Wednesday 24 March 2021

Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase


Tetramethylpyrazine , tseem hu ua ligustrazine , yog tshuaj lom neeg cov tshuaj lom pom nyob hauv nattō thiab hauv taum pauv cocoa. Hauv kev tshawb nrhiav kev soj ntsuam, tetramethylpyrazine yog qhov muaj kev hloov pauv ntawm cov organic nyob hauv ib lub hnub qub. Thaum ua kom huv, tetramethylpyrazine yog cov xim tsis muaj xim. Nws yog dej num raws li alkylpyrazine. Nws cov biosynthesis ua rau amination ntawm acetoin, tom kawg muab tau los ntawm pyruvate. Nws ua kom pom cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov nootropic thiab antiinflammatoryis nyob hauv nas.


2,3,5,7-Tetraahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione , tseem hu ua 2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxynaphthoquinone lossis spinochrome B , yog cov organic sib xyaw nrog mis C
, thawm xyoo muab los ntawm 1,4-naphthoquinone los ntawm kev hloov ntawm plaub hydrogen atoms los ntawm hydroxyl (OH) pawg.


2,3,5,7-Tetraahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione , tseem hu ua 2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxynaphthoquinone lossis spinochrome B , yog cov organic sib xyaw nrog mis C
, thawm xyoo muab los ntawm 1,4-naphthoquinone los ntawm kev hloov ntawm plaub hydrogen atoms los ntawm hydroxyl (OH) pawg.


2,3,5,7-Tetraahydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione , tseem hu ua 2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxynaphthoquinone lossis spinochrome B , yog cov organic sib xyaw nrog mis C
, thawm xyoo muab los ntawm 1,4-naphthoquinone los ntawm kev hloov ntawm plaub hydrogen atoms los ntawm hydroxyl (OH) pawg.


TMAs , tseem hu ua trimethoxyamphetamines , yog tsev neeg isomeric psychedelic hallucinogenic tshuaj. Muaj rau 6 qhov sib txawv ntawm TMA uas sib txawv tsuas yog hauv txoj hauj lwm ntawm peb pawg methoxy: TMA, TMA-2, TMA-3, TMA-4, TMA-5, thiab TMA-6. Cov TMAs yog cov qauv ntawm phenethylamine cactus alkaloid mescaline. Cov TMAs raug hloov pauv cov tshuaj amphetamines, txawm li cas los xij, lawv qhov kev coj ua tsis zoo ib yam li ntawm amphetamine uas tsis tau txhawm rau, uas yog qhov muaj zog thiab tsis yog psychedelic. Nws tau tshaj tawm tias qee TMA lub siab tseem ceeb dhau los ntawm ntau qhov kev xav los ntawm kev tu siab rau kev paub txog thiab kev zoo siab. TMA tau xub tsim los ntawm Hav, hauv xyoo 1947. Cov ntaub ntawv hluavtaws piv rau tib neeg cov ntaub ntawv kev ua haujlwm tau luam tawm hauv phau ntawv PiHKAL .


Alkylpyrazines yog cov khoom siv tshuaj lom neeg raws li pyrazine nrog cov qauv sib txawv. Qee yam alkylpyrazines ib txwm muaj ntxhiab ntau yam uas muaj ntxhiab tsw ntau uas feem ntau muaj ntxhiab tsw heev thiab pab txhawb kom muaj kev saj thiab tsw qab ntawm ntau yam khoom noj nrog rau cocoa, cov khoom ci, kas fes thiab cawv. Alkylpyrazines tseem tau tsim thaum lub sijhawm ua noj ntawm qee yam zaub mov ntawm Maillard kev tsis haum.


TMAs , tseem hu ua trimethoxyamphetamines , yog tsev neeg isomeric psychedelic hallucinogenic tshuaj. Muaj rau 6 qhov sib txawv ntawm TMA uas sib txawv tsuas yog hauv txoj hauj lwm ntawm peb pawg methoxy: TMA, TMA-2, TMA-3, TMA-4, TMA-5, thiab TMA-6. Cov TMAs yog cov qauv ntawm phenethylamine cactus alkaloid mescaline. Cov TMAs raug hloov pauv cov tshuaj amphetamines, txawm li cas los xij, lawv qhov kev coj ua tsis zoo ib yam li ntawm amphetamine uas tsis tau txhawm rau, uas yog qhov muaj zog thiab tsis yog psychedelic. Nws tau tshaj tawm tias qee TMA lub siab tseem ceeb dhau los ntawm ntau qhov kev xav los ntawm kev tu siab rau kev paub txog thiab kev zoo siab. TMA tau xub tsim los ntawm Hav, hauv xyoo 1947. Cov ntaub ntawv hluavtaws piv rau tib neeg cov ntaub ntawv kev ua haujlwm tau luam tawm hauv phau ntawv PiHKAL .


2,3-Dimethylhexane yog tus yam ntxwv isomer ntawm octane.


TMAs , tseem hu ua trimethoxyamphetamines , yog tsev neeg isomeric psychedelic hallucinogenic tshuaj. Muaj rau 6 qhov sib txawv ntawm TMA uas sib txawv tsuas yog hauv txoj hauj lwm ntawm peb pawg methoxy: TMA, TMA-2, TMA-3, TMA-4, TMA-5, thiab TMA-6. Cov TMAs yog cov qauv ntawm phenethylamine cactus alkaloid mescaline. Cov TMAs raug hloov pauv cov tshuaj amphetamines, txawm li cas los xij, lawv qhov kev coj ua tsis zoo ib yam li ntawm amphetamine uas tsis tau txhawm rau, uas yog qhov muaj zog thiab tsis yog psychedelic. Nws tau tshaj tawm tias qee TMA lub siab tseem ceeb dhau los ntawm ntau qhov kev xav los ntawm kev tu siab rau kev paub txog thiab kev zoo siab. TMA tau xub tsim los ntawm Hav, hauv xyoo 1947. Cov ntaub ntawv hluavtaws piv rau tib neeg cov ntaub ntawv kev ua haujlwm tau luam tawm hauv phau ntawv PiHKAL .


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin ( TCDD ) yog polychlorinated dibenzo -p- dioxin nrog cov tshuaj lom neeg C
. TCDD ntshiab yog xim tsis muaj xim uas tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw txawv hauv chav tsev kub. Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ua cov khoom tsis xav tau nyob hauv kev kub hnyiab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic lossis ua ib sab khoom hauv organic synthesis.


2,3- ( S ) -Hexahydroxydiphenoyl- d -glucose yog cov tevin hydrolyzable uas tuaj yeem pom hauv Eucalyptus delegatensis , Alpine tshauv (Myrtaceae), hauv Terminalia catappa , Bengal almond, thiab Combretum glutinosum .


Punicalagin yog ellagitannin, ib hom ntawm phenolic compound. Nws pom nyob hauv cov ntawv alpha thiab beta hauv pomegranates, hauv Terminalia catappa thiab Terminalia myriocarpa , thiab hauv Combretum molle , velvet bushwillow, ib hom nroj tsuag muaj nyob hauv South Africa. No peb lub genera yog txhua qhov Myrtales thiab ob qhov kawg yog ob qhov Combretaceae.


2,3- ( S ) -Hexahydroxydiphenoyl- d -glucose yog cov tevin hydrolyzable uas tuaj yeem pom hauv Eucalyptus delegatensis , Alpine tshauv (Myrtaceae), hauv Terminalia catappa , Bengal almond, thiab Combretum glutinosum .


Diarylpropionitrile ( DPN ), tseem hu ua 2,3-bis (p-hydroxyphenyl) propionitrile ( 2,3-BHPPN ), yog cov khoom siv hluavtaws, nonsteroidal, thiab xaiv cov agonist ntawm ERβ ( IC 50 = 15 nM) uas tau siv dav hauv kev tshawb fawb los kawm txog kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov receptor no. Nws yog 70-ntau txoj kev xaiv rau ERβ dhau ERα, thiab muaj 100-fold tsawg kev sib raug zoo rau GPER (GPR30) txheeb ze rau estradiol. DPN tsim cov tshuaj tua kabmob - thiab muaj kev tiv thaiv zoo li cuam tshuam hauv cov tsiaj los ntawm kev ua kom muaj cov kab mob oxytocin endogenous. Thawj zaug tshaj tawm xyoo 2001, DPN yog thawj qhov kev xaiv ERβ agonist los tshawb pom, thiab tau ua raws li prinaberel (ERB-041, WAY-202041), WAY-200070, thiab 8β-VE2 hauv 2004, ERB-196 (WAY-202196) nyob rau xyoo 2005, thiab qee yam phytoestrogens zoo li liquiritigenin thiab nyasol ( cis -hinokiresinol) txij xyoo 2007.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase:

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC , MIPP1 , 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase ) yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj lub npe muaj npe 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H 2 O 2-phospho-D-glycerate + phosphate
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC, MIPP1, 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase) is an enzyme with systematic name 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H2O

2,3-Bis (acetylmercaptomethyl) quinoxaline txais cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv tus mob poliovirus RNA synthesis hauv vitro thiab hauv vivo thiab inhibits tib neeg herpesvirus 1 ntau nyob hauv vitro . Nws tsis cuam tshuam nrog kev ua ke, nkag mus lossis DNA synthesis, tab sis cuam tshuam rau theem tom kawg hauv kab mob sib sau ua ke thiab / lossis kev loj hlob.


Chiraphos yog chiral diphosphine ua haujlwm ua ligand hauv organometallic Chemistry. Qhov no bidentate ligand chelates hlau ntawm ob pawg phosphine. Nws lub npe muab tau los ntawm nws cov lus piav qhia - yog ob qho tib si chiral thiab phosphine . Raws li C 2-txheej txheem ligand , chiraphos muaj ob hom enantiomeric, S , S thiab R , R , txhua tus nrog C 2 symmetry.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.


2,3-Butanediol yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov mis (CH 3 CHOH) 2 . Nws tau faib ua lub vic -diol (glycol). Nws tshwm sim raws li peb lub tso suab, ib chiral khub thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob. Cov ntawv thov suav nrog ua ntej rau ntau yam plastics thiab tshuaj tua kab.


Diacetyl (IUPAC lub npe ua haujlwm: butanedione lossis butane-2,3-dione ) yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj tshuaj (CH 3 CO) 2 . Nws yog cov kua daj los yog ntsuab nrog kua ntxhiab ntawm buttery. Nws yog lub vicinal diketone (ob C = O pawg, ib sab sab) nrog cov qauv tshuaj molecular C 4 H 6 O 2 . Diacetyl tshwm sim ib txwm muaj hauv cov dej cawv thiab ntxiv rau qee yam khoom noj rau nws txoj kev tsw buttery. Diacetyl paub tias ua rau mob ntsws ntsws bronchiolitis obliterans rau cov tib neeg uas tau kis nws nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw ua haujlwm.


Dimethylglyoxime yog ib qho tshuaj lom neeg sib tov uas tau piav qhia los ntawm cov qauv CH 3 C (NOH) C (NOH) CH 3 . Nws cov ntawv luv yog dmgH 2 rau daim ntawv nruab nrab, thiab dmgH rau daim ntawv anionic, qhov twg H sawv rau hydrogen. Cov xim tsis muaj xim yog qhov tsim nyog cov roj carbon dioxide ntawm lub diketone butane-2,3-dione (tseem hu ua diacetyl). DmgH 2 yog siv hauv kev tshuaj ntsuam ntawm palladium lossis nickel. Nws txoj kev sib koom ua ke yog kev theoretical txaus siab raws li qauv rau enzymes thiab raws li catalysts. Ntau yam ligands ntsig txog tuaj yeem npaj los ntawm lwm cov diketones, piv txwv li benzil.

2,3-Butylene carbonate:

2,3-Butylene carbonate yuav xa mus rau:

  • cis -2,3-Butylene carbonate
  • n
  • trans -2,3-Butylene carbonate

2,3-Dichlorophenylpiperazine ( 2,3-DCPP lossis DCPP ) yog tshuaj lom neeg tshuaj lom neeg los ntawm tsev neeg phenylpiperazine. Nws yog ob qho tib si tus txheej txheem ua ntej nyob rau hauv cov khoom hluavtaws ntawm aripiprazole thiab ib qho ntawm nws cov metabolites. Nws tsis meej txog tias 2,3-DCPP yog pharmacologically ua haujlwm zoo li serotonin receptor agonist zoo ib yam li nws nyob ze analogue 3-chlorophenylpiperazine ( m CPP), txawm hais tias nws tau pom tias ua ib feem agonist ntawm dopamine D 2 thiab D 3 receptors Cov.

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid:

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid yog lub ntuj phenol pom nyob rau hauv Phyllanthus acidus thiab hauv dej tsum fern Salvinia molesta . Nws kuj tseem muaj ntau hauv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntawm Flacourtia inermis . Nws yog cov dihydroxybenzoic acid, ib hom ntawm organic compound.nQhov xim tsis muaj xim tshwm sim zoo ib yam, raug tsim los ntawm txoj kev taug kev shikimate. Nws tau koom rau hauv ntau cov siderophores, uas yog cov lwg me me uas cov hlau ions nyuaj heev rau kev nqus mus rau cov kab mob. 2,3-DHB muaj cov pab pawg pab pawg, uas thaum los txiav tawm cov chaw hlau loj, thiab carboxylic acid pawg uas lub nplhaib txuas rau ntau yam scaffolds los ntawm amide cov ntawv cog lus. Muaj suab npe nrov siab siderophore yog enterochelin, uas muaj peb dihydroxybenzoyl hloov chaw txuas nrog depsipeptide ntawm serine.

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid:

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid yog lub ntuj phenol pom nyob rau hauv Phyllanthus acidus thiab hauv dej tsum fern Salvinia molesta . Nws kuj tseem muaj ntau hauv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntawm Flacourtia inermis . Nws yog cov dihydroxybenzoic acid, ib hom ntawm organic compound.nQhov xim tsis muaj xim tshwm sim zoo ib yam, raug tsim los ntawm txoj kev taug kev shikimate. Nws tau koom rau hauv ntau cov siderophores, uas yog cov lwg me me uas cov hlau ions nyuaj heev rau kev nqus mus rau cov kab mob. 2,3-DHB muaj cov pab pawg pab pawg, uas thaum los txiav tawm cov chaw hlau loj, thiab carboxylic acid pawg uas lub nplhaib txuas rau ntau yam scaffolds los ntawm amide cov ntawv cog lus. Muaj suab npe nrov siab siderophore yog enterochelin, uas muaj peb dihydroxybenzoyl hloov chaw txuas nrog depsipeptide ntawm serine.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

2,3-Diaminopropionic acid:

2,3-Diaminopropionic acid ( 2,3-diaminopropionate ) yog cov tsis muaj proteinogenic amino acid muaj nyob hauv qee cov metabolites theem nrab, suav nrog zwittermicin A thiab tuberactinomycin.


2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (lossis DDQ ) yog cov tshuaj lom neeg rov ua nrog tshuaj C 6 Cl 2 (CN) 2 O 2 . Qhov oxidant no pab tau rau lub cev qhuav dej ntawm cov cawv, phenols, thiab ketones steroid hauv cov organic chemistry. DDQ decomposes hauv dej, tab sis yog qhov ruaj khov nyob rau hauv aqueous ntxhia kua qaub.


2,3-Dichlorobutadiene yog cov khoom sib xyaw ua ke nrog cov tshuaj H 2 C = C (C) C (Cl) = CH 2 . Cov kua tsis muaj kob no yog nquag rau polymerization, moreso tshaj 2-chlorobutadiene (chloroprene). Nws yog siv los tsim cov tshuaj pleev ib ce tshwj xeeb. Nws tuaj yeem npaj los ntawm tooj liab-catalyzed isomerization ntawm dichlorobutynes. Hloov ua lwm yam dehydrochlorination ntawm 2,3,4-trichloro-1-butene:

CH 2 = C (Cl) CH (Cl) CH 2 Cl + NaOH → CH 2 = C (Cl) C (Cl) = CH 2 + NaCl + H 2 O

2,3-Dichlorophenylpiperazine ( 2,3-DCPP lossis DCPP ) yog tshuaj lom neeg tshuaj lom neeg los ntawm tsev neeg phenylpiperazine. Nws yog ob qho tib si tus txheej txheem ua ntej nyob rau hauv cov khoom hluavtaws ntawm aripiprazole thiab ib qho ntawm nws cov metabolites. Nws tsis meej txog tias 2,3-DCPP yog pharmacologically ua haujlwm zoo li serotonin receptor agonist zoo ib yam li nws nyob ze analogue 3-chlorophenylpiperazine ( m CPP), txawm hais tias nws tau pom tias ua ib feem agonist ntawm dopamine D 2 thiab D 3 receptors Cov.


Alkylpyrazines yog cov khoom siv tshuaj lom neeg raws li pyrazine nrog cov qauv sib txawv. Qee yam alkylpyrazines ib txwm muaj ntxhiab ntau yam uas muaj ntxhiab tsw ntau uas feem ntau muaj ntxhiab tsw heev thiab pab txhawb kom muaj kev saj thiab tsw qab ntawm ntau yam khoom noj nrog rau cocoa, cov khoom ci, kas fes thiab cawv. Alkylpyrazines tseem tau tsim thaum lub sijhawm ua noj ntawm qee yam zaub mov ntawm Maillard kev tsis haum.


Carbofuran yog ib hom tshuaj tua kab carbamate muaj feem ntau. Nws muaj kev lag luam nyob hauv kev lag luam npe Furadan , los ntawm FMC Corporation thiab Curaterr 10 GR , los ntawm Bayer, thiab lwm yam. Nws yog siv los tswj cov kab hauv ntau cov qoob loo ntawm daim teb, suav nrog cov qos yaj ywm, pob kws thiab taum pauv. Nws yog cov tshuaj tua kab tsuag hauv lub cev, uas txhais tau tias cov nroj tsuag nqus nws los ntawm cov hauv paus hniav, thiab txij ntawd los ntawm cov nroj tsuag faib nws thoob plaws nws cov kabmob uas cov tshuaj tua kab tsuag tau txais. Carbofuran kuj tseem muaj kev tiv tauj cov kab tsuag.


Fustin , qee zaum hu ua "dihydrofisetin \", yog flavonol, yog ib hom flavonoid. Nws tuaj yeem pom hauv cov hluas fustic thiab hauv lacquer ntoo.


2,3-Dihydrofuran yog heterocyclic compound. Nws yog ib qho ntawm qhov yooj yim tshaj plaws ethers thiab txoj hauj lwm isomer ntawm 2,5-dihydrofuran. Nws yog cov tsis muaj xim tsis muaj kua.


Dihydrogossypetin yog ib qho flavanonol, yog ib hom flavonoid.


3,4-Dihydropyran (DHP) yog ib qho kev kho mob heterocyclic nrog cov qauv C 5 H 8 O. Rau lub nplhaib C 5 O rau hauv muaj qhov tsis tseem ceeb nyob ib sab nrog oxygen. Lub isomeric 3,6-dihydropyran muaj methylene sib cais ua ob zaug kev sib luag thiab oxygen. DHP siv rau kev tiv thaiv pab pawg rau haus cawv. Nws yog cov kua tsis muaj xim.


2,3-Dihydrothiepine yog qhov khoob ntawm cov thiepine.


2,3-Dihydrothiophene yog heterocyclic compound thiab cov organosulfur compound nrog cov qauv SC 4 H 6 . Nws yog isomeric nrog cov ntau qhov sib npaug 2,5-dihydrothiophene. Ob qho isomers ntawm dihydrothiophene yog xim tsis muaj dej uas muaj ib qho thioether-zoo li tsw. Nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm lawv cov reactivity, ob lub isomers muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm alkenes thiab thioethers, tau txais cov kev sib ntxiv ntawm cov pa roj carbon thiab oxidation ntawm leej faj. Hauv kev sib piv, thiophene koom nrog hauv cov tshuaj tiv thaiv.

2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid:

2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid yog qhov nruab nrab hauv cov metabolism hauv isoleucine.

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid:

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid yog lub ntuj phenol pom nyob rau hauv Phyllanthus acidus thiab hauv dej tsum fern Salvinia molesta . Nws kuj tseem muaj ntau hauv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntawm Flacourtia inermis . Nws yog cov dihydroxybenzoic acid, ib hom ntawm organic compound.nQhov xim tsis muaj xim tshwm sim zoo ib yam, raug tsim los ntawm txoj kev taug kev shikimate. Nws tau koom rau hauv ntau cov siderophores, uas yog cov lwg me me uas cov hlau ions nyuaj heev rau kev nqus mus rau cov kab mob. 2,3-DHB muaj cov pab pawg pab pawg, uas thaum los txiav tawm cov chaw hlau loj, thiab carboxylic acid pawg uas lub nplhaib txuas rau ntau yam scaffolds los ntawm amide cov ntawv cog lus. Muaj suab npe nrov siab siderophore yog enterochelin, uas muaj peb dihydroxybenzoyl hloov chaw txuas nrog depsipeptide ntawm serine.

2,3-Dihydroxycinnamic acid:

2,3-Dihydroxycinnamic acid yog hydroxycinnamic acid. Nws yog ib qho isomer ntawm caffeic acid.

Glyceric acid:

Glyceric acid yog ntuj peb-carbon suab thaj kua qaub tau txais los ntawm oxidation ntawm glycerol.


3-Methylcatechol yog cov khoom siv tshuaj lom neeg.

2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid:

2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid thiab nws cov ntsev ntsev yog chelating tus neeg sawv cev uas ua rau ntau qhov chaw uas muaj hlau ntau. Lawv cuam tshuam nrog dimercaprol, uas yog lwm tus neeg saib xyuas chelating.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid:

Dimercaptosuccinic acid ( DMSA ), tseem hu ua succimer , yog cov tshuaj siv los kho tshuaj txhuas, muaj tshuaj mercury, thiab arsenic lom. Thaum radiolabeled nrog technetium-99m, nws yog siv ntau hom kev kuaj mob tawm. Ib txoj kev kawm tag nrho yog 19 hnub ntawm kev siv tshuaj los ntawm qhov ncauj. Ntau tshaj ob lub lim tiam yuav tsum dhau ua ntej yuav mus kawm chav thib ob.


DMMDA-2 yog psychedelic phenethylamine sib tham los ntawm Alexander Shulgin hauv nws phau ntawv PiHKAL ; txawm li cas los xij, nws tsis yog thawj coj los ua ke nws.


Dimethylbutadiene , raug cai hu ua 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene , yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov qauv tshuaj (CH 3 ) 2 C 4 H 4 . Nws tsis muaj kob ua kua uas tau txais txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv keeb kwm thaum ntxov ntawm cov hluavtaws roj hmab. Nws yog tam sim no ib qho tshwj xeeb reagent.


Dimethylbutadiene , raug cai hu ua 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene , yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov qauv tshuaj (CH 3 ) 2 C 4 H 4 . Nws tsis muaj kob ua kua uas tau txais txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv keeb kwm thaum ntxov ntawm cov hluavtaws roj hmab. Nws yog tam sim no ib qho tshwj xeeb reagent.


Tetramethylethylene yog hydrocarbon nrog tus qauv Me 2 C = CMe 2 (Me = methyl). Cov kua tsis muaj kob, nws yog qhov yooj yim tetrasubstituted alkene.


2,3-Dimethylbutane yog isomer ntawm hexane. Nws muaj cov tshuaj ua kom muaj tshuaj (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH (CH 3 ) 2 . Nws yog cov kua uas tsis muaj kob uas ua kom sov li ntawm 57.9 ° C.


2,3-Dimethylhexane yog tus yam ntxwv isomer ntawm octane.


2,3-Epoxybutane yog cov tshuaj sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj CH 3 CH (O) CHCH 3 . Nws yog ib qho epoxide. Lub chaw sib xyaw ua ke yog peb lub stereoisomers, ib khub ntawm enantiomers thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob.


2,3-Dimethylpentane yog cov organic sib tov ntawm cov pa roj carbon thiab hydrogen nrog tshuaj C
, ntau qhov ncaj qha CH
- CH (CH
- CH (CH
- CH
- CH
: ib qho qauv ntawm pentane nrog cov pab pawg methyl - CH
hloov cov hydrogen atoms ntawm carbon atoms 2 thiab 3. Nws yog alkane, ib qho muaj kuab muaj roj av ntau; tshwj xeeb, ib qho ntawm isomers ntawm heptane.


Alkylpyrazines yog cov khoom siv tshuaj lom neeg raws li pyrazine nrog cov qauv sib txawv. Qee yam alkylpyrazines ib txwm muaj ntxhiab ntau yam uas muaj ntxhiab tsw ntau uas feem ntau muaj ntxhiab tsw heev thiab pab txhawb kom muaj kev saj thiab tsw qab ntawm ntau yam khoom noj nrog rau cocoa, cov khoom ci, kas fes thiab cawv. Alkylpyrazines tseem tau tsim thaum lub sijhawm ua noj ntawm qee yam zaub mov ntawm Maillard kev tsis haum.


2,3-Dinitrophenol ( 2,3-DNP ) yog cov khoom siv sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj HOC 6 H 3 (TSIS MUAJ 2 ) 2 .


2,3-Diphenylpropylamine yog ib hom tshuaj diphenylpropylamine.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.


2,3-Epoxybutane yog cov tshuaj sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj CH 3 CH (O) CHCH 3 . Nws yog ib qho epoxide. Lub chaw sib xyaw ua ke yog peb lub stereoisomers, ib khub ntawm enantiomers thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob.


2,3-Epoxybutane yog cov tshuaj sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj CH 3 CH (O) CHCH 3 . Nws yog ib qho epoxide. Lub chaw sib xyaw ua ke yog peb lub stereoisomers, ib khub ntawm enantiomers thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob.


Isoxazole yog azole nrog ib tus oxygen atom ib sab ntawm nitrogen. Nws tseem yog chav kawm ntawm cov sib txuas uas muaj lub nplhaib no. Isoxazolyl yog qhov tsis paub zoo dhau los ntawm isoxazole.


2,3-Methylenedioxyamphetamine ( 2,3-MDA ) lossis ORTHO-MDA yog amphetamine derivative uas tau hais hauv PIHKAL raws li cov tshuaj muaj zog thiab kav ntev, tab sis muaj tsawg los yog tsis muaj qhov cuam tshuam nrog cov tshuaj zoo dua - paub cov qauv isomer MDA.


2,3-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ( 2,3-MDMA ) yog qhov chaw nyob chaw ntawm cov tshuaj ua si 3,4-MDMA.


2,3-Methylenedioxyamphetamine ( 2,3-MDA ) lossis ORTHO-MDA yog amphetamine derivative uas tau hais hauv PIHKAL raws li cov tshuaj muaj zog thiab kav ntev, tab sis muaj tsawg los yog tsis muaj qhov cuam tshuam nrog cov tshuaj zoo dua - paub cov qauv isomer MDA.


2,3-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ( 2,3-MDMA ) yog qhov chaw nyob chaw ntawm cov tshuaj ua si 3,4-MDMA.


( S ) -2,3-Oxidosqualene yog ib qho nruab nrab hauv kev sib txuas ntawm cov cell membrane sterol precursors lanosterol thiab cycloartenol, nrog rau saponins. Nws tsim thaum squalene yog oxidized los ntawm enzyme squalene monooxygenase. 2,3-Oxidosqualene yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm ntau cov oxidosqualene cyclases, suav nrog lanosterol synthase, uas ua cov lanosterol, ua ntej rau cov rog.

Quinolinic acid:

Quinolinic acid , tseem hu ua pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, yog dicarboxylic acid nrog pyridine caj qaum. Nws yog xim tsis muaj xim. Nws yog lub biosynthetic txheej txheem ua ntej rau nicotine.


( S ) -2,3-Oxidosqualene yog ib qho nruab nrab hauv kev sib txuas ntawm cov cell membrane sterol precursors lanosterol thiab cycloartenol, nrog rau saponins. Nws tsim thaum squalene yog oxidized los ntawm enzyme squalene monooxygenase. 2,3-Oxidosqualene yog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm ntau cov oxidosqualene cyclases, suav nrog lanosterol synthase, uas ua cov lanosterol, ua ntej rau cov rog.

2,3-Wittig rearrangement:

Lub [2,3] -Wittig kev rov kho dua tshiab yog kev hloov pauv ntawm allylic ether rau hauv kev haus cawv tsis raws li txoj kev nyiam ntawm kev ua yeeb yaj kiab, kev hais lus sib luag. Vim tias qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv yog sib dhos, nws ua kom pom kev siab ntawm lub suab stereocontrol, thiab tuaj yeem ua haujlwm thaum ntxov hauv cov kab hluavtaws los tsim cov stereochemistry. Tus Wittig kho dua tshiab yuav tsum tau ua tej yam kev mob yooj yim, txawm li cas los xij, raws li kev cuam tshuam ntawm lub cev sib txawv yog qhov tseem ceeb. [1,2] -Txoj kev ua rov qab yog txoj kev sib tw.


2,3-Xylidine yog cov organic sib xyaw nrog cov qauv C 6 H 3 (CH 3 ) 2 NH 2 . Nws yog ib qho ntawm ob peb isomeric xylidines. Nws yog cov kua nyeem uas tsis muaj kob uas tsis muaj kob. Cov tshuaj sib txuas yog siv rau hauv kev tsim cov tshuaj mefenamic acid thiab tshuaj tua kab xylachlor.


Indole yog cov tshuaj lom neeg muaj kabmob uas muaj ntxhiab sib xyaw ua ke nrog cov qauv C 8 H 7 N. Nws muaj cov qauv kev caij tsheb kauj vab, muaj li ntawm rau-ntiv nplhaib benzene ntiv nplhaib fused mus rau tsib lub cim npe pyrrole nplhaib. Indole yog dav faib rau hauv ib puag ncig ntuj thiab tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm ntau hom kab mob. Raws li kev cuam tshuam cov teeb liab molecule, indole tswj hwm ntau yam ntawm cov kab mob physiology, suav nrog spore tsim, plasmid stability, tsis kam rau cov tshuaj, biofilm tsim, thiab virulence. Cov amino acid tryptophan yog ib qho indole derivative thiab tus txheej txheem ua ntej ntawm cov neurotransmitter serotonin.


2,3-Bis (acetylmercaptomethyl) quinoxaline txais cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv tus mob poliovirus RNA synthesis hauv vitro thiab hauv vivo thiab inhibits tib neeg herpesvirus 1 ntau nyob hauv vitro . Nws tsis cuam tshuam nrog kev ua ke, nkag mus lossis DNA synthesis, tab sis cuam tshuam rau theem tom kawg hauv kab mob sib sau ua ke thiab / lossis kev loj hlob.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid:

Dimercaptosuccinic acid ( DMSA ), tseem hu ua succimer , yog cov tshuaj siv los kho tshuaj txhuas, muaj tshuaj mercury, thiab arsenic lom. Thaum radiolabeled nrog technetium-99m, nws yog siv ntau hom kev kuaj mob tawm. Ib txoj kev kawm tag nrho yog 19 hnub ntawm kev siv tshuaj los ntawm qhov ncauj. Ntau tshaj ob lub lim tiam yuav tsum dhau ua ntej yuav mus kawm chav thib ob.

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

Bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase:

Hauv cov enzymology, bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase (EC ) yog ib qho enzyme uas catalyzes cov tshuaj lom neeg lub cev

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H 2 O 3-phospho-D-glycerate + phosphate
In enzymology, a bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H2O
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase:

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC , MIPP1 , 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase ) yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj lub npe muaj npe 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H 2 O 2-phospho-D-glycerate + phosphate
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC, MIPP1, 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase) is an enzyme with systematic name 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H2O
2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase:

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC , MIPP1 , 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase ) yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj lub npe muaj npe 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H 2 O 2-phospho-D-glycerate + phosphate
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase (EC, MIPP1, 2,3-BPG 3-phosphatase) is an enzyme with systematic name 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 3-phosphohydrolase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + H2O
2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid:

2,3-Bisphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-BPG ), tseem hu ua 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3-DPG ), yog peb-carbon isomer ntawm glycolytic nruab nrab 1,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid (1, 3-BPG). 2,3-BPG muaj nyob hauv tib neeg cov ntshav liab ntawm kwv yees li 5 mmol / L. Nws khi nrog ntau dua kev sib raug zoo rau deoxygenated hemoglobin ntau dua li nws ua rau oxygenated hemoglobin vim kev sib txawv: kev sib txawv: 2,3-BPG haum hauv lub deoxygenated hemoglobin conformation, tab sis tsis zoo ib yam li cov pa oxygen conformation. Nws cuam tshuam nrog deoxygenated hemoglobin beta subunits thiab yog li nws txo qis kev cuam tshuam rau oxygen thiab allosterically txhawb kev tso tawm ntawm cov pa oxygen uas tseem tshuav nyob rau hauv hemoglobin; yog li nws txhim kho lub peev xwm ntawm RBCs tso cov pa oxygen nyob ze cov ntaub so ntswg uas xav tau nws tshaj plaws. 2,3-BPG yog li no cov txiaj ntsig txig.


2,3-Butanediol yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov mis (CH 3 CHOH) 2 . Nws tau faib ua lub vic -diol (glycol). Nws tshwm sim raws li peb lub tso suab, ib chiral khub thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob. Cov ntawv thov suav nrog ua ntej rau ntau yam plastics thiab tshuaj tua kab.

Butanediol fermentation:

2,3- Butanediol fermentation yog anaerobic fermentation ntawm qabzib nrog 2,3-butanediol ua ib qho ntawm cov khoom lag luam kawg. Zuag qhia tag nrho stoichiometry ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv yog

2 pyruvate + NADH -> 2 CO 2 + 2,3-butanediol.

Diacetyl (IUPAC lub npe ua haujlwm: butanedione lossis butane-2,3-dione ) yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov tshuaj ua kom muaj tshuaj (CH 3 CO) 2 . Nws yog cov kua daj los yog ntsuab nrog kua ntxhiab ntawm buttery. Nws yog lub vicinal diketone (ob C = O pawg, ib sab sab) nrog cov qauv tshuaj molecular C 4 H 6 O 2 . Diacetyl tshwm sim ib txwm muaj hauv cov dej cawv thiab ntxiv rau qee yam khoom noj rau nws txoj kev tsw buttery. Diacetyl paub tias ua rau mob ntsws ntsws bronchiolitis obliterans rau cov tib neeg uas tau kis nws nyob rau hauv ib qho chaw ua haujlwm.


2,3-Butanediol yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov mis (CH 3 CHOH) 2 . Nws tau faib ua lub vic -diol (glycol). Nws tshwm sim raws li peb lub tso suab, ib chiral khub thiab meso isomer. Txhua yog cov kua tsis muaj kob. Cov ntawv thov suav nrog ua ntej rau ntau yam plastics thiab tshuaj tua kab.


Catechin yog flavan-3-ol, ib hom ntawm ntuj phenol thiab antioxidant. Nws yog cov nroj tsuag theem nrab metabolite. Nws belongs rau cov pab pawg ntawm flavan-3-ols, ib feem ntawm tsev neeg muaj tshuaj lom neeg ntawm flavonoids.

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase:

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj npe txheej txheem 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate 2-epimerase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-mannuronate
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase is an enzyme with systematic name 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate 2-epimerase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase:

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj npe txheej txheem 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate 2-epimerase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-mannuronate
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase is an enzyme with systematic name 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-alpha-D-glucuronate 2-epimerase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase:

Hauv cov enzymology, diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase (EC ) yog ib qho enzyme uas catalyzes cov tshuaj lom neeg lub cev

2,3-diaminopropanoate + H 2 O pyruvate + 2 NH 3
In enzymology, a diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction

2,3-diaminopropanoate + H2O

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Adriano Castellesi

Adriano Munoz: Adriano Afonso Thiel Munoz yog tus neeg ncaws pob Brazilian uas tau sau tseg ntau tshaj plaws rau nws lub sijhawm hauv...