Saturday 24 July 2021



Achit tej zaum yuav xa mus rau:

  • Acharya lub koom haum thev naus laus zis (ACHIT), kev kawm ntiav kawm ntiag tug thiab kev tswj hwm tsev kawm qib siab hauv Bangalore, Is Nrias teb
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  • Achit Lake, lub pas dej hauv Mongolia
  • Achit, ib lub nroog loj hauv nroog Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
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  • Achit (metaphysics), ib lo lus siv nyob rau hauv Vishishtadvaita xa mus rau lub ntiaj teb ntawm qhov chaw tsis muaj chaw nyob yog txhais los ntawm teeb meem
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Achit (urban-type settlement):

Achit yog lub nroog ib cheeb tsam thiab kev tswjfwm hauv Achitsky District ntawm Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Cov neeg: 4,938 (2010 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 5,120 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 5,565 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) .

Achit Lake:

Achit Pas dej yog lub pas dej loj tshaj plaws hauv dej tshiab hauv Uvs Aimag, Tshaj plaws, sab hnub poob ntawm lub tebchaws. Ntawm qhov nce ntawm 1,435 m siab tshaj hiav txwv theem nws npog thaj tsam ntawm 290 km². Nws yog 28 km ntev, 16 km dav, thiab 10 m sib sib zog nqus. Lub ntug dej hiav txwv npog nrog cov theem ntaiv, feem ntau yog qhov chaw nkaum tab sis swampy ntawm qaum teb qaum teb thiab qaum teb. Muaj ntau tus dej ntws hauv lub pas dej.

Achit Lake:

Achit Pas dej yog lub pas dej loj tshaj plaws hauv dej tshiab hauv Uvs Aimag, Tshaj plaws, sab hnub poob ntawm lub tebchaws. Ntawm qhov nce ntawm 1,435 m siab tshaj hiav txwv theem nws npog thaj tsam ntawm 290 km². Nws yog 28 km ntev, 16 km dav, thiab 10 m sib sib zog nqus. Lub ntug dej hiav txwv npog nrog cov theem ntaiv, feem ntau yog qhov chaw nkaum tab sis swampy ntawm qaum teb qaum teb thiab qaum teb. Muaj ntau tus dej ntws hauv lub pas dej.

Achit Shigwan:

Achit Shigwan yog neeg Indian. Nws ua nws nees nkaum 20 qhov tshwm sim rau Goa hauv 2017-18 Zonal T20 Pab Koomtes rau 8 Lub Ib Hlis 2018.

Achit Lake:

Achit Pas dej yog lub pas dej loj tshaj plaws hauv dej tshiab hauv Uvs Aimag, Tshaj plaws, sab hnub poob ntawm lub tebchaws. Ntawm qhov nce ntawm 1,435 m siab tshaj hiav txwv theem nws npog thaj tsam ntawm 290 km². Nws yog 28 km ntev, 16 km dav, thiab 10 m sib sib zog nqus. Lub ntug dej hiav txwv npog nrog cov theem ntaiv, feem ntau yog qhov chaw nkaum tab sis swampy ntawm qaum teb qaum teb thiab qaum teb. Muaj ntau tus dej ntws hauv lub pas dej.

Achita (crater):

Achita yog lub nqaj loj nyob ntawm Ceres.

Battulgyn Achitbileg:

Battulgyn Achitbileg yog ib tug neeg ntaus kis las hauv Mongolia uas ua kis las nyob rau hauv qhov xwm txheej. Nws sawv cev nws lub teb chaws ntawm 2012 Ntiaj Teb Kev Ncaws Pob Nyob Sab Ntiaj Teb hauv Istanbul.


Achitchaung yog ib lub zos nyob hauv Ann Township, Kyaukpyu District, hauv central xeev Wisconsin nyob rau sab hnub poob qab teb ntawm Burma (Myanmar). Nws nyob qab teb sab hnub tuaj Ann, ze Yebôk. Achitchaung nyob ze rau ntawm tus dej Amyeak thiab Kyaukpadaung.


Achitende yog ib lub nroog nyob rau sab qaum teb-sab hnub tuaj Zambia. Nws nyob nws rau hauv Kasama Cheeb Tsam hauv Northern Xeev.

Achito Vivas:

Adelmo Achito Vivas yog so haujlwm ncaws pob Colombian thoob ntiaj teb. Nws tau sib tw rau pab pawg Colombian national football ntawm 1962 FIFA World Cup uas tau muaj nyob hauv Chile.


Ib tug himation yog ib hom ntawm cov khaub ncaws, ib tug mantle los yog qhwv hnav los ntawm ancient Greek cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam ntawm lub qub los ntawm cov Hellenistic sij hawm. nIt feem ntau hnav dhau ntawm chiton thiab / lossis peplos, tab sis tau ua cov ntas hnyav dua thiab ua si lub luag haujlwm ntawm lub duav lossis phuam caj dab. Thaum cov lus qhia siv ib leeg, tsis muaj ib qho chiton, thiab tau txais txiaj ntsig ob qho tib si li chiton thiab zoo li tus ntoo, nws hu ua achiton . Cov lus qhia kom tsawg dua qhov tseem ceeb ntawm Roman toga. Nws yog feem ntau muaj ntau daim duab plaub ntawm woolen daim ntaub. Ntau lub vase daim duab qhia txog cov poj niam hnav ib daig ua daim ntaub thaiv lawv cov ntsej muag.


Ahitophel lossis Ahithophel yog tus neeg pab tswvyim ntawm Vajntxwv Davi thiab ib tug txiv neej uas muaj suab npe nrov npe rau kev ua siab loj. Lub sijhawm thaum Anplahaum ntxeev siab, nws tso Davis tseg thiab txhawb Anas. Absalom tau nrhiav Ahitophel cov lus qhia uas hais kom Absalom muaj kev sib raug zoo nrog nws txiv cov niam yau kom paub tias txhua tus neeg Ixayees tau ua phem npaum li cas rau nws txiv [2 Xamuyees 16:20]. Daviv xa nws tus phooj ywg Hushai rov mus rau Axaloos, kom nws tawm tsam Ahitophel cov lus ntuas. Ahitophel tau pom zoo kom muaj kev tawm tsam sai sai rau David lub chaw pw ntawm lub sijhawm uas nws tau sab thiab muaj kev npau suav ntau kom tua David, hos Hushai tau hais tias "cov lus qhia uas Ahithophel tau muab tsis zoo rau lub sijhawm no \" thiab pom zoo ncua thaum muaj ntau pab tub rog tau sib sau ua ke los tawm tsam Davis qhov raug liam. Hushai cov lus qhuab ntuas raug lees txais \ "rau qhov tus Tswv tau tsa ib txoj kev nyuaj siab ntawm Ahithophel cov lus ntuas, kom tus TSWV yuav ua kom puam tsuaj rau Axaloo \". Pom tias nws cov lus qhia zoo rau David tsis tau ua raws li vim Hushai tus yam ntxwv, Ahithophel pom meej tias kev tawm tsam yuav poob. Nwg txhad tawm huv lub yeej ntawm Axaloo lub moos. Nws rov qab mus rau Giloh, nws haiv neeg qhov chaw nyob, thiab tom qab npaj nws txoj haujlwm hauv ntiaj teb, tau dai nws tus kheej, thiab raug faus rau hauv qhov ntxa ntawm nws yawg koob. Nws tus tub Eliam nyob ntawm Davis 30 tus tub rog ua rog [2 Xamuyees 23.34]


Ahitophel lossis Ahithophel yog tus neeg pab tswvyim ntawm Vajntxwv Davi thiab ib tug txiv neej uas muaj suab npe nrov npe rau kev ua siab loj. Lub sijhawm thaum Anplahaum ntxeev siab, nws tso Davis tseg thiab txhawb Anas. Absalom tau nrhiav Ahitophel cov lus qhia uas hais kom Absalom muaj kev sib raug zoo nrog nws txiv cov niam yau kom paub tias txhua tus neeg Ixayees tau ua phem npaum li cas rau nws txiv [2 Xamuyees 16:20]. Daviv xa nws tus phooj ywg Hushai rov mus rau Axaloos, kom nws tawm tsam Ahitophel cov lus ntuas. Ahitophel tau pom zoo kom muaj kev tawm tsam sai sai rau David lub chaw pw ntawm lub sijhawm uas nws tau sab thiab muaj kev npau suav ntau kom tua David, hos Hushai tau hais tias "cov lus qhia uas Ahithophel tau muab tsis zoo rau lub sijhawm no \" thiab pom zoo ncua thaum muaj ntau pab tub rog tau sib sau ua ke los tawm tsam Davis qhov raug liam. Hushai cov lus qhuab ntuas raug lees txais \ "rau qhov tus Tswv tau tsa ib txoj kev nyuaj siab ntawm Ahithophel cov lus ntuas, kom tus TSWV yuav ua kom puam tsuaj rau Axaloo \". Pom tias nws cov lus qhia zoo rau David tsis tau ua raws li vim Hushai tus yam ntxwv, Ahithophel pom meej tias kev tawm tsam yuav poob. Nwg txhad tawm huv lub yeej ntawm Axaloo lub moos. Nws rov qab mus rau Giloh, nws haiv neeg qhov chaw nyob, thiab tom qab npaj nws txoj haujlwm hauv ntiaj teb, tau dai nws tus kheej, thiab raug faus rau hauv qhov ntxa ntawm nws yawg koob. Nws tus tub Eliam nyob ntawm Davis 30 tus tub rog ua rog [2 Xamuyees 23.34]

Achitpol Keereerom:

Achitpol Keereerom yog tus neeg ncaws pob Thaib uas paub zoo tshaj plaws uas ua si ua tus neeg ncaws pob rau Regionalliga Bayern club TSV 1860 Rosenheim.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.

Achitsky District:

Achitsky Koog Tsev Kawm yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm (raion), yog ib ntawm peb caug hauv Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Raws li kev faib khoom hauv nroog, nws tau teeb tsa ua Achitsky Urban Okrug . Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 2,071.6 square km (799.8 sq mi). Nws lub chaw tswj hwm yog lub nroog nroog Achit. Cov neeg: 16,807; 19,132 (2002 Kev Suav Neeg) ; 23,348 (1989 Kev Suav Neeg) . Cov pej xeem ntawm Achit muaj 29,4% ntawm tag nrho cov pej xeem hauv cheeb tsam.


Ahituv yog moshav hauv plawv Ixayees. Nyob ze rau Hadera, nws poob nyob rau hauv txoj cai tswj hwm ntawm Hefer Valley Regional Council. Xyoo 2019 nws muaj cov pej xeem 1,093.

Talorc mac Achiuir:

Talorc m. Achiuir yog lus dab neeg Qub Duab Ntxoo uas tsuas paub los ntawm cov npe sau ua ntej.

San Miguel Achiutla:

San Miguel Achiutla yog ib lub nroog thiab cov neeg hauv nroog Oaxaca nyob rau sab qab teb-tebchaws Mexico. Lub nroog nrog thaj tsam ntawm 59.97 km². nIt yog ib feem ntawm Tlaxiaco Koog Tsev Kawm Ntawv nyob rau sab qab teb ntawm thaj av Mixteca.

Achieving the Perfect 10:

Yuav Ua Tau Zoo Tshaj 10 yog qhov this vis-documentary zaj duab xis tshaj tawm hauv CNN thaum Lub Yim Hli 10, 2003 txog cov tub ntxhais hluas ntxhais kev cob qhia ncaws pob ntawm qhov chaw sib tw kis las ntawm Parkettes National Gymnastics Kev Kawm Tshaj Lij nyob Allentown, Pennsylvania, hauv tebchaws Asmeskas.


Achivwa yog kev sib hais haum hauv Nroog Kenya lub Nroog Kwale.


Achiwib yog ib lub zos nyob rau Upper Takutu-Upper Esnceibo Thaj av ntawm Guyana.

Akhiyahu HaKohen:

Ahiah Ha-Kohen yog ib tug xib hwb thiab hais lus Hebrew tus yawg hauv Tiberias. Nws tau hais nyob hauv ib ntu ntawm cov Geonim era. rau nws cov kev qhia ntawm kev sau ntawv dikduk cov qauv sau ntawv thiab cov ntsiab lus taamim cantillation ntawm cov lus Henplais Torah cov ntawv nyeem.


Achiyalabopa yog ib tug noog loj loj ntawm cov neeg Pueblo. Nws tau piav qhia tias nws muaj peev xwm loj npaum li cas thiab muaj cov zaj sawv uas muaj xim zoo li riam. Nws suav hais tias yog zeej tsoom saum ntuj ceeb tsheej thiab tej zaum tau suav hais tias yog ib qho kev tsim ntawm tas nrho.


Achiyalatopa yog dab loj heev hauv Zuni mythology. Tus dab muaj hwj chim ntawm xilethi-aus, thiab muaj plaub tsiaj ua los ntawm rab riam, uas nws cuam rau khoom.

M. Mani Achiyur:

n M. Mani Achiyur yog ib tug neeg Indian tswjfwm thiab yog tus qub Tswv Cuab ntawm Pawg Neeg Thawj Coj Loj. Nws tau raug xaiv los koom rau hauv Tamil Nadu pawg neeg sawv cev tsim cai los ua Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam tus neeg sib tw los ntawm Nanguneri tus xaiv tsa hauv xyoo 1989 kev xaiv tsa.

Achi language:

Achi yog hom lus Mayan ze ze rau Kʼicheʼ. Nws tau hais los ntawm cov neeg Achi, feem ntau hauv chav haujlwm ntawm Baja Verapaz hauv Guatemala.


Achkan tseem hu ua Baghal bandi yog lub hauv caug ntev tsho hnav los ntawm cov txiv neej hauv Indian subcontinent. Lub achkan tom qab hloov kho mus rau hauv lub tsho Nehru, uas tam sim no nrov hauv Is Nrias teb. Cov ris tsho zoo li Sherwani heev tab sis cov Achkan tau luv dua li ntawm Sherwani. Tom qab achkan tau hloov zuj zuj mus rau hauv Nehru Jacket, achkan tau hnav qis dua.


Achkar yog ob qho tib si muab npe thiab npe menyuam yaus. Cov neeg tseem ceeb uas muaj lub npe nrog:

  • Achkar Marof (1930–1971), Guinean neeg sawv cev
  • n
  • Ad Achkar, Tus kws thaij duab Lebanese
  • Ghassan Achkar, Lebanese neeg
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  • Massoud Achkar, Lebanese neeg
  • \ n
  • Paul Achkar (1893–1982), Lebanese Archbishop
  • \ n
  • Alok Achkar, Brazilian Dj
Achkar Marof:

Achkar Marof (1930-1971) yog Guinean neeg sawv cev neeg ua haujlwm.

Ad Achkar:

Ad Achkar yog ib tug Lebanese fine-art kws yees duab thiab cov kws kos duab. Nyob rau xyoo 2010, Achkar tau txais Bachelor of Arts hauv kev yees duab, thiab ua tiav qhov kev ntaus nqi siab tshaj plaws hauv keeb kwm ntawm Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik– USEK, Lebanon rau nws txoj haujlwm qub Vajtswv foom koob hmoov rau Peb Lub Tsev . Hauv 2015, Achkar tau tsiv mus rau Berlin uas nws ua tiav Masters of Arts thiab Design hauv Media Spaces hauv 2017 hauv University of Applied Sciences Europe– UE, Lub Tebchaws Yelemees.

Vartan Achkarian:

Vartan Achkarian yog tus npis sov Roman pawg npis sov ntawm Tokat degli Armeni thiab tus npis sov pab Beirut.


Achkarren yog ib feem ntawm lub nroog Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl, ib lub nroog me me hauv thaj chaw German Kaiserstuhl, thiab nyob hauv qab kawg ntawm lub nroog. Nws kuj tseem ciam teb lub nroog Ihringen. Hav ntawm Achkarren ntsib rau sab hnub poob thiab yog 5 km ntawm Rhine dej thiab 7 km ntawm Breisach. Lub German kub hotspot nyob nruab nrab ntawm qhov chaw ntawm Achkarren thiab lub nroog Ihringen.

Mount Achkasar:

Mount Achkasar yog lub roob dag siab 3,196 m (10,486 ft) hauv Northern Armenia. Achkasar yog qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm qhov kawg ntawm Javakhk nyob hauv Cov Roob Tshaj Tawm Tsawg Tshaj.


Achkhlu yog ib lub nroog nyob hauv lub xeev Syunik xeev Armenia.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.


Achkhoy-Martan yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog hauv, thiab thaj chaw tswj hwm ntawm Achkhoy-Martanovsky District, Chechnya.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Achkhoy-Martanovsky District:

Cheeb Tsam Achkhoy-Martanovsky yog ib cheeb tsam kev tswj hwm thiab chaw hauv nroog (raion), yog ib ntawm kaum tsib hauv Chechen koom pheej, Russia. Nws nyob rau sab hnub poob ntawm cov koom pheej. Thaj tsam ntawm cheeb tsam yog 1,100 square km (420 sq mi). Nws qhov chaw tswj hwm yog thaj chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Achkhoy-Martan.

Rita Achkina:

Rita Nikolayevna Achkina yog neeg laus hla haiv neeg hla teb chaws. Xyoo 1965 Nws yeej qhov 5 km, 10 km thiab 3 × 5 km rov qab sib tw rau cov koob tsheej hauv Soviet. Xyoo tom ntej nws tau txais 2 lub kib kub ntawm xyoo 1966 FIS Nordic Ntiaj Teb Caij Ncaws Pob Sib Tw nrog cov kub nyob hauv 3 × 5 km rov qab thiab ib lub tooj daj ntawm 5 km. Nws tau sib tw ob qhov kev sib tw no thaum xyoo 1968 Kev Sib Tw Seem Pom Kev Ua Si thiab tau txais ib lub kib daj nyob hauv qhov chaw txuas ntxiv, ua rau tus neeg thib rau. Tom qab so haujlwm tawm ntawm kev sib tw nws tau ua haujlwm ua tus xibfwb qhia ntawv qib qis.

Rita Achkina:

Rita Nikolayevna Achkina yog neeg laus hla haiv neeg hla teb chaws. Xyoo 1965 Nws yeej qhov 5 km, 10 km thiab 3 × 5 km rov qab sib tw rau cov koob tsheej hauv Soviet. Xyoo tom ntej nws tau txais 2 lub kib kub ntawm xyoo 1966 FIS Nordic Ntiaj Teb Caij Ncaws Pob Sib Tw nrog cov kub nyob hauv 3 × 5 km rov qab thiab ib lub tooj daj ntawm 5 km. Nws tau sib tw ob qhov kev sib tw no thaum xyoo 1968 Kev Sib Tw Seem Pom Kev Ua Si thiab tau txais ib lub kib daj nyob hauv qhov chaw txuas ntxiv, ua rau tus neeg thib rau. Tom qab so haujlwm tawm ntawm kev sib tw nws tau ua haujlwm ua tus xibfwb qhia ntawv qib qis.

Hackensack River:

Lub Hackensack River yog tus dej, kwv yees li 45 mais (72 km) ntev, hauv Asmeskas lub xeev New York thiab New Jersey, ntws mus rau Newark Bay, chav rov qab ntawm New York Harbor. Cov dej ntws ntawm tus dej suav nrog ib feem ntawm lub zos thaj chaw sab nraud ntawm New York City tsuas yog sab hnub poob ntawm qis Hudson River, uas nws sib zog ua ke, cais nws ntawm New Jersey Palisades. Nws kuj ntws mus thiab ntws qhov New Jersey Meadowlands. Cov dej qis dua, uas yog ib qho kev nrhiav tau yooj yim kom deb li deb ntawm lub nroog ntawm Hackensack, tau siv tshuab hnyav heev thiab tsim kev lag luam txuas ntawm Newark Bay. Thaum ntseeg tias yog cov dej muaj kuab paug nyob hauv Tebchaws Meskas, nws tau tsim kev txhawb siab los ntawm xyoo 2000s.


Achkoda yog lub zos nyob hauv Neturia CD block hauv Raghunathpur subdivision ntawm cheeb tsam Purulia hauv xeev West Bengal, Is Nrias teb.

Atlantic Coast Hockey League:

Lub Hiav Txwv Dej Hiav Txwv Atlantic (ACHL) yog lub koom haum hockey koom haum me uas ua haujlwm nruab nrab ntawm xyoo 1981 thiab 1987. Lub koomhaum no tau tsim los ntawm Bill Coffey. Bob Payne Trophy tau muab rau pawg neeg uas tau yeej cov sib tw playoff.

Achala Sachdev:

Achala Sachdev yog ib tus neeg ua haujlwm ua yeeb yaj kiab Indian uas tau tshwm sim hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab classic ntawm Hindi kev lag luam zaj duab xis kev lag luam. Nws yog los ntawm Peshawar uas tau pib nws txoj haujlwm ua tus menyuam yaus ua yeeb yam. Tom qab ntawd nws tau paub txog leej niam thiab niam tais tus yeeb yam hauv zaj duab xis Hindi. Nws lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog Balraj Sahni tus poj niam hauv 1965 zaj yeeb yaj kiab Waqt thiab Kajol tus pog hauv Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995).


Achlada yog ib lub zos nyob hauv chav tsev Florina cheeb tsam, tim Nkij teb chaws. Yav dhau los nws yog lub npe hu ua Κρουσοράτη ( Krousorati ) lossis Κρουσουράτη ( Krousourati ) txog thaum nws tau hloov npe los ntawm Greek cov cai hauv xyoo 1926.

Achlada, Crete:

Achlada yog ib lub zos nyob hauv Cretan municipality ntawm Malevizi, thiab zwm rau lub nroog ntawm Gazi, hauv Heraklion cheeb tsam tsev.

Achlada, Crete:

Achlada yog ib lub zos nyob hauv Cretan municipality ntawm Malevizi, thiab zwm rau lub nroog ntawm Gazi, hauv Heraklion cheeb tsam tsev.

Aenetus sordida:

Aenetus sordida yog npauj ntawm tsev neeg Hepialidae. Nws yog lub npe hu los ntawm New Guinea.

Achladia (disambiguation):

Achladia yog ib qho chaw tsim khoom qub txeeg qub teg thiab ib lub zos nyob hauv Lasithi, Crete.

Achlades Peninsula:

Achlades ceg av qab teb yog qhov kawg qab tshaj plaws ntawm cov kob ntawm Ios of Cyclades. Yuav luag tsuas yog mus rau sab qab teb, 18 km ntawm Achlades yog Cape Mavropetra, qhov chaw qaum teb kawg ntawm cov kob ntawm Santorini.


Achladi yog ib lub zos nyob ze lub nroog Stylida, hauv Phthiotis Prefecture, Central Greece. Nws tsim cov ntu ntawm cov tsev hauv nroog Echinaioi, nyob hauv lub nroog Stylida. Raws li kev suav pej xeem 2011, nws cov pej xeem yog 384.


Achladia yog lub chaw qub txeeg qub teg ntawm thaj av Minoan ancient nyob rau sab hnub tuaj Crete.

Achladia (disambiguation):

Achladia yog ib qho chaw tsim khoom qub txeeg qub teg thiab ib lub zos nyob hauv Lasithi, Crete.


Achladia yog lub chaw qub txeeg qub teg ntawm thaj av Minoan ancient nyob rau sab hnub tuaj Crete.

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Adriano Castellesi

Adriano Munoz: Adriano Afonso Thiel Munoz yog tus neeg ncaws pob Brazilian uas tau sau tseg ntau tshaj plaws rau nws lub sijhawm hauv...