmethylecgonine, 4′-fluorococaine muaj tsuas yog nyob ib ncig ntawm qhov muaj txiaj ntsig ib yam li cocaine ua ib qho kev tiv thaiv ntawm dopamine reuptake, tab sis kev hloov pauv nws yog qhov muaj zog ntau dua serotonin reuptake. inhibitor dua cocaine, ua rau muaj kev hloov kho ntau yam tsiaj txhu hauv kev tshawb nrhiav tsiaj.

4'-Hydroxyisoflavone methyltransferase:

4'-Hydroxyisoflavone methyltransferase yuav hais txog:

  • Isoflavone 4'-O-methyltransferase, ib qho enzyme
  • n
  • Flavonoid 4'-O-methyltransferase, ib qho enzyme

4'-Hydroxynorendoxifen yog hluavtaws, nonsteroidal antiestrogen ntawm pab pawg triphenylethylene. Nws yog dual xaiv estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) thiab aromatase inhibitor (AI), thiab muab tau los ntawm tamoxifen, ib tus SERM, thiab norendoxifen, metabolite ntawm tamoxifen uas tau pom tias ua raws li AI. Cov tshuaj tau tawm tswv yim rau kev txhim kho muaj peev xwm ua ib txoj kev kho mob rau estrogen receptor (ER)-mis mob cancer mis. Nws tau hluavtaws hauv 2015 xyoo.


Isosakuranetin , uas yog O-methylated flavonoid, yog 4'-methoxy rau tus neeg ntawm naringenin, flavanone. Didymin, ib qho kev faib tawm ntawm isosakuranetin, tshwm sim piv txwv li hauv cov txiv kab ntxwv qab zib, ntshav txiv kab ntxwv thiab txiv paj yeeb.


4'-Methoxy-α-pyrrolidinopentiophenone yog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj zog ntawm cathinone chav kawm uas tau muag hauv online yog cov tshuaj tsim qauv.


4'-Methoxy-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone ( MOPPP ) yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tsim tshuaj ntawm pyrrolidinophenone chav kawm. Nws muaj lub peev xwm los tsim cov tshuaj zoo siab, muaj kev cuam tshuam nrog lwm cov kev txhawb zog ntawm classical.


Acacetin yog 4′- O -methylated flavone ntawm niam txiv compound apigenin, pom hauv Robinia pseudoacacia , Turnera diffusa (damiana), qhia pom muaj aromatase inhibition, Betula pendula , thiab hauv fern Asplenium normale .


4-Methoxyresveratrol yog stilbenoid pom nyob rau hauv Suav tshuaj ntsuab Gnetum cleistostachyum.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone lossis MPBP yog hom tshuaj tiv thaiv uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab. Nws yog txheeb ze rau pyrovalerone, ua tsuas yog nws txoj saw-shortened homologue.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinohexiophenone ( MPHP ) yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab. Nws yog zoo txuam nrog pyrovalerone, ua tsuas yog nws txoj saw-lengthened homologue. Hauv koob pyrrolidinophenone, kev txhawb nqa lub zog yog tswj hwm ntev npaum li txoj haujlwm ntawm aryl, ketone thiab pyrrolidinyl pawg tau tuav tas li, thaum lub pob txha caj qaum alkyl tuaj yeem sib txawv nyob txhua qhov chaw ntawm peb thiab ntau li xya carbons, nrog cov siab tshaj plaws feem ntau pom nrog pentyl lossis isohexyl caj qaum, thiab ntau yam kev hloov pauv tau zam ntawm lub nplhaib uas muaj ntxhiab.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab hloov pauv cathinone. Nws yog cov txheej txheem zoo ib yam li α-PPP, nrog tsuas yog ib qhov txuas ntxiv cov pab pawg hauv qhov chaw para ntawm lub nplhaib phenyl. 4-MePPP tau muag hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees ua tus tsim tshuaj yaj yeeb hauv xyoo 1990s thiab thaum ntxov 2000s, nrog rau ntau tus lej pyrrolidinophenone derivatives. Txawm hais tias nws tsis tau ua tiav tib lub npe thoob ntiaj teb raws li nws txoj kev paub zoo dua kev sib raug zoo and-PPP thiab MDPV, 4-MePPP tseem pom qee zaum ua ib qho khoom xyaw ntawm grey-lag luam "da dej ntsev \" sib xyaw xws li \ "NRG-3 \" Cov.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinohexiophenone ( MPHP ) yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab. Nws yog zoo txuam nrog pyrovalerone, ua tsuas yog nws txoj saw-lengthened homologue. Hauv koob pyrrolidinophenone, kev txhawb nqa lub zog yog tswj hwm ntev npaum li txoj haujlwm ntawm aryl, ketone thiab pyrrolidinyl pawg tau tuav tas li, thaum lub pob txha caj qaum alkyl tuaj yeem sib txawv nyob txhua qhov chaw ntawm peb thiab ntau li xya carbons, nrog cov siab tshaj plaws feem ntau pom nrog pentyl lossis isohexyl caj qaum, thiab ntau yam kev hloov pauv tau zam ntawm lub nplhaib uas muaj ntxhiab.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone lossis MPBP yog hom tshuaj tiv thaiv uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab. Nws yog txheeb ze rau pyrovalerone, ua tsuas yog nws txoj saw-shortened homologue.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinohexiophenone ( MPHP ) yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob uas tau tshaj tawm tias yog cov tshuaj yeeb tsim tshuaj tshiab. Nws yog zoo txuam nrog pyrovalerone, ua tsuas yog nws txoj saw-lengthened homologue. Hauv koob pyrrolidinophenone, kev txhawb nqa lub zog yog tswj hwm ntev npaum li txoj haujlwm ntawm aryl, ketone thiab pyrrolidinyl pawg tau tuav tas li, thaum lub pob txha caj qaum alkyl tuaj yeem sib txawv nyob txhua qhov chaw ntawm peb thiab ntau li xya carbons, nrog cov siab tshaj plaws feem ntau pom nrog pentyl lossis isohexyl caj qaum, thiab ntau yam kev hloov pauv tau zam ntawm lub nplhaib uas muaj ntxhiab.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab hloov pauv cathinone. Nws yog cov txheej txheem zoo ib yam li α-PPP, nrog tsuas yog ib qhov txuas ntxiv cov pab pawg hauv qhov chaw para ntawm lub nplhaib phenyl. 4-MePPP tau muag hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees ua tus tsim tshuaj yaj yeeb hauv xyoo 1990s thiab thaum ntxov 2000s, nrog rau ntau tus lej pyrrolidinophenone derivatives. Txawm hais tias nws tsis tau ua tiav tib lub npe thoob ntiaj teb raws li nws txoj kev paub zoo dua kev sib raug zoo and-PPP thiab MDPV, 4-MePPP tseem pom qee zaum ua ib qho khoom xyaw ntawm grey-lag luam "da dej ntsev \" sib xyaw xws li \ "NRG-3 \" Cov.

Biochanin A:

Biochanin A yog O -methylated isoflavone . Nws yog lub ntuj qub organic compound hauv chav kawm ntawm phytochemicals lub npe hu ua flavonoids. Biochanin A tuaj yeem pom hauv liab clover hauv cov kua, hauv cov noob alfalfa, hauv txiv laum huab xeeb, hauv chickpea thiab lwm yam hauv qab.


Kaempferide yog O -methylated flavonol , yog ib hom tshuaj lom neeg. Nws tuaj yeem pom hauv Kaempferia galanga . Nws tau raug sau tseg los mus txwv txoj kev mob qog noj qab nyob zoo los ntawm kev thaiv EGFR-cuam tshuam.


Isosakuranetin , uas yog O-methylated flavonoid, yog 4'-methoxy rau tus neeg ntawm naringenin, flavanone. Didymin, ib qho kev faib tawm ntawm isosakuranetin, tshwm sim piv txwv li hauv cov txiv kab ntxwv qab zib, ntshav txiv kab ntxwv thiab txiv paj yeeb.


Isorhamnetin yog O-methylated flavon-ol los ntawm chav kawm ntawm flavonoids. Ib qho khoom noj muaj txiaj ntsig ntawm no 3'-methoxylated derivative ntawm quercetin thiab nws cov glucoside conjugates yog pungent daj los yog xim liab dos, uas nws yog cov xim me, quercetin-3,4'-diglucoside thiab quercetin-4'-glucoside thiab cov aglycone quercetin yog cov xim loj. Cov txiv moj coos, txiv ntseej roj, kua txiv kab ntxwv thiab kua txiv lws suav yog nplua nuj hauv isorhamnetin. Lwm qhov chaw muaj xws li cov txuj lom, tshuaj ntsuab tshuaj ntsuab thiab psychoactive Mexican tarragon (Tagetes lucida) , uas tau piav qhia kom tau khaws isorhamnetin thiab nws 7-O-glucoside derivate. Nopal tseem yog qhov zoo ntawm isorhamnetin, uas tuaj yeem muab rho tawm los ntawm cov kua dej supercritical extraction pab los ntawm cov enzymes.


Kaempferide yog O -methylated flavonol , yog ib hom tshuaj lom neeg. Nws tuaj yeem pom hauv Kaempferia galanga . Nws tau raug sau tseg los mus txwv txoj kev mob qog noj qab nyob zoo los ntawm kev thaiv EGFR-cuam tshuam.

P-Coumaric acid glucoside:

p -Coumaric acid glucoside yog hydroxycinnamic acid, cov organic sib xyaw pom muaj nyob hauv cov khob cij coj mus muag muaj cov flaxseed.


4'-O-glucoside tuaj yeem xa mus rau:

  • Hydrangenol 4'-O-glucoside, ib qho isocoumarin glucoside
  • n
  • Okanin 4'-O-glucoside lossis marein, ib qho chalconoid glucoside
  • Quercetin 4'-O-glucoside lossis spiraeoside, flavonol glucoside

Formononetin yog O-methylated isoflavone.


Phosphopantetheine , tseem hu ua 4'-phosphopantetheine , yog cov pab pawg neeg prostant ntawm ntau cov acyl cov cab kuj muaj cov kab mob acyl carrier (ACP) ntawm cov roj fatty synthases, ACPs ntawm polyketide synthases, peptidyl carrier proteins (PCP), thiab ntxiv rau lub aryl cab kuj cov nqaijrog (ArCP) ntawm nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). Nws kuj tseem muaj nyob hauv formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase.

Beta-apo-4'-carotenal oxygenase:

Beta-apo-4'-carotenal oxygenase (EC , beta-apo-4'-carotenal dehydrogenase , YLO-1 , carD (noob) ) yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj cov npe hu ua 4'-apo-beta, psi-carotenal : NAD + oxidoreductase . Qhov no enzyme catalyses cov tshuaj tiv thaiv hauv qab no:

4'-apo-beta, psi-caroten-4'-al + NAD + + H2O neurosporaxanthin + NADH + 2 H +
Beta-apo-4'-carotenal oxygenase (EC, beta-apo-4'-carotenal dehydrogenase, YLO-1, carD (gene)) is an enzyme with systematic name 4'-apo-beta,psi-carotenal:NAD+ oxidoreductase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction:

4'-apo-beta, psi-caroten-4'-al + NAD+ + H2O

Ro5-4864 ( 4'-chlorodiazepam ) yog ib yam tshuaj uas yog benzodiazepine derivative ntawm diazepam. Txawm li cas los xij tsis zoo li feem ntau benzodiazepine derivatives, Ro5-4864 tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau GABA A receptors thiab tsis muaj teeb meem benzodiazepine zoo li, hloov tau sedative tseem tseem convulsant thiab anxiogenic nyob rau hauv cov teebmeem. Ro5-4864 tau pom tias yog lub hwj chim ligand rau "peripheral benzodiazepine receptor \", tom qab ntawv pauv mus rau mitochondrial translocator protein 18kDa (TSPO). Txawm hais tias nws qhov teeb meem pom kev zoo, los ntawm qis qis Ro5-4864 tau ua pov thawj tias yog neuroprotective thiab tau ua dav siv rau kev tshawb fawb txog lub luag haujlwm ntawm TSPO protein hauv neurotoxicity. Hauv cov kev tshawb fawb hauv vitro thiab tus qauv nas kuj tseem qhia txog qhov ua tau ntawm analgesic, antidepressant, cardioprotective, thiab los tiv thaiv mob qog.

4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase:

4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj txheej txheem npe 4'-demethylrebeccamycin D-glucose-lyase . Qhov enzyme no kuaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tshuaj hauv qab no

4'-O-demethylrebeccamycin + H2O dichloro-arcyriaflavin A + beta-D-suab thaj
4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase is an enzyme with systematic name 4'-demethylrebeccamycin D-glucose-lyase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

4'-O-demethylrebeccamycin + H2O
4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase:

4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj txheej txheem npe 4'-demethylrebeccamycin D-glucose-lyase . Qhov enzyme no kuaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tshuaj hauv qab no

4'-O-demethylrebeccamycin + H2O dichloro-arcyriaflavin A + beta-D-suab thaj
4'-demethylrebeccamycin synthase is an enzyme with systematic name 4'-demethylrebeccamycin D-glucose-lyase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

4'-O-demethylrebeccamycin + H2O

4'-Dimethylamino-7,8-dihydroxyflavone yog cov khoom siv hluavtaws flavone thiab xaiv me-molecule agonist ntawm TrkB, lub ntsiab txais ntawm lub hlwb-neurotrophic yam (BDNF), uas tau los ntawm cov kev hloov kho ntawm 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. Txheeb ze rau 7,8-DHF, 4'-DMA-7,8-DHF muaj cov haujlwm siab dua ntawm TrkB, yog qhov muaj zog ntau dua 7,8-DHF ob qho tib si hauv vitro thiab hauv vivo , thiab muaj lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke tau pom los tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv neuroprotective, neurogenic, thiab antidepressant zoo li cuam tshuam hauv cov tsiaj.


4'-Fluorocannabidiol yog fluorinated cannabidiol derivative uas muaj ntau dua kev ntxhov siab, tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob ntshav siab, tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv thiab tawm tsam hauv cov nas piv rau nws niam txiv qhov sib xyaw. Nws tau xub tsim ua ntej xyoo 2016, nrog 10-fluorocannabidiol diacetate thiab 8,9-dihydro-7-fluorocannabidiol, uas pom ntau yam haujlwm tsis muaj zog.


Piceol yog phenolic qhov pom nyob hauv koob thiab hauv keeb kwm mycorrhizal ntawm Norway spruces. Picein yog glucoside ntawm piceol.


Apocynin , tseem hu ua acetovanillone , yog ib qhov sib xyaw ua ke organic sib xyaw nrog vanillin. Nws tau muab cais tawm los ntawm ntau hom cog ntoo thiab tau kawm rau nws ntau yam ntawm cov qauv tshuaj.


4'-Hydroxynorendoxifen yog hluavtaws, nonsteroidal antiestrogen ntawm pab pawg triphenylethylene. Nws yog dual xaiv estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) thiab aromatase inhibitor (AI), thiab muab tau los ntawm tamoxifen, ib tus SERM, thiab norendoxifen, metabolite ntawm tamoxifen uas tau pom tias ua raws li AI. Cov tshuaj tau tawm tswv yim rau kev txhim kho muaj peev xwm ua ib txoj kev kho mob rau estrogen receptor (ER)-mis mob cancer mis. Nws tau hluavtaws hauv 2015 xyoo.


Pratensein yog O-methylated isoflavone, yog ib hom flavonoid. Nws tuaj yeem nrhiav pom hauv Trifolium pratense thiab tuaj yeem muaj qhov cuam tshuam rau kev tiv thaiv ntawm atherosclerosis.


Acacetin yog 4′- O -methylated flavone ntawm niam txiv compound apigenin, pom hauv Robinia pseudoacacia , Turnera diffusa (damiana), qhia pom muaj aromatase inhibition, Betula pendula , thiab hauv fern Asplenium normale .


4'-Methoxy-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone ( MOPPP ) yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev tsim tshuaj ntawm pyrrolidinophenone chav kawm. Nws muaj lub peev xwm los tsim cov tshuaj zoo siab, muaj kev cuam tshuam nrog lwm cov kev txhawb zog ntawm classical.

4'-methoxyisoflavone 2'-hydroxylase:

Hauv cov enzymology, ib 4'-methoxyisoflavone 2'-hydroxylase (EC , yav dhau los EC ) yog ib qho enzyme uas catalyzes cov tshuaj lom neeg lub cev.

formononetin + NADPH + H + + O 2 2'-hydroxyformononetin + NADP + + H 2 O
In enzymology, a 4'-methoxyisoflavone 2'-hydroxylase (EC, Formerly EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction

formononetin + NADPH + H+ + O2

4-Methoxyresveratrol yog stilbenoid pom nyob rau hauv Suav tshuaj ntsuab Gnetum cleistostachyum.


4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinopropiophenone yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab hloov pauv cathinone. Nws yog cov txheej txheem zoo ib yam li α-PPP, nrog tsuas yog ib qhov txuas ntxiv cov pab pawg hauv qhov chaw para ntawm lub nplhaib phenyl. 4-MePPP tau muag hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees ua tus tsim tshuaj yaj yeeb hauv xyoo 1990s thiab thaum ntxov 2000s, nrog rau ntau tus lej pyrrolidinophenone derivatives. Txawm hais tias nws tsis tau ua tiav tib lub npe thoob ntiaj teb raws li nws txoj kev paub zoo dua kev sib raug zoo and-PPP thiab MDPV, 4-MePPP tseem pom qee zaum ua ib qho khoom xyaw ntawm grey-lag luam "da dej ntsev \" sib xyaw xws li \ "NRG-3 \" Cov.


Phosphopantetheine , tseem hu ua 4'-phosphopantetheine , yog cov pab pawg neeg prostant ntawm ntau cov acyl cov cab kuj muaj cov kab mob acyl carrier (ACP) ntawm cov roj fatty synthases, ACPs ntawm polyketide synthases, peptidyl carrier proteins (PCP), thiab ntxiv rau lub aryl cab kuj cov nqaijrog (ArCP) ntawm nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). Nws kuj tseem muaj nyob hauv formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase.

Holo-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase:

Hauv cov enzymology thiab molecular biology, lub holo- [acyl-carrier-protein] synthase yog ib qho enzyme uas catalyzes cov tshuaj lom neeg:

CoA- [4'-phosphopantetheine] + apo-acyl cab kuj muaj protein ntau adenosine 3 ', 5'-bisphosphate + holo-acyl cab kuj muaj protein ntau

n 4′33 ″ yog peb qho kev tawm suab los ntawm Asmeskas kev sim nkauj John Cage (1912–1992). Nws tau tsim hauv xyoo 1952, rau cov twj paj nruag los yog ua ke ntawm cov twj paj nruag, thiab cov qhab nia qhia cov neeg ua yeeb yam tsis txhob ua lawv cov twj paj nruag thaum lub sijhawm tag nrho ntawm cov thooj thoob peb ntu. Cov thooj muaj lub suab ntawm cov ib puag ncig uas cov mloog mloog thaum nws ua, txawm hais tias feem ntau pom tau tias yog \ "plaub feeb peb-peb vib nas this ntawm ntsiag to \". Lub npe ntawm daim ntawv hais txog qhov ntev tag nrho hauv feeb thiab feeb ntawm qhov muab kev ua, 4′33 ′ yog qhov ntev tag nrho ntawm thawj qhov kev ua yeeb yam.


n 4′33 ″ yog peb qho kev tawm suab los ntawm Asmeskas kev sim nkauj John Cage (1912–1992). Nws tau tsim hauv xyoo 1952, rau cov twj paj nruag los yog ua ke ntawm cov twj paj nruag, thiab cov qhab nia qhia cov neeg ua yeeb yam tsis txhob ua lawv cov twj paj nruag thaum lub sijhawm tag nrho ntawm cov thooj thoob peb ntu. Cov thooj muaj lub suab ntawm cov ib puag ncig uas cov mloog mloog thaum nws ua, txawm hais tias feem ntau pom tau tias yog \ "plaub feeb peb-peb vib nas this ntawm ntsiag to \". Lub npe ntawm daim ntawv hais txog qhov ntev tag nrho hauv feeb thiab feeb ntawm qhov muab kev ua, 4′33 ′ yog qhov ntev tag nrho ntawm thawj qhov kev ua yeeb yam.


n 4′33 ″ yog peb qho kev tawm suab los ntawm Asmeskas kev sim nkauj John Cage (1912–1992). Nws tau tsim hauv xyoo 1952, rau cov twj paj nruag los yog ua ke ntawm cov twj paj nruag, thiab cov qhab nia qhia cov neeg ua yeeb yam tsis txhob ua lawv cov twj paj nruag thaum lub sijhawm tag nrho ntawm cov thooj thoob peb ntu. Cov thooj muaj lub suab ntawm cov ib puag ncig uas cov mloog mloog thaum nws ua, txawm hais tias feem ntau pom tau tias yog \ "plaub feeb peb-peb vib nas this ntawm ntsiag to \". Lub npe ntawm daim ntawv hais txog qhov ntev tag nrho hauv feeb thiab feeb ntawm qhov muab kev ua, 4′33 ′ yog qhov ntev tag nrho ntawm thawj qhov kev ua yeeb yam.

Chalcone 4'-O-glucosyltransferase:

Chalcone 4'-O-glucosyltransferase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj txheej txheem npe npe UDP-alpha-D-glucose: 2 ', 4,4', 6'-tetrahydroxychalcone 4'-O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase . Qhov enzyme no kuaj cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tshuaj hauv qab no

(1) UDP-alpha-D-piam thaj + 2 ', 4,4', 6'-tetrahydroxychalcone UDP + 2 ', 4,4', 6'-tetrahydroxychalcone 4'-O-beta-D-glucoside
(2) UDP-alpha-D-piam thaj + 2 ', 3,4,4', 6'-pentahydroxychalcone UDP + 2 ', 3,4,4', 6'-pentahydroxychalcone 4'-O-beta-D-glucoside
Chalcone 4'-O-glucosyltransferase is an enzyme with systematic name UDP-alpha-D-glucose:2',4,4',6'-tetrahydroxychalcone 4'-O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

(1) UDP-alpha-D-glucose + 2',4,4',6'-tetrahydroxychalcone

Ro5-4864 ( 4'-chlorodiazepam ) yog ib yam tshuaj uas yog benzodiazepine derivative ntawm diazepam. Txawm li cas los xij tsis zoo li feem ntau benzodiazepine derivatives, Ro5-4864 tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau GABA A receptors thiab tsis muaj teeb meem benzodiazepine zoo li, hloov tau sedative tseem tseem convulsant thiab anxiogenic nyob rau hauv cov teebmeem. Ro5-4864 tau pom tias yog lub hwj chim ligand rau "peripheral benzodiazepine receptor \", tom qab ntawv pauv mus rau mitochondrial translocator protein 18kDa (TSPO). Txawm hais tias nws qhov teeb meem pom kev zoo, los ntawm qis qis Ro5-4864 tau ua pov thawj tias yog neuroprotective thiab tau ua dav siv rau kev tshawb fawb txog lub luag haujlwm ntawm TSPO protein hauv neurotoxicity. Hauv cov kev tshawb fawb hauv vitro thiab tus qauv nas kuj tseem qhia txog qhov ua tau ntawm analgesic, antidepressant, cardioprotective, thiab los tiv thaiv mob qog.


Mearnsetin yog ib tug O -methylated flavonol. Nws tuaj yeem pom hauv Eucalyptus globulus thiab hauv Elaeocarpus lanceofolius . Cov compound muaj cov khoom pov hwm kev tiv thaiv.

Four-wheel drive:

Plaub lub log tsav , kuj hu ua 4x4 lossis 4WD , hais txog kev siv ob-txoj kab tsheb tsav uas muaj peev xwm muab lub zog tig rau txhua lub log ib txhij. Nws yuav tag nrho-sijhawm lossis rau-kev xav tau, thiab feem ntau txuas los ntawm kis hloov chaw muab cov khoom tso tawm ntxiv tsav ncej thiab, feem ntau, cov iav txuas ntxiv.

4+1 architectural view model:

4 + 1 yog qhov pom qauv siv rau "piav qhia txog lub architecture ntawm software-intensive systems, raws li kev siv ntau yam, txuas nrog pom \". Cov kev xav tau siv los piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm cov kev pom ntawm cov neeg muaj feem sib txawv, xws li cov neeg siv khoom kawg, cov tsim tawm, cov tsim qauv tshuab, thiab cov thawj tswj haujlwm. Plaub qhov kev xav ntawm tus qauv yog cov laj thawj, kev txhim kho, kev ua thiab pom lub cev. Ntxiv rau, cov teeb meem siv los xaiv lossis cov xwm txheej raug siv los ua piv txwv lub architecture ua qhov 'ntxiv ib' saib. Li no, tus qauv muaj 4 + 1 views:

  • Kev saib pom : Qhov pom ntawm lub cav yog qhov kev txhawj xeeb nrog lub luag haujlwm uas lub kaw lus muab rau cov neeg siv khoom kawg. UML daim duab yog siv los sawv cev cov qauv kev pom, thiab suav nrog cov duab kos hauv chav kawm, thiab lub xeev cov duab kos.
  • Cov txheej txheem pom : Cov txheej txheem pom cuam tshuam nrog cov kev hloov pauv ntawm lub hauv paus, piav qhia lub txheej txheem ntawm cov txheej txheem thiab lawv sib txuas lus li cas, thiab tsom mus rau lub sijhawm khiav tus cwj pwm ntawm lub system. Cov txheej txheem pom chaw nyob concurrency, kev faib khoom, kev sib txuam, kev ua tau zoo, thiab kev sib tw tau, thiab lwm yam.
  • \ n
  • Kev nthuav dav saib : Qhov kev tsim kho pom tau hais tawm lub kaw lus los ntawm tus programmer txoj kev xav thiab muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog rau kev tswj hwm software. Qhov kev pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua kev ua haujlwm saib xyuas. Nws yuav siv daim UML Daim Duab Caj npab los piav qhia txog cov khoom siv lub cev. UML Daim Duab siv los sawv cev rau txoj kev nthuav dav pom suav nrog Pob Daim Duab.
  • \ n
  • Kev saib lub cev : Lub cev saib ntawm lub cev piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm lub system engineer qhov pom ntawm. Nws muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog cov topology ntawm software Cheebtsam hauv lub cev txheej pov tseg raws li lub cev txuas nrog lub cev sib txuas. Cov pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua pom kev xa tawm. UML daim duab siv los sawv cev rau lub cev saib xam nrog rau daim duab xa mus.
  • \ n
  • Cov xwm txheej : Cov lus piav qhia txog lub vaj tse kos duab yog siv duab txheej txheej me, los yog xwm txheej, uas dhau los ua qhov pom thib tsib. Cov xwm txheej piav qhia ua ntu zus ntawm kev sib cuam tshuam ntawm cov khoom thiab ntawm cov txheej txheem. Lawv raug siv los txheeb txog cov ntsiab khoom kos duab thiab ua piv txwv thiab ua kom raug tus qauv kos duab. Lawv puav leej yog qhov pib ua kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm ib qho qauv vaj tsev. Cov kev pom no tseem muaj npe hu ua kev siv ntaub ntawv pom .
4+1 architectural view model:

4 + 1 yog qhov pom qauv siv rau "piav qhia txog lub architecture ntawm software-intensive systems, raws li kev siv ntau yam, txuas nrog pom \". Cov kev xav tau siv los piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm cov kev pom ntawm cov neeg muaj feem sib txawv, xws li cov neeg siv khoom kawg, cov tsim tawm, cov tsim qauv tshuab, thiab cov thawj tswj haujlwm. Plaub qhov kev xav ntawm tus qauv yog cov laj thawj, kev txhim kho, kev ua thiab pom lub cev. Ntxiv rau, cov teeb meem siv los xaiv lossis cov xwm txheej raug siv los ua piv txwv lub architecture ua qhov 'ntxiv ib' saib. Li no, tus qauv muaj 4 + 1 views:

  • Kev saib pom : Qhov pom ntawm lub cav yog qhov kev txhawj xeeb nrog lub luag haujlwm uas lub kaw lus muab rau cov neeg siv khoom kawg. UML daim duab yog siv los sawv cev cov qauv kev pom, thiab suav nrog cov duab kos hauv chav kawm, thiab lub xeev cov duab kos.
  • Cov txheej txheem pom : Cov txheej txheem pom cuam tshuam nrog cov kev hloov pauv ntawm lub hauv paus, piav qhia lub txheej txheem ntawm cov txheej txheem thiab lawv sib txuas lus li cas, thiab tsom mus rau lub sijhawm khiav tus cwj pwm ntawm lub system. Cov txheej txheem pom chaw nyob concurrency, kev faib khoom, kev sib txuam, kev ua tau zoo, thiab kev sib tw tau, thiab lwm yam.
  • \ n
  • Kev nthuav dav saib : Qhov kev tsim kho pom tau hais tawm lub kaw lus los ntawm tus programmer txoj kev xav thiab muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog rau kev tswj hwm software. Qhov kev pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua kev ua haujlwm saib xyuas. Nws yuav siv daim UML Daim Duab Caj npab los piav qhia txog cov khoom siv lub cev. UML Daim Duab siv los sawv cev rau txoj kev nthuav dav pom suav nrog Pob Daim Duab.
  • \ n
  • Kev saib lub cev : Lub cev saib ntawm lub cev piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm lub system engineer qhov pom ntawm. Nws muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog cov topology ntawm software Cheebtsam hauv lub cev txheej pov tseg raws li lub cev txuas nrog lub cev sib txuas. Cov pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua pom kev xa tawm. UML daim duab siv los sawv cev rau lub cev saib xam nrog rau daim duab xa mus.
  • \ n
  • Cov xwm txheej : Cov lus piav qhia txog lub vaj tse kos duab yog siv duab txheej txheej me, los yog xwm txheej, uas dhau los ua qhov pom thib tsib. Cov xwm txheej piav qhia ua ntu zus ntawm kev sib cuam tshuam ntawm cov khoom thiab ntawm cov txheej txheem. Lawv raug siv los txheeb txog cov ntsiab khoom kos duab thiab ua piv txwv thiab ua kom raug tus qauv kos duab. Lawv puav leej yog qhov pib ua kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm ib qho qauv vaj tsev. Cov kev pom no tseem muaj npe hu ua kev siv ntaub ntawv pom .
4+1 Ensemble:

4 + 1 Ensemble yog album uas yog los ntawm American keyboardist thiab tus kws sau ntawv hu ua Wayne Horvitz tau sau tseg hauv 1996 thiab tau tshaj tawm rau ntawm German daim ntawv lo lub cim. Lub npe ntawm pawg hais txog nws cov neeg koom nrog: plaub tus txiv neej ntaus cov cuab yeej ua suab paj nruag, ntxiv rau ib tus neeg ntxiv los lis lawv cov kev ua yeeb yam nrog ntau yam hluav taws xob hauv lub sijhawm.

4+1 architectural view model:

4 + 1 yog qhov pom qauv siv rau "piav qhia txog lub architecture ntawm software-intensive systems, raws li kev siv ntau yam, txuas nrog pom \". Cov kev xav tau siv los piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm cov kev pom ntawm cov neeg muaj feem sib txawv, xws li cov neeg siv khoom kawg, cov tsim tawm, cov tsim qauv tshuab, thiab cov thawj tswj haujlwm. Plaub qhov kev xav ntawm tus qauv yog cov laj thawj, kev txhim kho, kev ua thiab pom lub cev. Ntxiv rau, cov teeb meem siv los xaiv lossis cov xwm txheej raug siv los ua piv txwv lub architecture ua qhov 'ntxiv ib' saib. Li no, tus qauv muaj 4 + 1 views:

  • Kev saib pom : Qhov pom ntawm lub cav yog qhov kev txhawj xeeb nrog lub luag haujlwm uas lub kaw lus muab rau cov neeg siv khoom kawg. UML daim duab yog siv los sawv cev cov qauv kev pom, thiab suav nrog cov duab kos hauv chav kawm, thiab lub xeev cov duab kos.
  • Cov txheej txheem pom : Cov txheej txheem pom cuam tshuam nrog cov kev hloov pauv ntawm lub hauv paus, piav qhia lub txheej txheem ntawm cov txheej txheem thiab lawv sib txuas lus li cas, thiab tsom mus rau lub sijhawm khiav tus cwj pwm ntawm lub system. Cov txheej txheem pom chaw nyob concurrency, kev faib khoom, kev sib txuam, kev ua tau zoo, thiab kev sib tw tau, thiab lwm yam.
  • \ n
  • Kev nthuav dav saib : Qhov kev tsim kho pom tau hais tawm lub kaw lus los ntawm tus programmer txoj kev xav thiab muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog rau kev tswj hwm software. Qhov kev pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua kev ua haujlwm saib xyuas. Nws yuav siv daim UML Daim Duab Caj npab los piav qhia txog cov khoom siv lub cev. UML Daim Duab siv los sawv cev rau txoj kev nthuav dav pom suav nrog Pob Daim Duab.
  • \ n
  • Kev saib lub cev : Lub cev saib ntawm lub cev piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm lub system engineer qhov pom ntawm. Nws muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog cov topology ntawm software Cheebtsam hauv lub cev txheej pov tseg raws li lub cev txuas nrog lub cev sib txuas. Cov pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua pom kev xa tawm. UML daim duab siv los sawv cev rau lub cev saib xam nrog rau daim duab xa mus.
  • \ n
  • Cov xwm txheej : Cov lus piav qhia txog lub vaj tse kos duab yog siv duab txheej txheej me, los yog xwm txheej, uas dhau los ua qhov pom thib tsib. Cov xwm txheej piav qhia ua ntu zus ntawm kev sib cuam tshuam ntawm cov khoom thiab ntawm cov txheej txheem. Lawv raug siv los txheeb txog cov ntsiab khoom kos duab thiab ua piv txwv thiab ua kom raug tus qauv kos duab. Lawv puav leej yog qhov pib ua kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm ib qho qauv vaj tsev. Cov kev pom no tseem muaj npe hu ua kev siv ntaub ntawv pom .
4+1 architectural view model:

4 + 1 yog qhov pom qauv siv rau "piav qhia txog lub architecture ntawm software-intensive systems, raws li kev siv ntau yam, txuas nrog pom \". Cov kev xav tau siv los piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm cov kev pom ntawm cov neeg muaj feem sib txawv, xws li cov neeg siv khoom kawg, cov tsim tawm, cov tsim qauv tshuab, thiab cov thawj tswj haujlwm. Plaub qhov kev xav ntawm tus qauv yog cov laj thawj, kev txhim kho, kev ua thiab pom lub cev. Ntxiv rau, cov teeb meem siv los xaiv lossis cov xwm txheej raug siv los ua piv txwv lub architecture ua qhov 'ntxiv ib' saib. Li no, tus qauv muaj 4 + 1 views:

  • Kev saib pom : Qhov pom ntawm lub cav yog qhov kev txhawj xeeb nrog lub luag haujlwm uas lub kaw lus muab rau cov neeg siv khoom kawg. UML daim duab yog siv los sawv cev cov qauv kev pom, thiab suav nrog cov duab kos hauv chav kawm, thiab lub xeev cov duab kos.
  • Cov txheej txheem pom : Cov txheej txheem pom cuam tshuam nrog cov kev hloov pauv ntawm lub hauv paus, piav qhia lub txheej txheem ntawm cov txheej txheem thiab lawv sib txuas lus li cas, thiab tsom mus rau lub sijhawm khiav tus cwj pwm ntawm lub system. Cov txheej txheem pom chaw nyob concurrency, kev faib khoom, kev sib txuam, kev ua tau zoo, thiab kev sib tw tau, thiab lwm yam.
  • \ n
  • Kev nthuav dav saib : Qhov kev tsim kho pom tau hais tawm lub kaw lus los ntawm tus programmer txoj kev xav thiab muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog rau kev tswj hwm software. Qhov kev pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua kev ua haujlwm saib xyuas. Nws yuav siv daim UML Daim Duab Caj npab los piav qhia txog cov khoom siv lub cev. UML Daim Duab siv los sawv cev rau txoj kev nthuav dav pom suav nrog Pob Daim Duab.
  • \ n
  • Kev saib lub cev : Lub cev saib ntawm lub cev piav qhia lub kaw lus los ntawm lub system engineer qhov pom ntawm. Nws muaj kev txhawj xeeb nrog cov topology ntawm software Cheebtsam hauv lub cev txheej pov tseg raws li lub cev txuas nrog lub cev sib txuas. Cov pom no tseem muaj lub npe hu ua pom kev xa tawm. UML daim duab siv los sawv cev rau lub cev saib xam nrog rau daim duab xa mus.
  • \ n
  • Cov xwm txheej : Cov lus piav qhia txog lub vaj tse kos duab yog siv duab txheej txheej me, los yog xwm txheej, uas dhau los ua qhov pom thib tsib. Cov xwm txheej piav qhia ua ntu zus ntawm kev sib cuam tshuam ntawm cov khoom thiab ntawm cov txheej txheem. Lawv raug siv los txheeb txog cov ntsiab khoom kos duab thiab ua piv txwv thiab ua kom raug tus qauv kos duab. Lawv puav leej yog qhov pib ua kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm ib qho qauv vaj tsev. Cov kev pom no tseem muaj npe hu ua kev siv ntaub ntawv pom .

Lub cycloaddition yog kev siv tshuaj lom neeg, uas "ob lossis ntau qhov tsis sib xyaw ua ke sib xyaw ua ke nrog kev tsim cov kev sib tw uas muaj voj voog uas muaj qhov txo qis ntawm cov nyiaj ua haujlwm tawm." Ntau tus tab sis tsis yog txhua txhua cycloadditions tau hais kwv txhiaj thiab yog li muaj qhov tsis txaus ntseeg. Cov cim cycloaddition tsis ruaj tsis muaj qhov tsis tseeb. Raws li chav kawm ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntxiv, cycloadditions tso cai carbon – carbon tsim hluav taws xob tsis muaj kev txhim kho ntawm nucleophile lossis electrophile.

4+4 Photocycloaddition:

Lub [4 + 4] Photocycloaddition yog cycloaddition cov tshuaj tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv uas ob lub molecules tsis ua haujlwm txuas ntawm plaub atoms los ntawm txhua lub molecule los tsim lub yim-lub cim hauv nplhaib. Raws li kev siv tshuaj yees duab, nws tau nce qib los ntawm qee yam teeb ci, uas tsis xws li cov txheej txheem thermal.

4, 3, 2, 1:

4, 3, 2, 1 lossis 4321 xa mus rau:

4, 3, 2, 1 (LL Cool J song):

" 4, 3, 2, 1 \" yog ib zaj nkauj los ntawm Queens rapper LL Cool J featuring Method Man of Wu-Tang Clan, Redman, Canibus thiab DMX los ntawm LL Cool J's xya album Phenomenon ua tus thib ob. Nws tau tso lub Kaum Ob Hlis 9, 1997, rau Def Jam Recordings thiab raug tsim tawm los ntawm LL Cool J thiab Erick Sermon. Cov nkauj ib qho tshwj xeeb txuas ntxiv tsis muaj nyob rau ntawm cov nkauj tshwj xeeb txuas ntxiv los ntawm American yav qab teb hip hop artist Master P. Ob zaj nkauj qub thiab txuas ncua tau txuas nrog nkauj music. Lub suab nkauj peaked ntawm tus xov tooj 75 ntawm Billboard Hot 100 , tus naj npawb 10 nyob rau ntawm Hot Rap Singles thiab tus naj npawb 24 Kub R & B / Hip-Hop Songs.

4, 3, 2, 1:

4, 3, 2, 1 lossis 4321 xa mus rau:

4, 3, 2, 1 (k-os song):

" 4, 3, 2, 1 \" yog thawj zaug los ntawm k-os los ntawm cov nkauj Yog!. Cov nkauj nkauj ua yeeb yam hauv lub Ob Hlis 2009. Cov nkauj piv txwv \ "Lub Paj Ntsig (Remix) \" los ntawm The Pharcyde

4, 3, 2, 1:

4, 3, 2, 1 lossis 4321 xa mus rau:

4, 5 and 6:

4, 5 thiab 6 yog chav studio los ntawm saxophonist Jackie McLean kaw rau Prestige Cov Ntaub Ntawv. Nws tau sau rau xyoo 1956 thiab thaum chiv thawj tso xyoo ntawd yog PRLP 7048. Xyoo 1962, cov nkauj tawm tshiab raug tso rau hauv tib lub npe ntawm Prestige sub-label New Jazz Cov Ntaub Ntawv raws li NJ 8279 nrog rau lwm daim npog. Daim nkauj tau tso rau CD thaum xyoo 1991.

Mythology of Lost:

Cov tshooj TV Tshaj Plaws muaj ntau yam tsis sib xws uas tau hais txog kev tshawb fawb keeb kwm los yog supernatural tshwm sim, feem ntau yog hais txog coincidences, synchronicity, déjà vu, sab nqaij daim tawv thiab sab qaum kev tsis sib haum, paradoxes, thiab lwm yam kev xav tsis thoob. Cov tsim ntawm koob tseem ceeb hais txog cov no ua ib feem ntawm qhov kev ntseeg dab neeg ntawm koob.

Mythology of Lost:

Cov tshooj TV Tshaj Plaws muaj ntau yam tsis sib xws uas tau hais txog kev tshawb fawb keeb kwm los yog supernatural tshwm sim, feem ntau yog hais txog coincidences, synchronicity, déjà vu, sab nqaij daim tawv thiab sab qaum kev tsis sib haum, paradoxes, thiab lwm yam kev xav tsis thoob. Cov tsim ntawm koob tseem ceeb hais txog cov no ua ib feem ntawm qhov kev ntseeg dab neeg ntawm koob.

Four, Isère:

Plaub yog ib lub koom txoos nyob hauv Isère chav tuam tsev sab qab teb hnub tuaj.


4 ( plaub ) yog tus lej, lej thiab lej. Nws yog cov naj npawb natural hauv qab 3 thiab ua ntej 5. Nws yog tus lej tsawg tshaj plaws, thiab suav tias yog qhov tsis zoo hauv ntau cov neeg Esxias sab hnub tuaj.

4,000 Weeks' Holiday:

4,000 Lub Limtiam Hnub So yog xyoo 1984 cov nkauj los ntawm Ian Dury & Cov Tub Ntxhais Kawm Paj Nruag rau Polydor Cov Ntaub Ntawv, tshaj tawm rau 27 Lub Ib Hlis 1984.

4th millennium BC:

4 xyoo txhiab BC ncua xyoo 4000 txog 3001 BC. Qee qhov kev hloov loj ntawm tib neeg kev coj noj coj ua nyob rau lub sijhawm no suav nrog lub sijhawm pib ntawm Bronze Age thiab qhov kev tsim muaj ntawv sau, uas tau ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev pib keeb kwm sau tseg.

3,000 hit club:

Lub 3,000 ntaus pob qws yog pab pawg ntawm cov neeg sib tw uas tau sau 3,000 lossis ntau dua cov caij nyoog nquag hauv lawv txoj haujlwm hauv Major League Baseball (MLB). Cap Anson yog thawj zaug ua li ntawd, txawm hais tias nws txoj haujlwm ncaj qha kev ntaus tag nrho yog qhov tsis meej. Ob tus neeg ntaus kis las-Nap Lajoie thiab Honus Wagner-tau mus txog 3,000 tus neeg tsoo thaum lub caij 1914 lub caij. Ty Cobb tau ua tiav li ntawd xyoo 1921 thiab tau dhau los ua tus thawj coj hauv MLB keeb kwm mus txog 4,000 hits hauv 1927, thaum kawg ua tiav nws txoj haujlwm nrog 4,191. Pete Rose, tus thawj coj ntaus nrig tam sim no, yog tus thib ob tus neeg ua haujlwm mus cuag 4,000 tsoo thaum Lub Plaub Hlis 13, 1984 thiab dhau Cobb thaum Lub Cuaj Hli 1985, ua tiav nws txoj haujlwm nrog 4,256. Roberto Clemente txoj haujlwm tau xaus nrog txoj haujlwm 3,000 leej, tau mus txog lub cim kawg ntawm tus thawj coj ntawm nws txoj haujlwm thaum lub Cuaj Hlis 30, 1972.

2nd millennium BC:

Qhov thib ob xyoo txhiab BC ncua xyoo 2000 txog xyoo 1001 BC. nNyob hauv Lub Sijhawm Yav Dhau Los ze ze, nws yog qhov kev hloov ntawm Nruab Nrab mus Txog Lub Hlwb Qaum Ntuj.Qhov Cov Neeg Nyob Sab Nraud ze tau zoo nyob rau hauv keeb kwm kev caij nyoog: \ n Thawj ib nrab xyoo dhau los tswj hwm los ntawm Middle Kingdom ntawm Egypt thiab Babylonia. Tus niam ntawv nthuav dav. \ nThaum lub hauv nruab nrab ntawm lub xyoo txhiab, kev txiav txim tshiab tawm nrog Mycenaean Greek cov thawj coj ntawm Aegean thiab nce Hittite faj tim teb chaws. Qhov kawg ntawm lub xyoo txhiab pom cov Bronze Age piam sij thiab kev hloov mus rau Hlau Hnub Nyoog.


4-Androstadienol , tseem hu ua 4,16-androstadien-3β-ol , yog pherine uas tau tsim kho los ntawm VistaGen Kev Kho Mob, Inc. nyob rau hauv qhov ntswg tshuaj tsuag tsim ( PRN ) rau kev kho mob siab ntsws ntawm kev tsis sib haum xeeb. Nws tseem tab tom tshawb fawb los ntawm VistaGen Cov Ntawv Kho rau kev kho kab mob kev ntxhov siab (GAD) thiab tom qab kev nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv (PTSD). Tus pherine yog ib txoj hauj lwm isomer ntawm lub endogenous pheromone androstadienol. Txij li xyoo 2020, nws yog nyob rau theem III kev soj ntsuam kuaj mob rau kev txhawj xeeb hauv zej zog.


4-Hydroxytestosterone ( 4-OHT ), tseem hu ua 4,17β-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-ib , yog qhov hluavtaws anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) thiab lub zog ntawm testosterone uas tsis tau muaj los ua lag luam. Nws tau thawj daim ntawv pov thawj los ntawm GD Searle & Tuam Txhab hauv xyoo 1955 thiab yog testosterone nrog hydroxy pawg ntawm plaub txoj haujlwm. 4-OHT muaj ntsis anabolic, me androgenic, thiab anti-aromatase thiab zoo ib yam li steroid clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone).


4,21-Dehydrogeissoschizine yog terpene indole alkaloid. Nws ntseeg tias yog qhov ua tau ua ntej rau kev tsim cov tshuaj aspidosperma, corynanthe, thiab iboga chav kawm ntawm terpene indole alkaloids.


Tus lej 4,294,967,295 yog ib qho zauv sib npaug ntawm 2 32 - 1. Nws yog tus lej zoo tag nrho. Nws ua raws 4,294,967,294 thiab ua ntej 4,294,967,296. Nws muaj qhov ntsuas ntawm Cov.

The number 4,294,967,295 is an integer equal to 232 − 1. It is a perfect totient number. It follows 4,294,967,294 and precedes 4,294,967,296. It has a factorization of

Tus lej 4,294,967,295 yog ib qho zauv sib npaug ntawm 2 32 - 1. Nws yog tus lej zoo tag nrho. Nws ua raws 4,294,967,294 thiab ua ntej 4,294,967,296. Nws muaj qhov ntsuas ntawm Cov.

The number 4,294,967,295 is an integer equal to 232 − 1. It is a perfect totient number. It follows 4,294,967,294 and precedes 4,294,967,296. It has a factorization of

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Adriano Castellesi

Adriano Munoz: Adriano Afonso Thiel Munoz yog tus neeg ncaws pob Brazilian uas tau sau tseg ntau tshaj plaws rau nws lub sijhawm hauv...