Thursday 15 July 2021

2001–02 Aberdeen F.C. season

Aberdeen Country Park:

Aberdeen Country Park nyob sab qab teb kawg ntawm Hong Kong Island ze qhov chaw hu ua Aberdeen, Hong Kong. Feem ntau sab qab teb ntawm cov kob yog qhov kev txhim kho thiab khaws ntau qhov kev nyob deb nroog uas xav tau nyob ntawm cov kob ua ntej nws tau tswm ntawm Askiv. Lub tiaj ua si txuas rau Wan Chai Gap rau sab qaum teb.

Aberdeen Creek (Drowning Creek tributary):

Aberdeen Creek yog ib qhov 12.45 mi (20.04 km) ntev Ntu 3 xa khoom mus rau Drowning Creek, hauv Moore County, North Carolina.

Aberdeen Crossrail:

Aberdeen Crossrail yog qhov kev tsim kho kev tsheb nqaj hlau nyob hauv Scotland, thawj zaug tau npaj ua ntej 2003 Scottish Strategic Rail Study. Nws tau txais kev txhawb nqa los ntawm Nestrans, sab qaum teb sab hnub tuaj ntawm Scotland thaj chaw thauj mus los hauv kev thaj av.

Cults Academy:

Cults Academy yog tsev kawm theem nrab nroog Aberdeen City hauv Cults, Aberdeen, Scotland. Nws yog tus tau txais Lub Hnub Sunday Lub Tebchaws Scottish Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Theem Ob Theem Txhim Kho Xyoo 2008 vim nws qhov kev xeem zoo nyob rau xyoo ntawd. Tau ntaus nqi 3 nyob rau xyoo 2005. Raws li cov menyuam kawm ntawv cov lej, Cults Academy yog lub tsev kawm loj tshaj plaws hauv xeev Aberdeen. Nws tau tsim tsa hauv xyoo 1967.

Aberdeen Cultural Centre:

Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Aberdeen Cultural Center yog koom tes ua Acadian kab lis kev cai koom tes nrog ntau lub vev xaib thiab chav ua yeeb yam thiab nyob rau ntawm Botsford Street hauv Moncton, New Brunswick. Lub Center muaj vaj tsev Galerie Sans Nom , uas nthuav tawm cov khoom siv ua yeeb yam uas qhia txog cov kev niaj hnub tam sim no hauv kev ua yeeb yam, tsom rau cov kws ua yeeb yam tuaj thoob Canada. Tsis tas li ntawd nquag nyob rau hauv Lub Chaw yog IMAGO luam rhiav , uas txaus siab nyob rau hauv kev nthuav qhia thiab tsim kev ua haujlwm luam tawm niaj hnub thiab cov tswv yim. Lub tsev uas tam sim no muaj Lub Tsev Nruab Nrab raug tsim ua thaum xyoo 1898 thiab yog thawj ua Moncton thawj lub tsev kawm theem nrab, hu ua Aberdeen High School. Lub tsev kawm ntawv tau muab npe rau Tus Thawj Kav Tebchaws General Lord Aberdeen, uas tau teeb tsa lub pob zeb loj ntawm lub tuam tsev sai ua ntej nws ua tiav. Lub tsev tau rov tsim kho dua tom qab hluav taws hauv xyoo 1916 thiab tseem ua lub tsev kawm theem siab ua haujlwm tau ntau caum xyoo tom qab. Thaum Aberdeen Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv - alma mater ntawm Northrop Frye, tus kws tshaj lij thoob ntiaj teb thiab tus kws sau ntawv tawm suab - kaw nws lub qhov rooj thaum xyoo 1970, lub sijhawm ntawd nws yog lub tsev kawm ntawv qib qis Fabkis txij li Moncton High School tau tsim, Aberdeen tab tom yuav ua haujlwm txoj hauj lwm tshiab.

Aberdeen Cup:

Aberdeen Cup yog qhov kev sib tw kev ntaus pob tesniv hauv ib xyoos twg ntawm cov pab pawg hauv tebchaws uas sawv cev Askiv thiab Scotland. Nws tau koom hauv Aberdeen Exhibition Center hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Cov kev sib tw tau ua nyob rau xyoo 2005 thiab 2006, tab sis tseem tsis tau muaj pov thawj tias yuav rov qab ua dua.

Dad Vail Regatta:

Cov Txiv Plig Vail Regatta yog qhov xwm txheej ntab ntws loj tshaj plaws nyob hauv Tebchaws Meskas, teeb ib lub tsev kawm qib siab thiab tsev kawm qib siab los ntawm North America. Lub chaw regatta tau muaj txhua xyoo nyob rau ntawm Tus Dej Schuylkill hauv Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, txij li xyoo 1953.

Aberdeen Reservoirs:

Aberdeen Reservoirs yog ib pab pawg ntawm ob lub chaw tuav pov hwm, suav nrog Lub Tsev Teev Ntuj Upper Aberdeen (香港 上 上 水塘) thiab qis Aberdeen Reservoir (香港 仔 下 水塘), hauv Aberdeen, Hong Kong.

Diocese of Aberdeen:

Diocese ntawm Aberdeen yog ib ntawm 13 lub dioceses ntawm Scottish pawg ntseeg, ua ntej yuav tshem tawm ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj nyob rau xyoo 1689.

Politics of Aberdeen:

nTxoj kev coj ntawm Aberdeen , Scotland tau pauv ntau yam nyob rau xyoo tas los no. Nyob rau xyoo 1996, raws li Tsoomfwv Cheeb Tsam thiab lwm yam (Scotland) Txoj Cai 1994, Grampian Regional Council thiab Aberdeen Cheeb Tsam Tsev Kawm Ntawv tau raug tso tseg, tsim txoj haujlwm tshiab Aberdeen City Council los sawv cev rau lub nroog pawg cheeb tsam.

Politics of Aberdeen:

nTxoj kev coj ntawm Aberdeen , Scotland tau pauv ntau yam nyob rau xyoo tas los no. Nyob rau xyoo 1996, raws li Tsoomfwv Cheeb Tsam thiab lwm yam (Scotland) Txoj Cai 1994, Grampian Regional Council thiab Aberdeen Cheeb Tsam Tsev Kawm Ntawv tau raug tso tseg, tsim txoj haujlwm tshiab Aberdeen City Council los sawv cev rau lub nroog pawg cheeb tsam.

Aberdeen District Tramways:

Aberdeen Cheeb Tsam Tramways tau ua cov kev pab cuam rau cov nees taug kev hauv Aberdeen ntawm 1874 thiab 1898.

Aberdeen Burghs (UK Parliament constituency):

Aberdeen Burghs yog thaj chaw ib cheeb tsam ntawm burghs chaw pov npav uas tau sawv cev los ntawm 1708 txog 1800 hauv Pawg Thawj Coj ntawm Pawg Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Great Britain, thiab los ntawm 1801 txog 1832 hauv Pawg Niam Tsev Sab Laj ntawm Cov Thawj Kav Tebchaws ntawm Tebchaws Askiv.

Aberdeen Burghs (UK Parliament constituency):

Aberdeen Burghs yog thaj chaw ib cheeb tsam ntawm burghs chaw pov npav uas tau sawv cev los ntawm 1708 txog 1800 hauv Pawg Thawj Coj ntawm Pawg Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Great Britain, thiab los ntawm 1801 txog 1832 hauv Pawg Niam Tsev Sab Laj ntawm Cov Thawj Kav Tebchaws ntawm Tebchaws Askiv.

Aberdeen doctors:

nTus kws kho mob ntawm Aberdeen lossis Cov Kws Kho Mob ntawm Aberdeen yog rau qhov kev ua haujlwm ntawm Marischal College thiab King's College hauv Aberdeen, Scotland thaum xyoo pua thib xya. Mus txog 1635, lawv tau nyiam kev coj ntawm Patrick Forbes, Npis Sov ntawm Aberdeen. Lawv raug cais tsis yog rau lawv txoj haujlwm ntawm Aberdeen nkaus xwb, tabsis kuj yog los ntawm lawv kev tawm tsam kev tsis sib haum xeeb rau Lub Tebchaws Cov Lus Cog Tseg ntawm 1638. Lawv ua raws li Episcopacy thiab lawv cov kev txhawb nqa rau Cov Lus ntawm Lub Rooj Sib Tham ntawm Perth (1618), uas tau sau tseg ntau hom ntawv Askiv ntawm kev pe hawm. , ua cov qauv chaw ntawm lawv cov kev tawm tsam rau Presbyterian Covenanters.

Aberdeen Donside (Scottish Parliament constituency):

Aberdeen Donside yog cov pov npav ntawm thaj chaw ntawm Scottish Parliament (Holyrood). Nws xaiv ib Tus Tswvcuab ntawm Scottish Parliament (MSP) los ntawm tus thawj yav dhau los ntawm txoj kev xaiv tsa tom qab. Tsis tas li, txawm li cas los xij, nws yog ib ntawm kaum tus pov npav hauv North East Scotland kev xaiv tsa, uas xaiv xya tus tswv cuab ntxiv, ntxiv rau kaum tus pov npav MSPs, los tsim cov qauv ntawm cov sawv cev sib luag rau thaj av ntawd.

2013 Aberdeen Donside by-election:

Aberdeen Donside los ntawm-kev xaiv tsa, 2013 yog kev xaiv tsa uas tau ua rau Scottish Parliament chaw pov npav ntawm Aberdeen Donside rau hnub Thursday 20 Lub Rau Hli, tom qab kev tuag los ntawm mob qog noj ntshav ntawm thaj chaw MSP, Brian Adam.

Aberdeen Airport:

Aberdeen International Airport yog lub tshav dav hlau thoob ntiaj teb, nyob hauv lub Dyce suburb ntawm Aberdeen, Scotland, kwv yees li 5 nautical mais sab qaum teb hnub poob ntawm Aberdeen nroog plawv. Tag nrho tsuas yog qis dua 3.1 lab tus neeg caij tsheb siv lub tshav dav hlau hauv 2017, nce ntawm 4.6% piv nrog 2016.

East End F.C.:

East End Football Club yog pab pawg ncaws pob Scottish ntawm lub nroog Aberdeen. Cov tswvcuab hauv Scottish Pab Koomtes Football, lawv tam sim no ua si hauv SJFA North Superleague. Cov sibntsib nyob raws li Chaw Tawm Tshiab, 500 mev ntawm Pittodrie Stadium, lub tsev ntawm Aberdeen. Lawv cov khoom siv hauv tsev xim yog xim dub thiab kub.

Evening Express (Scotland):

Hmo ntuj Express yog cov ntawv xov xwm hauv zos txhua hnub ua haujlwm hauv nroog Aberdeen, Scotland.

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre:

Aberdeen Lub Chaw Sib Tham thiab Lub Chaw Sib Tham yog qhov chaw ua yeeb yaj kiab loj thiab muaj kev sib tham loj, nyob rau thaj tsam ntawm Choj of Don, hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lub chaw nyob yog lub tsev so rau hauv Lub Tsev So thiab so so ntawm lub tsev so hnub so, chaw sib tham thiab ntau lub hom phiaj.

Aberdeen F.C.:

Aberdeen Cov Tsev Kawm Qib Football yog Scottish cov koom haum pab pawg football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lawv tau sib tw nyob rau hauv Scottish Premiership thiab yeej tsis tau raug tshem tawm los ntawm kev faib sab saum toj ntawm Scottish football league system txij li lawv tau nce qib hauv xyoo 1905, txawm hais tias ob zaug ua tiav hauv thaj chaw relegation. Aberdeen yeej plaub lub npe hauv Scottish League, xya Scottish Khob thiab rau Scottish League Khob. Lawv tseem yog pab neeg Scottish tsuas tau yeej ob European trophies, tau yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup thiab European Super Cup xyoo 1983.

Aberdeen F.C. (1881):

Aberdeen Football Club yog pab pawg ncaws pob hauv Scotland tsim xyoo 1881. Thaum 14 Lub Plaub Hlis 1903 lawv tau sib koom nrog ob lwm pawg ntawm Aberdeen Victoria United thiab Orion los tsim Aberdeen Football Club tam sim no.

2007–08 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 2007-08 . Nws yog lub club thawj lub caij hauv European sib tw txij li xyoo 2002-03.

List of Aberdeen F.C. seasons:

nThis yog cov npe teev cov caij ua si ntawm Aberdeen Football Club los ntawm 1903 los txog rau hnub no. Nws paub meej txog lub club cov kev ua tiav hauv kev sib tw loj, thiab cov pab pawg ntaus pob sab saum toj. Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov kev sib tw me xws li Aberdeenshire Khob thiab Northern League tsis suav nrog.

Aberdeen F.C.:

Aberdeen Cov Tsev Kawm Qib Football yog Scottish cov koom haum pab pawg football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lawv tau sib tw nyob rau hauv Scottish Premiership thiab yeej tsis tau raug tshem tawm los ntawm kev faib sab saum toj ntawm Scottish football league system txij li lawv tau nce qib hauv xyoo 1905, txawm hais tias ob zaug ua tiav hauv thaj chaw relegation. Aberdeen yeej plaub lub npe hauv Scottish League, xya Scottish Khob thiab rau Scottish League Khob. Lawv tseem yog pab neeg Scottish tsuas tau yeej ob European trophies, tau yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup thiab European Super Cup xyoo 1983.

Aberdeen F.C. (1881):

Aberdeen Football Club yog pab pawg ncaws pob hauv Scotland tsim xyoo 1881. Thaum 14 Lub Plaub Hlis 1903 lawv tau sib koom nrog ob lwm pawg ntawm Aberdeen Victoria United thiab Orion los tsim Aberdeen Football Club tam sim no.

2007–08 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 2007-08 . Nws yog lub club thawj lub caij hauv European sib tw txij li xyoo 2002-03.

List of Aberdeen F.C. seasons:

nThis yog cov npe teev cov caij ua si ntawm Aberdeen Football Club los ntawm 1903 los txog rau hnub no. Nws paub meej txog lub club cov kev ua tiav hauv kev sib tw loj, thiab cov pab pawg ntaus pob sab saum toj. Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov kev sib tw me xws li Aberdeenshire Khob thiab Northern League tsis suav nrog.

Aberdeen F.C.:

Aberdeen Cov Tsev Kawm Qib Football yog Scottish cov koom haum pab pawg football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lawv tau sib tw nyob rau hauv Scottish Premiership thiab yeej tsis tau raug tshem tawm los ntawm kev faib sab saum toj ntawm Scottish football league system txij li lawv tau nce qib hauv xyoo 1905, txawm hais tias ob zaug ua tiav hauv thaj chaw relegation. Aberdeen yeej plaub lub npe hauv Scottish League, xya Scottish Khob thiab rau Scottish League Khob. Lawv tseem yog pab neeg Scottish tsuas tau yeej ob European trophies, tau yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup thiab European Super Cup xyoo 1983.

1983–84 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1983–84. Lawv yeej lawv cov Pab Koomtes Scottish League thib peb, yeej Scottish Cup rau xyoo thib peb thiab mus txog semi-finals ntawm ob lub League League thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup.

1983–84 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1983–84. Lawv yeej lawv cov Pab Koomtes Scottish League thib peb, yeej Scottish Cup rau xyoo thib peb thiab mus txog semi-finals ntawm ob lub League League thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup.

Aberdeen F.C.:

Aberdeen Cov Tsev Kawm Qib Football yog Scottish cov koom haum pab pawg football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lawv tau sib tw nyob rau hauv Scottish Premiership thiab yeej tsis tau raug tshem tawm los ntawm kev faib sab saum toj ntawm Scottish football league system txij li lawv tau nce qib hauv xyoo 1905, txawm hais tias ob zaug ua tiav hauv thaj chaw relegation. Aberdeen yeej plaub lub npe hauv Scottish League, xya Scottish Khob thiab rau Scottish League Khob. Lawv tseem yog pab neeg Scottish tsuas tau yeej ob European trophies, tau yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup thiab European Super Cup xyoo 1983.

Aberdeen F.C. (1881):

Aberdeen Football Club yog pab pawg ncaws pob hauv Scotland tsim xyoo 1881. Thaum 14 Lub Plaub Hlis 1903 lawv tau sib koom nrog ob lwm pawg ntawm Aberdeen Victoria United thiab Orion los tsim Aberdeen Football Club tam sim no.

Aberdeen F.C. (disambiguation):

Aberdeen FC yog pab pawg Scottish professional football hauv Aberdeen

Aberdeen F.C. Reserves and Academy:

Ntxiv rau lawv thawj pab pawg sib tw hauv Scottish Premiership, Aberdeen FC tseem tseem tuav pab ntxiv rau cov pab pawg hnub nyoog yau uas tau ua si hauv kev sib tw xws li Scottish Challenge Cup thiab Scottish Youth Cup tsis pub dhau lub club academy.

List of Aberdeen F.C. seasons:

nThis yog cov npe teev cov caij ua si ntawm Aberdeen Football Club los ntawm 1903 los txog rau hnub no. Nws paub meej txog lub club cov kev ua tiav hauv kev sib tw loj, thiab cov pab pawg ntaus pob sab saum toj. Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov kev sib tw me xws li Aberdeenshire Khob thiab Northern League tsis suav nrog.

Aberdeen F.C. Reserves and Academy:

Ntxiv rau lawv thawj pab pawg sib tw hauv Scottish Premiership, Aberdeen FC tseem tseem tuav pab ntxiv rau cov pab pawg hnub nyoog yau uas tau ua si hauv kev sib tw xws li Scottish Challenge Cup thiab Scottish Youth Cup tsis pub dhau lub club academy.

Aberdeen F.C. Women:

Aberdeen Cov Ncaws Pob Zej Zog Cov Poj Niam , yav tas los hu ua Aberdeen Football Club Ladies, yog Scottish poj niam ncaws pob koom nrog Aberdeen Football Club uas sib tw hauv Scottish Cov Pab Koomtes Premier League 2, qib thib ob ntawm poj niam ncaws pob hauv Scotland.

Aberdeen F.C. in European football:

Aberdeen FC yog pab pawg Scottish professional football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Aberdeen thawj qhov kev koom nrog European kev sib tw yog xyoo 1967-68, thaum lawv tau sib tw European European Winners 'Cup.

Aberdeen F.C. in European football:

Aberdeen FC yog pab pawg Scottish professional football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Aberdeen thawj qhov kev koom nrog European kev sib tw yog xyoo 1967-68, thaum lawv tau sib tw European European Winners 'Cup.

List of Aberdeen F.C. managers:

Hauv qab no yog cov npe ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm Aberdeen FC txij li nws lub hauv paus xyoo 1903. Raws li Lub Ob Hlis 2014, Aberdeen muaj 23 tus neeg ua haujlwm puv sijhawm, suav nrog tus thawj tswj hwm sib koom tes.

List of Aberdeen F.C. players:

Aberdeen FC yog pab pawg Scottish professional football hauv Aberdeen, Scotland. Lub club tau tsim hauv 1903 tom qab kev sib cav ntawm peb lub zos; Orion FC, Victoria United thiab thawj Aberdeen FC. Lub club tau ua si ntawm Pittodrie chaw ntau pob txij li xyoo 1903. Lawv yog ib lub ntawm cov neeg muaj kev vam meej hauv Scotland, tau yeej plaub Pab Koomtes League Championship thiab kaum peb cov tsev sib tw, nrog rau European Cup Winners 'Cup thiab UEFA Super Cup xyoo 1983.

List of Aberdeen F.C. records and statistics:

Aberdeen Cov Tsev Kawm Qib Football yog Scottish cov koom haum tshaj lij kev ncaws pob nyob hauv Aberdeen. Lawv tau ua si ntawm lawv qhov chaw nyob hauv tsev, Pittodrie, txij li lub club tau tsim xyoo 1903. Aberdeen koom nrog Scottish Football League hauv 1904, thiab Scottish Premier League hauv 1998 nrog rau Scottish Professional Football League hauv 2013.

1903–04 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Northern League thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau xyoo 1903-04 lub caij.

1903–04 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Northern League thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau xyoo 1903-04 lub caij.

1904–05 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Second Division thiab Scottish Cup hauv lub caij 1904–05.

1904–05 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Second Division thiab Scottish Cup hauv lub caij 1904–05.

1905–06 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1905-06.

1905–06 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1905-06.

1906–07 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1906-07.

1906–07 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1906-07.

1907–08 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1907-08.

1907–08 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1907-08.

1908–09 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1908-09.

1908–09 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1908-09.

1909–10 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1909-10.

1909–10 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij 1909-10.

1910–11 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1910-11.

1910–11 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1910-11.

1911–12 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1911-12.

1911–12 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1911-12.

1912–13 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1912-13.

1912–13 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1912-13.

1913–14 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1913–14.

1913–14 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thiab Scottish Cup nyob rau lub caij xyoo 1913–14.

1914–15 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thaum xyoo 1914-15.

1914–15 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League First Division thaum xyoo 1914-15.

1915–16 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League lub caij xyoo 1915-16.

1915–16 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League lub caij xyoo 1915-16.

1916–17 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League lub caij xyoo 1916-17.

1916–17 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Football League lub caij xyoo 1916-17.

1979–80 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij xyoo 1979-80. Lawv ua tiav thawj zaug hauv Premier Division, lub club thawj lub Premier Division title thiab thib ob Scottish League Championship. Hauv lub khob, lawv mus txog Scottish Cup Semi kawg, poob rau Rangers, thiab ploj Pab Koomtes khob zaum kawg tom qab rov ua yeeb yam tiv thaiv Dundee United. Hauv Tebchaws Europe, lawv tau kos tawm tsam Eintracht Frankfurt, plam 1-2 ntawm kev sib sau ua ke tshaj ob ceg hauv thawj puag ncig.

1979–80 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij xyoo 1979-80. Lawv ua tiav thawj zaug hauv Premier Division, lub club thawj lub Premier Division title thiab thib ob Scottish League Championship. Hauv lub khob, lawv mus txog Scottish Cup Semi kawg, poob rau Rangers, thiab ploj Pab Koomtes khob zaum kawg tom qab rov ua yeeb yam tiv thaiv Dundee United. Hauv Tebchaws Europe, lawv tau kos tawm tsam Eintracht Frankfurt, plam 1-2 ntawm kev sib sau ua ke tshaj ob ceg hauv thawj puag ncig.

1980–81 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1980-81.

1980–81 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1980-81.

1981–82 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1981–82.

1981–82 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1981–82.

1982–83 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup lub caij 1982–83. Lawv ua tiav thib peb hauv Premier Division tom qab cov tub ncaws pob Dundee United thiab cov neeg sib tw Celtic. Hauv lub khob, lawv khaws cia Scottish Cup thiab yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup nrog 2-1 yeej yeej Real Madrid hauv Gothenburg.

1982–83 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup lub caij 1982–83. Lawv ua tiav thib peb hauv Premier Division tom qab cov tub ncaws pob Dundee United thiab cov neeg sib tw Celtic. Hauv lub khob, lawv khaws cia Scottish Cup thiab yeej European Cup Winners 'Cup nrog 2-1 yeej yeej Real Madrid hauv Gothenburg.

1983–84 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1983–84. Lawv yeej lawv cov Pab Koomtes Scottish League thib peb, yeej Scottish Cup rau xyoo thib peb thiab mus txog semi-finals ntawm ob lub League League thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup.

1983–84 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1983–84. Lawv yeej lawv cov Pab Koomtes Scottish League thib peb, yeej Scottish Cup rau xyoo thib peb thiab mus txog semi-finals ntawm ob lub League League thiab European Cup Winners 'Cup.

1984–85 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Champions 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1984-85.

1984–85 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Champions 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1984-85.

1985–86 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Champions 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1985-86.

1985–86 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, League Cup thiab European Champions 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1985-86.

1986–87 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1986-87.

1986–87 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA Cup Winners 'Cup nyob rau lub caij 1986-87.

1987–88 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1987-88.

1987–88 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij 1987-88.

1988–89 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish League Cup, Scottish Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij xyoo 1988–89.

1988–89 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish League Cup, Scottish Cup thiab UEFA khob lub caij xyoo 1988–89.

1989–90 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub xyoo 1989-90.

1989–90 Aberdeen F.C. season:

Aberdeen FC tau sib tw hauv Scottish Premier Division, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup thiab UEFA khob lub xyoo 1989-90.

2001–02 Aberdeen F.C. season:

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