Wednesday 28 July 2021

Aczo District


Ceramidase yog ib qho enzyme uas ua kom cov roj ntsha tsis zoo los ntawm ceramide, ua rau sphingosine (SPH) uas nyeg yog phosphorylated los ntawm sphingosine kinase los ua sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P).


Acylsugars yog ib pab pawg ntawm tsob ntoo-cog kev tiv thaiv theem nrab cov khoom noj uas tsis muaj nitrogen. Lawv feem ntau muaj aliphatic acyl pawg ntawm tsawg rau nruab nrab saw ntev esterified rau hydroxyl pawg ntawm qabzib lossis sucrose. Lub xub ntiag ntawm xws li pawg acyl muab cov tebchaw hydrophobic zog. Pab pawg ntawm cov tebchaw no tau kawm ntau yam hauv cov txiv lws suav thiab cov hom muaj feem xyuam, nyob rau hauv cov tebchaw no tsim thiab zais cov khoom sib txawv ntawm trichomes ntawm cov nplooj ntoo thiab cov qia nto. Cov. Hauv tshwj xeeb, cov paj no tau pom tias cuam tshuam cov kab tsuag muaj kab tsuag ntau tawm tsam thrips kev puas tsuaj. Nws ntseeg tau tias acylsugars muab lub cev thiab / lossis tshuaj tiv thaiv tshuaj rau cov nroj tsuag.


Acyltransferase yog ib hom transferase enzyme uas ua raws li cov pawg acyl.

UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase:

UDP-3-O- (3-hydroxymyristoyl) glucosamine N-acyltransferase yog ib qho enzyme uas muaj txheej txheem npe (3R) -3-hydroxymyristoyl- (acyl-carrier protein): UDP-3-O- (-3-hydroxymyristoyl) -alpha -D-glucosamine N-acetyltransferase . Cov enzyme no tshuaj kuaj cov tshuaj hauv qab no

(3R) -3-hydroxymyristoyl- [protein acyl-carrier protein] + UDP-3-O - [(3R) -3-hydroxymyristoyl] -alpha-D-glucosamine UDP-2,3-bis [O- (3R) -3-hydroxymyristoyl] -alpha-D-glucosamine + holo- [acyl-carrier protein]
UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase is an enzyme with systematic name (3R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl-(acyl-carrier protein):UDP-3-O-( -3-hydroxymyristoyl)-alpha-D-glucosamine N-acetyltransferase. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

(3R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] + UDP-3-O-[(3R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl]-alpha-D-glucosamine
Acyltransferase like 2:

Acyltransferase zoo li 2 yog ib qho enzyme uas hloov lysophospatidylcholine thiab phosphatidylcholine.


Acyltransferase yog ib hom transferase enzyme uas ua raws li cov pawg acyl.


Acylureas yog ib chav kawm ntawm cov tshuaj lom neeg cov tshuaj lom neeg los ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm urea.


Acylureas yog ib chav kawm ntawm cov tshuaj lom neeg cov tshuaj lom neeg los ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm urea.


Acymatopus yog hom noob yoov hauv tsev neeg Dolichopodidae.

Lacydes (moth):

Lacydes yog tus tsaj ntawm npauj npauj hauv tsev neeg Erebidae teeb tsa los ntawm Francis Walker thaum xyoo 1855.


Acynodon yog ib hom tsiaj tu noob ntawm cov tsiaj kwj deg kwj deg . Thaum xub thawj piav qhia nws tau muab tso rau hauv tsev neeg Alligatoridae, tab sis txij li tau raug muab faib ua ib qho globidontan. Nws yog tus qub tshaj thiab feem ntau txheej thaum ub lub ntiaj teb paub txog niaj hnub no, cov pob txha pob txha los ntawm Fabkis, Spain, Ltalis, thiab Slovenia. Acynodon thawj zaug tshwm sim thaum ntxov Campanian theem ntawm Late Cretaceous thiab tau ploj mus thaum lub sijhawm Cretaceous – Paleogene ploj ntais ntawm Cretaceous-Paleogene ciam teb. Pob txha taub hau ntawm Acynodon yog qhov tsis tshua muaj neeg brevirostrine; nws muaj lub luv luv thiab dav ntau qhov ntswg piv rau lwm cov tsiaj me. Nws cov hniav dag tau zoo heev, nrog cov hniav txha hniav laus thiab qhov tsis muaj maxillary thiab cov hniav caniniform cov hniav, txawm tias yog kev yoog rau noj ntawm cov prey qeeb nrog lub plhaub tawv. Cov osteoderms paravertebral ntawm Acynodon tau txawv dua ob-keeled.


Acynodon yog ib hom tsiaj tu noob ntawm cov tsiaj kwj deg kwj deg . Thaum xub thawj piav qhia nws tau muab tso rau hauv tsev neeg Alligatoridae, tab sis txij li tau raug muab faib ua ib qho globidontan. Nws yog tus qub tshaj thiab feem ntau txheej thaum ub lub ntiaj teb paub txog niaj hnub no, cov pob txha pob txha los ntawm Fabkis, Spain, Ltalis, thiab Slovenia. Acynodon thawj zaug tshwm sim thaum ntxov Campanian theem ntawm Late Cretaceous thiab tau ploj mus thaum lub sijhawm Cretaceous – Paleogene ploj ntais ntawm Cretaceous-Paleogene ciam teb. Pob txha taub hau ntawm Acynodon yog qhov tsis tshua muaj neeg brevirostrine; nws muaj lub luv luv thiab dav ntau qhov ntswg piv rau lwm cov tsiaj me. Nws cov hniav dag tau zoo heev, nrog cov hniav txha hniav laus thiab qhov tsis muaj maxillary thiab cov hniav caniniform cov hniav, txawm tias yog kev yoog rau noj ntawm cov prey qeeb nrog lub plhaub tawv. Cov osteoderms paravertebral ntawm Acynodon tau txawv dua ob-keeled.


Acynodon yog ib hom tsiaj tu noob ntawm cov tsiaj kwj deg kwj deg . Thaum xub thawj piav qhia nws tau muab tso rau hauv tsev neeg Alligatoridae, tab sis txij li tau raug muab faib ua ib qho globidontan. Nws yog tus qub tshaj thiab feem ntau txheej thaum ub lub ntiaj teb paub txog niaj hnub no, cov pob txha pob txha los ntawm Fabkis, Spain, Ltalis, thiab Slovenia. Acynodon thawj zaug tshwm sim thaum ntxov Campanian theem ntawm Late Cretaceous thiab tau ploj mus thaum lub sijhawm Cretaceous – Paleogene ploj ntais ntawm Cretaceous-Paleogene ciam teb. Pob txha taub hau ntawm Acynodon yog qhov tsis tshua muaj neeg brevirostrine; nws muaj lub luv luv thiab dav ntau qhov ntswg piv rau lwm cov tsiaj me. Nws cov hniav dag tau zoo heev, nrog cov hniav txha hniav laus thiab qhov tsis muaj maxillary thiab cov hniav caniniform cov hniav, txawm tias yog kev yoog rau noj ntawm cov prey qeeb nrog lub plhaub tawv. Cov osteoderms paravertebral ntawm Acynodon tau txawv dua ob-keeled.


Sansevieria yog keeb kwm pom txog cov genus ntawm cov nroj tsuag paj, ib txwm nyob rau Africa, tshwj xeeb yog Madagascar, thiab yav qab teb Asia, tam sim no suav nrog cov genus Dracaena vim yog kev tshawb fawb molecular phylogenetic. Cov npe siv rau 70 lossis yog hom tsiaj yav tas los muab tso rau hauv cov genus suav nrog niam tais tus nplaig, dab ntxwg nyoog tus nplaig, jinn tus nplaig, hneev hlua hemp, cog tsob nroj thiab tus nplaig nab . Hauv APG III kev faib hom kab ke, Dracaena muab tso rau hauv tsev neeg Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae. Nws tau kuj tau tso rau hauv lub qub tsev neeg Dracaenaceae.


Acyperas yog genus ntawm snout npauj hauv subfamily Galleriinae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm George Hampson xyoo 1901 thiab paub los ntawm Papua New Guinea thiab Java, Indonesia.

Acyperas aurantiacella:

Acyperas aurantiacella yog ib hom ntawm snout npauj hauv genus Acyperas . Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm George Hampson xyoo 1901 thiab paub los ntawm Papua New Guinea thiab D'Entrecasteaux Islands.

Acyperas rubrella:

Acyperas rubrella yog hom kab npauj npauj hauv cov genus Acyperas . Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm George Hampson xyoo 1901 thiab paub los ntawm Indonesia.

Pindus (city):

n Pindos lossis Pindus , tseem hu ua Acyphas lossis Akyphas (Ἀκύφας), yog ib lub nroog qub thiab polis (nroog-xeev) ntawm tim Nkij teb chaws, yog ib lub nroog ntawm tetrapolis ntawm Doris, nyob rau ib qho dej ntawm tib lub npe, uas ntws mus rau hauv Lub Cephissus nyob ze Lilaea. Strabo, Theopompus, thiab Stephanus ntawm Byzantium hu ua nroog Akyphas. Hauv ib nqe lus Strabo hais tias Pindus pw saum Erineus, thiab lwm qhov nws tso nws hauv cheeb tsam Oetaea; nws yog, yog li ntawd, ntxim nyiam tias lub nroog sawv ntawm qaum toj, ze ntawm qhov chaw ntawm tus dej hauv roob.

Acyphas (moth):

Acyphas yog noob caj dab ntawm tussock npauj hauv tsev neeg Erebidae tsa los ntawm Jacob Hübner xyoo 1819.

Orgyia leucostigma:

Orgyia leucostigma , npauj dawb-cim tussock npauj , yog npauj hauv tsev neeg Erebidae. Cov tsiaj thawj zaug tau piav qhia los ntawm James Edward Smith hauv 1797. Tus kab ntsig muaj feem ntau tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau lub caij ntuj sov lig rau sab hnub tuaj North America, ncua deb li sab hnub poob xws li Texas, California, thiab Alberta.

Acyphas semiochrea:

Acyphas semiochrea , omnivorous tussock npauj , yog npauj ntawm subfamily Lymantriinae thawj zaug tau piav qhia los ntawm Gottlieb Lub Yim Hli Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer hauv 1855. Nws pom nyob ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv Australia feem ntau, suav nrog: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania , Victoria thiab Western Australia.


Acyphoderes yog hom kab mob ntawm cov kab mob hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae, uas muaj cov tsiaj hauv qab no:

  • Acyphoderes plab (Olivier, 1795)
  • n
  • Acyphoderes acutipennis Thomson, 1860
  • Acyphoderes amoena Chemsak & Linsley, xyoo 1979
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes auricapilla Fisher, 1947
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes aurulenta (Kirby, 1818)
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes ayalai Chemsak & Linsley, 1988
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes bayanicus Giesbert, 1991
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes carinicollis Bates, 1873
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes cracentis Chemsak & Noguera, 1997
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes cribricollis Bates, 1892
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes crinita (Klug, 1825)
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes dehiscens Chemsak, 1997
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes delicata Horn, 1894
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes fulgida Chemsak & Linsley, 1979
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes tsho khuam (Klug, 1825)
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes itaiuba Martins & Galileo, 2004
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes longicollis Chemsak & Noguera, 1993
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes magna Giesbert, 1991
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes odyneroides Dawb, 1855
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes parva Chemsak & Linsley, xyoo 1979
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes prolixa Chemsak & Linsley, xyoo 1979
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes rubrohirsutotibialis Tippmann, 1953
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes kev sib deev Linsley, 1934
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes suavis Bates, 1885
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes synoecae Chemsak & Noguera, 1997
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes velutina Bates, 1885
  • \ n
  • Acyphoderes yucateca (Hnub (18, 1892)
Acyphoderes abdominalis:

Acyphoderes ពោះ yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Olivier hauv 1795.

Acyphoderes acutipennis:

Acyphoderes acutipennis yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav los ntawm Thomson thaum xyoo 1860.

Acyphoderes amoena:

Acyphoderes amoena yog ib hom tsiaj hauv cov tsiaj hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Linsley xyoo 1979.

Acyphoderes auricapilla:

Acyphoderes auricapilla yog ib hom tsiaj hauv cov tsiaj hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Fisher nyob rau xyoo 1947.

Acyphoderes aurulenta:

Acyphoderes aurulenta yog hom kab nyob hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm William Kirby hauv 1818.

Acyphoderes ayalai:

Acyphoderes ayalai yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Linsley xyoo 1988.

Acyphoderes bayanicus:

Acyphoderes bayanicus yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Giesbert xyoo 1991.

Acyphoderes carinicollis:

Acyphoderes carinicollis yog ib hom tsiaj hauv cov tsiaj hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Henry Walter Bates thaum xyoo 1873.

Acyphoderes cracentis:

Acyphoderes cracentis yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Noguera xyoo 1997.

Acyphoderes cribricollis:

Acyphoderes cribricollis yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav los ntawm Bates thaum xyoo 1892.

Acyphoderes crinita:

Acyphoderes crinita yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug thaum xyoo 1825.

Acyphoderes dehiscens:

Acyphoderes dehiscens yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak xyoo 1997.

Acyphoderes delicata:

Acyphoderes delicata yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav los ntawm Horn xyoo 1894.

Acyphoderes fulgida:

Acyphoderes fulgida yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Linsley xyoo 1979.

Acyphoderes hirtipes:

Acyphoderes hirtipes yog hom tsiaj kab hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug thaum xyoo 1825.

Acyphoderes itaiuba:

Acyphoderes itaiuba yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Martins thiab Galileo hauv 2004.

Acyphoderes longicollis:

Acyphoderes longicollis yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Noguera xyoo 1993.

Acyphoderes magna:

Acyphoderes magna yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Giesbert xyoo 1991.

Acyphoderes odyneroides:

Acyphoderes odyneroides yog hom kab nyob hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Dawb hauv 1855.

Acyphoderes parva:

Acyphoderes parva yog hom kab hauv yub hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Linsley xyoo 1979.

Acyphoderes prolixa:

Acyphoderes prolixa yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Linsley xyoo 1979.

Acyphoderes rubrohirsutotibialis:

Acyphoderes rubrohirsutotibialis yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Tippmann xyoo 1953.

Acyphoderes sexualis:

Acyphoderes sexualis yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Linsley xyoo 1934.

Acyphoderes suavis:

Acyphoderes suavis yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav los ntawm Bates thaum xyoo 1885.

Acyphoderes synoecae:

Acyphoderes synoecae yog hom kab nyob hauv yub tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Chemsak thiab Noguera xyoo 1997.

Acyphoderes velutina:

Acyphoderes velutina yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev neeg Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav qhia los ntawm Henry Walter Bates thaum xyoo 1885.

Acyphoderes yucateca:

Acyphoderes yucateca yog ib hom kab ntawm cov kab no hauv tsev Cerambycidae. Nws tau piav los ntawm Bates thaum xyoo 1892.


Pterophorus yog tus npauj npauj hauv tsev neeg Pterophoridae.


Lub suab lus malapropism yog kev siv cov lus tsis raug ntawm qhov chaw ntawm ib lo lus nrog lub suab zoo sib xws, uas ua rau lub suab tsis raug, qee zaum hais lus tsis zoo. Ib qho piv txwv yog cov lus tshaj tawm los ntawm cov neeg ua si ntaus kis las Yogi Berra, "Texas muaj cov npav siv hluav taws xob ntau", es tsis yog \ "xaiv tsa pov npav \". Malapropisms feem ntau tshwm sim raws li qhov yuam kev hauv kev hais lus ntuj thiab qee zaum yog lub luag haujlwm ntawm kev tshaj tawm xov xwm, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum ua los ntawm cov nom tswv lossis lwm tus neeg muaj txiaj ntsig. Tus Kws Hais Txog Donald Davidson tau hais tias malapropisms qhia cov txheej txheem nyuaj uas cov hlwb txhais cov kev xav ua hom lus.

Acyrthosiphon gossypii:

Melon aphid , tseem hu ua paj rwb aphid , yog aphid hauv superfamily Aphidoidea hauv kev txiav txim Hemiptera. Nws yog tus kab uas tseeb thiab nqus tau kua txiv los ntawm cov nroj tsuag. Nws yog pom los ntawm Is Nrias teb, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, thiab South Africa.

Acyrthosiphon kondoi:

Acyrthosiphon kondoi , xiav alfalfa aphid , tseem hu ua bluegreen aphid , yog aphid nyob rau hauv superfamily Aphidoidea hauv kev txiav txim Hemiptera. Nws yog cov kab uas muaj tseeb thiab nqus cov kua ntoo los ntawm cov nroj tsuag leguminous, tshwj xeeb yog alfalfa.

Acyrthosiphon pisum:

Acyrthosiphon pisum , feem ntau hu ua pea aphid , yog kab kua ntoo hauv tsev neeg Aphididae. Nws tau pub rau ntau hom tsiaj ntawm legumes thoob ntiaj teb, suav nrog cov qoob loo nog zaub, xws li pea, clover, alfalfa, thiab taum dav, thiab Qib ntawm aphid hom ntawm qhov tseem ceeb agronomical tseem ceeb. ua ntu zus thiab suav.


Acyrtops yog lub genus ntawm clingfishes ib txwm nyob rau sab hnub poob Atlantic hiav txwv.


Acyrtus yog ib hom ntawm clingfishes pom nyob rau sab hnub poob Atlantic hiav txwv.


Acetylcysteine , tseem hu ua N -acetylcysteine ( NAC ), yog cov tshuaj uas siv los kho cov tshuaj paracetamol (acetaminophen) kev noj tshuaj ntau dhau, thiab kom plam tuab cov hnoos qeev hauv cov neeg muaj mob ntsws ntev li mob ntsws thiab mob ntsws. Nws tuaj yeem noj rau hauv qhov ncauj, los ntawm qhov ncauj, lossis nqus pa raws li qhov yuam kev. Qee tus neeg siv nws ua khoom noj pub ntxiv.


Trypanorhyncha yog ib qho kev txiav txim ntawm cestodes, ib hom ntawm cov cab cab.


Acystopteris yog ib hom ntawm cov xeeb menyuam hauv tsev neeg Cystopteridaceae.


Acetylene (txheej txheem lub npe: ethyne ) yog tshuaj lom neeg lub cev sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj C 2 H 2 . Nws yog cov hydrocarbon thiab qhov yooj yim alkyne. Cov roj tsis muaj kob no (qis dua cov roj roj muaj ntau qhov muaj kuab lom nyob hauv qhov xwm) yog dav siv roj thiab tshuaj thaiv tsev. Nws tsis ruaj khov nyob hauv nws daim ntawv dawb huv thiab yog li feem ntau daws tau daws. Cov tshuaj ntshiab Acetylene tsis muaj ntxhiab, tab sis cov qib kev lag luam feem ntau muaj cov cim tsis hnov ​​tsw vim kev ua kom tsis huv xws li divinyl sulfide thiab phosphine.

Ethyl lactate:

Ethyl lactate , tseem hu ua lactic acid ethyl ester, yog cov organic sib txuas nrog cov tshuaj CH 3 CH (OH) CO 2 CH 2 CH 3 . Nws yog lub ethyl ester ntawm lactic acid. Ib qho tsis muaj kob uas muaj kua, nws yog chine ester. Raug tsim tawm los, nws tau nkag yooj yim ua ib tus enantiomer nkaus xwb. Nws yog feem ntau siv ua kuab tshuaj. Cov compound no suav tias yog biodegradable thiab tuaj yeem siv ua dej-rinsible degreaser. Ethyl lactate pom muaj nyob hauv cov khoom me me hauv ntau cov khoom noj suav nrog cawv, nqaij qaib, thiab ntau yam txiv hmab txiv ntoo. Qhov ntxhiab ntawm ethyl lactate thaum dilute tseem mob sib khuav, buttery, creamy, nrog rau cov lus qhia ntawm txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab txiv maj phaub.


Acytolepis yog ib hom ntawm cov npauj npaim me me uas zwm rau lycaenids lossis xiav nyuaj. Lub genus tau xub piav qhia los ntawm Lambertus Johannes Toxopeus hauv xyoo 1927. Cov tsiaj tau pom nyob hauv Indomalayan thiab Australasian realms.

Acytolepis lilacea:

Hampson daim npav xiav yog tus npauj npaim me me pom hauv Sri Lanka, sab qab teb Is Nrias teb, Myanmar, thiab Nplog uas yog tsev neeg lycaenids lossis xiav nyuaj.

Acytolepis najara:

Acytolepis najara yog npauj npaim ntawm tsev neeg Lycaenidae. Nws yog teb rau Sulawesi.


Plautella yog tus genus ntawm butterflies nyob rau hauv tsev neeg Lycaenidae. Nws yog monotypic genus uas muaj Plautella cossaea pom hauv Indomalayan real Malaya, Java, Sumatra thiab Borneo.

Acytolepis puspa:

Acytolepis puspa , qhov muaj cov kab lag luam xiav , yog cov npauj npaim me me uas pom hauv Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Thaib, Yunnan, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Borneo thiab New Guinea uas yog cov tsev neeg lycaenids lossis blues. Cov hom yog thawj zaug tau piav qhia los ntawm Thomas Horsfield thaum xyoo 1828.

Acytolepis ripte:

Acytolepis ripte yog npauj npaim ntawm tsev neeg Lycaenidae. Nws tau pom ntawm Borneo.

Acytolepis samanga:

Acytolepis samanga yog npauj npaim ntawm tsev neeg Lycaenidae. Nws yog teb rau Sulawesi.


Acytosiosis yog tib neeg kev tsis sib haum xeeb.


Acytostelium yog ib tug genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog ib tug genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.


Acytostelium yog cov genus ntawm dictyostelid.

Non-cellular life:

Lub neej tsis-cellular , los yog acellular lub neej yog lub neej uas muaj nyob uas tsis muaj cov qauv ntawm cev rau tsawg kawg ib feem ntawm nws lub neej. Keeb kwm, feem ntau (piav qhia) lub ntsiab lus ntawm lub neej tau tshaj tawm tias cov kab mob muaj sia yuav tsum muaj ib los yog ntau lub hlwb, tab sis qhov no tsis xav tias yuav tsum tau ua, thiab cov qauv niaj hnub pub rau cov qauv ntawm lub neej raws li lwm cov kev teeb tsa.


Givira yog npauj ntawm npauj hauv tsev neeg Cossidae.

Fania connectus:

Fania connectus yog ib hom npauj ntawm tsev neeg Cossidae thawj zaug tau piav qhia los ntawm William Barnes thiab James Halliday McDunnough hauv 1916. Nws pom nyob hauv Texas hauv Tebchaws Asmeskas.

Givira tigrata:

Givira tigrata yog npauj hauv tsev neeg Cossidae. Nws muaj nyob hauv Costa Rica.


n \ n Hauv Hinduism, Achyuta yog lwm lub npe ntawm Vishnu thiab zoo li 100th thiab 318th npe nyob hauv Vishnu sahasranama. Nws kuj tseem nquag siv rau hauv Bhagavad Gita yog lub npe ntiag tug ntawm Krishna. Raws li Adi Shankara cov lus tawm tswv yim txog ntawm 1000 lub npe ntawm Vishnu, Achyuta txhais tau tias \ "ib tus uas yuav tsis plam nws qhov xwm txheej thiab hwj chim \". Lub npe kuj txhais tau tias \ "immovable \", \ "hloov pauv tsis tau \", thiab raws li xws li tau siv rau \ "tus uas tsis muaj rau txoj kev hloov pauv, pib txij thaum yug los"

Achyutha Pisharadi:

n Achyuth Pisharodi yog ib hom lus sau ua lus suab lus, neeg txawj saib hnub qub, astronomer thiab tus kws kos duab uas kawm hauv Jyeṣṭhadeva thiab yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm Madhava ntawm Sangamagrama lub tsev kawm Kerala ntawm astronomy thiab lej. Nws tau nco txog feem ntau rau nws feem ntawm nws cov tub ntxhais kawm Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri cov lus devotional, Narayaneeyam .

Achyutha Pisharadi:

n Achyuth Pisharodi yog ib hom lus sau ua lus suab lus, neeg txawj saib hnub qub, astronomer thiab tus kws kos duab uas kawm hauv Jyeṣṭhadeva thiab yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm Madhava ntawm Sangamagrama lub tsev kawm Kerala ntawm astronomy thiab lej. Nws tau nco txog feem ntau rau nws feem ntawm nws cov tub ntxhais kawm Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri cov lus devotional, Narayaneeyam .

Achyutha Pisharadi:

n Achyuth Pisharodi yog ib hom lus sau ua lus suab lus, neeg txawj saib hnub qub, astronomer thiab tus kws kos duab uas kawm hauv Jyeṣṭhadeva thiab yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm Madhava ntawm Sangamagrama lub tsev kawm Kerala ntawm astronomy thiab lej. Nws tau nco txog feem ntau rau nws feem ntawm nws cov tub ntxhais kawm Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri cov lus devotional, Narayaneeyam .


n \ n Hauv Hinduism, Achyuta yog lwm lub npe ntawm Vishnu thiab zoo li 100th thiab 318th npe nyob hauv Vishnu sahasranama. Nws kuj tseem nquag siv rau hauv Bhagavad Gita yog lub npe ntiag tug ntawm Krishna. Raws li Adi Shankara cov lus tawm tswv yim txog ntawm 1000 lub npe ntawm Vishnu, Achyuta txhais tau tias \ "ib tus uas yuav tsis plam nws qhov xwm txheej thiab hwj chim \". Lub npe kuj txhais tau tias \ "immovable \", \ "hloov pauv tsis tau \", thiab raws li xws li tau siv rau \ "tus uas tsis muaj rau txoj kev hloov pauv, pib txij thaum yug los"


Achyutananda Das (Odia: - ଅଚ୍ୟୁତାନନ୍ଦ ଦାସ ) lossis Mahapurusha Achyutananda yog tus kws sau paj huam xyoo pua 16 xyoo thiab Vaishnava cov neeg dawb huv los ntawm Odisha, Is Nrias teb. Nws tau pom tias muaj lub hwj chim pom yav dhau los, tam sim no thiab yav tom ntej. Nws yog tus kws sau ntawv tshaj lij, thiab ib tug ntawm tsib pab pawg, uas tau coj tus kiv puag ncig ntawm sab ntsuj plig hauv Odisha los ntawm kev txhais cov lus Sanskrit ua lus Odia rau cov neeg nyiam sib xws.


Aczél yog neeg Hungarian lub npe txhais li cas "hlau \". Cov neeg tuaj yeem nrog lub xeem muaj xws li:

  • Amir Aczel (1950–2015), Israeli yug-yawg Miskas cov lej sau keeb kwm ntawm Hungarian keeb kwm; sau phau ntawv ntawm kev ua lej thiab keeb kwm kev ua lej
  • György Aczél (1917–1991), Tus tseem hwv txawv tebchaws Hungarian
  • \ n
  • János Aczél, kws sau paj lug Hungarian
  • \ n
  • János Aczél (ua lej) (1924-2020), Hungarian-Canadian tus kws txawj lej
  • \ n
  • József Aczél (1900–1945), Hungarian ncaws pob
  • \ n
  • Peter Aczel, Tus kws qhia lej Askiv
  • \ n
  • Steve Aczel, Hungarian / Australian lub thawv ntawm 1980s, '90s thiab 2000s
  • \ n
  • Zoltán Aczél, Tus kws ncaws pob Hungarian
Aczel's anti-foundation axiom:

Hauv cov hauv paus ntawm kev ua lej, Aczel qhov kev tiv thaiv lub hauv paus axiom yog ib qho axiom teev los ntawm Peter Aczel (1988), raws li lwm txoj hauv kev xaiv axiom ntawm lub hauv paus hauv Zermelo – Fraenkel teeb txoj kev xav. Nws hais ntxiv hais tias txhua daim duab qhia tau yooj yim raws lub teeb taw kom raug rau lub cim tshwj xeeb. Tshwj xeeb, raws li no axiom, lub teeb muaj ntawm ib kab lus xwb nrog lub voj sib raug rau cov teeb uas muaj tsuas yog nws tus kheej nkaus xwb, piv txwv li Quine atom. Ib txoj kev teeb tsa txoj kev ua raws li no axiom yog tsim nyog ib txoj kev xav uas tsis suav pom.

Amir Aczel:

Amir Dan Aczel yog Israeli-neeg Asmeskas-Asmeskas tus kws qhia txog kev ua lej thiab keeb kwm kev ua lej thiab keeb kwm, thiab tus kws sau cov phau ntawv nrov ntawm kev ua lej thiab kev tshawb fawb.

Edward Aczel:

Edward Aczel yog neeg saib xyuas kev ua yeeb yam hauv lub teb chaws Askiv paub txog nws "anti-comedy \" style ntawm kev ntseeg tsis tseeb uas nthuav tawm yam tsis txaus siab thiab tsis muaj kev ntseeg txog nws cov khoom siv thiab kev ua haujlwm.

Peter Aczel:

Peter Henry George Aczel yog tus kws tshaj lij Askiv keeb kwm, logician thiab Emeritus sib koom nrog xibfwb hauv Chav Haujlwm Science Science thiab Tsev Kawm Ntawv Kev Ua Lej ntawm University of Manchester. Nws lub npe hu rau nws cov haujlwm hauv non-well-founded teeb kev tshawb xav, txoj kev xav tsim txoj kev xav, thiab Frege qauv.

Steve Aczel:

Steve Aczel yog Australian professional teeb taws hnyav / neeg caij nkoj hnyav / neeg ntaus rog lub thawv hnyav ntawm xyoo 1980, '90s thiab 2000s uas yeej yeej Australianasian lub npe cov neeg muaj phom hnyav, Australian cov npe hnyav dua cov npe, Australian cov npe hnyav dua, Cov Oriental thiab Pacific Boxing Federation (OPBF) cov npe hnyav, Queensland Lub xeev (Australia) cov npe hnyav, thiab cov npe ntawm cov neeg muaj peev xwm sib tw tau hnyav, tau kos nrog Maile Haumona rau South Pacific cov npe hnyav, thiab nws yog tus neeg sib tw rau Australian cruiserweight lub npe tiv thaiv Tony Mundine, thiab Commonwealth cruiserweight title tawm tsam Stewart Lithgo, nws tus kws tshaj lij hnyav sib txawv. los ntawm 172 lb, piv txwv li lub teeb hnyav mus rau 203 + 12 lb, piv txwv li hnyav dua. Nws tau raug yuam mus ua Australian National Boxing Hall of Fame xyoo 2011.

Aczo District:

Aczo Koog Tsev Kawm Ntawv yog ib qho ntawm rau lub nroog ntawm lub xeev Antonio Raymondi hauv Peru.

Aczo District:

Aczo Koog Tsev Kawm Ntawv yog ib qho ntawm rau lub nroog ntawm lub xeev Antonio Raymondi hauv Peru.

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Adriano Castellesi

Adriano Munoz: Adriano Afonso Thiel Munoz yog tus neeg ncaws pob Brazilian uas tau sau tseg ntau tshaj plaws rau nws lub sijhawm hauv...