Thursday 17 June 2021


10th millennium BC:

Lub xyoo txhiab 10 BC ncua xyoo ntau xyoo 10,000 BC txog 9001 BC. Nws yog qhov pib ntawm kev hloov pauv los ntawm Palaeolithic mus rau Neolithic ntawm ntu ntu Mesolithic thiab Epipaleolithic lub sijhawm, uas ua ke tsim thawj ntu ntawm Holocene ntu uas feem ntau ntseeg tias tau pib c. 9700 BC thiab yog tamsis no geological epoch. Nws tsis yooj yim sua kom paub meej txog cov xwm txheej tshwm sim nyob ib puag ncig lub sijhawm xyoo txhiab thiab tag nrho cov hnub tau hais ntawm no yog kwv yees feem ntau raws kev ntsuas geological thiab anthropological.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
GeForce 9 series:

GeForce 9 series yog cuaj tiam ntawm Nvidia's GeForce series ntawm cov duab ua cov khoom siv, thawj qhov uas tau tso tawm thaum Lub Ob Hlis 21, 2008. Cov khoom lag luam yog raws li me ntsis kho Tesla microarchitecture, ntxiv kev txhawb nqa PCIe 2.0, txhim kho xim thiab z-compression , thiab tsim rau ntawm 65 nm txheej txheem, tom qab siv 55 nm cov txheej txheem los txo hwj chim siv thiab tuag loj.

9500 Liberty:

9500 Kev ywj pheej yog xyoo 2009 zaj duab xis hais txog qhov kev tawm tsam dhau kev nkag tebchaws hauv Prince William County, Virginia. Nws tau qhia los ntawm Annabel Park thiab Eric Byler.

Radeon R300 series:

Lub R300 GPU, qhia rau lub Yim Hli 2002 thiab txhim kho los ntawm ATI Technologies, yog nws thib peb tiam ntawm GPU siv hauv Radeon daim npav phaib. GPU nta lub nrawm 3D raws li Direct3D 9.0 thiab OpenGL 2.0, qhov kev txhim kho loj hauv cov yam ntxwv thiab kev ua tau zoo piv rau cov qauv ua ntej R200. R300 yog thawj tag nrho cov khoom siv Direct3D 9-muaj peev xwm siv tshuab chip. Cov txheej txheem tseem suav nrog 2D GUI kev ua kom nrawm nrawm, txuas lub vev xaib, thiab ntau cov khoom tawm.

Six Mile Run, New Jersey:

Six Mile Run yog ib qhov chaw uas tsis muaj chaw nyob thiab cej luam-cej luam (CDP) nyob hauv Franklin Township, hauv Somerset County, New Jersey, Tebchaws Asmeskas. Raws li xyoo 2010 Tebchaws Asmeskas Kev Suav Neeg, CDP cov pejxeem muaj 3,184 leej.

List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
ELJ Communications Center:

Eugenio Lopez Cov Neeg Sib Txuas Lus yog lub chaw ua haujlwm loj ntawm ABS-CBN Corporation thiab cov chaw pabcuam. Lub chaw nyob hauv thaj chaw kaum txhiab (10,000) square metres ntawm thaj chaw ze ntawm ABS-CBN Cov Tshaj Tawm Lub Chaw Nruab Nrab thiab nws suav nrog ob chav haujlwm hauv chaw ua haujlwm, lub suab paj taub, peb theem chaw nres tsheb hauv chaw nres tsheb, lub ru tsev lawj helipad, cov chaw ua yeeb yaj kiab , ib lub tsev noj mov tshwj rau chav noj mov, ib lub vaj, thiab ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation lub tsev. Lub chaw nruab nrab muaj thaj tsam tas nrho ntawm 101,608.32 square metres; yuav luag xya caum txhiab (70,000) square metres ntawm chaw ua haujlwm thiab ntau dua peb caug txhiab (30,000) square metres ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb. Kev tsim kho ntawm qhov chaw, uas raug nqi 6 billion pesos, pib txij xyoo 1995, tab sis tau qeeb vim teeb meem Asian Financial Crisis xyoo 1997. Nws tau qhib rau xyoo 2000, thiab tau los ntawm ABS-CBN cov neeg tuav haujlwm hauv xyoo tom ntej. Nws yog PEZA Tshwj Xeeb Cov Nyiaj Txiag, tsim los ntawm lub chaw IT. Nws yog npe nyob rau hauv kev hwm ntawm lub caij dhau los Eugenio Lopez Jr., tus thawj coj muaj xwm txheej ntawm ABS-CBN. Kev fij tseg rau lub tsev tau muaj rau lub Kaum Ib Hlis 4, 2010 hauv ib qho kev ua koob tsheej uas tau muaj kev koom tes los ntawm lub sijhawm tom qab ntawd-Philippines Thawj Tswj Hwm Benigno Aquino III. ABS-CBN's Horizon PEZA IT Park, nws cov suab nrov, tom qab tsim khoom thiab chaw tsim khoom ntawm ABS-CBN yog nyob ntawm San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:

Lub sijhawm xyoo 950s tau pib txij lub Ib Hlis 1, 950, txog rau Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 31, 959.

950s BC:

950s BC yog xyoo caum uas kav los ntawm 959 BC mus rau 950 BC.

950s BC:

950s BC yog xyoo caum uas kav los ntawm 959 BC mus rau 950 BC.

10th century in Denmark:

Lub xyoo pua 10 hauv Denmark pom kev tshwm sim ntawm lub tebchaws mus rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm thiab kev hloov pauv ntawm lub teb chaws mus rau cov ntseeg Vajtswv.Ntawm 950 yog thaum thawj cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub xeev ntawm Denmark (Tan-cim) tau tshwm sim.

950s in poetry:

Cov lus ntawm haiv neeg txuas rau cov lus qhia nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub teb chaws sau paj huam lossis ntaub ntawv.


Xyoo 951 ( CMLI ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Wednesday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

900 (number):

900 yog lub ntuj tso raws li 899 thiab ua ntej 901. Nws yog lub xwmfab ntawm 30 thiab tus lej ntawm Euler lub zog tas nrho rau thawj 54 tus lej. Hauv paus 10 nws yog tus naj npawb Harshad.


Xyoo 951 ( CMLI ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Wednesday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.


Xyoo 951 ( CMLI ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Wednesday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

950s BC:

950s BC yog xyoo caum uas kav los ntawm 959 BC mus rau 950 BC.


Xyoo 951 ( CMLI ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Wednesday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

951 Gaspra:

951 Gaspra yog S-type asteroid uas kiv ze rau lub npoo ntawm txoj siv tawv asteroid. Gaspra twb nrhiav tau los ntawm Lavxias teb sab astronomer GN Neujmin nyob rau hauv 1916. Neujmin hu nws tom qab Gaspra, ib tug Dub hiav txwv tawm uas yog xyuas los ntawm nws lub contemporaries, xws li Gorky thiab Tolstoy.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.


WayV yog ib tug Suav tus tub band uas ua hauj lwm pab raws li cov plaub sub-unit thiab Tuam Tshoj-raws li lub tsev ntawm lub South Korean me nyuam tub band NCT tswj los ntawm SM Lom ze lub sub-daim ntawv lo, Sau V. debuted rau Lub ib hlis ntuj 17, 2019, nrog rau lawv cov digital ncua ua si Lub Lub zeem muag , pab pawg muaj li ntawm xya tus tswvcuab: Kun, Kaum, Winwin, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, Yangyang.

Area code 951:

Cheeb Tsam code 951 yog ib tug California xov tooj area code uas tau phua los ntawm cheeb tsam code 909 nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 17, 2004. Nws npog thaj Riverside County, xws li lub zos thiab lub zej zog ntawm Banning, Beaumont, Corona, hav cuam kawb Lake, Riverside, Temescal Valley, Woodcrest, Moreno Valley, Perris, Menifee, Pas Dej Elsinore, Wildomar, Murrieta, Temecula, San Jacinto, Hemet, Lakeview, Nuevo, Norco, Eastvale, Jurupa Valley, thiab Idyllwild.

10th century in England:

Txheej xwm los ntawm lub xyoo pua 10 hauv lub Kingdom ntawm Askiv .

950s in poetry:

Cov lus ntawm haiv neeg txuas rau cov lus qhia nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub teb chaws sau paj huam lossis ntaub ntawv.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
95179 Berkó:

95179 Berkó , qauv tsim qauv xyoo 2002 BO , yog ib lub tshuab aas las Massalian los ntawm cov cheeb tsam sab hauv ntawm cov ntu nraub qaum, kwv yees li 1.4 km ntawm txoj kab uas hla.

95179 Berkó:

95179 Berkó , qauv tsim qauv xyoo 2002 BO , yog ib lub tshuab aas las Massalian los ntawm cov cheeb tsam sab hauv ntawm cov ntu nraub qaum, kwv yees li 1.4 km ntawm txoj kab uas hla.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.

951 Remix:

951 Remix yog xov tooj cua tshaj tawm los ntawm Trinidad thiab Tobago muaj thiab tswj los ntawm Guardian Media Limited. Nws yog tam sim no qhov chaw nres tsheb qub tshaj plaws hauv Trinidad thiab Tobago. Cov chaw nres tsheb tau rov txhim kho txij 951 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau 951 Remix rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 27, 2017.


Xyoo 952 ( CMLII ) yog xyoo pib uas pib rau hnub Thursday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

900 (number):

900 yog lub ntuj tso raws li 899 thiab ua ntej 901. Nws yog lub xwmfab ntawm 30 thiab tus lej ntawm Euler lub zog tas nrho rau thawj 54 tus lej. Hauv paus 10 nws yog tus naj npawb Harshad.


Xyoo 952 ( CMLII ) yog xyoo pib uas pib rau hnub Thursday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.


Xyoo 952 ( CMLII ) yog xyoo pib uas pib rau hnub Thursday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

950s BC:

950s BC yog xyoo caum uas kav los ntawm 959 BC mus rau 950 BC.


Xyoo 952 ( CMLII ) yog xyoo pib uas pib rau hnub Thursday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

952 Caia:

952 Caia yog keeb kwm carbonaceous keeb kwm me me los ntawm sab nraud thaj tsam ntawm txoj kab nrig asteroid, kwv yees li 82 mais diam. Nws tau tshawb pom los ntawm Soviet ast Lavxias astronomer Grigory Neujmin ntawm Crimean Simeiz Soj ntsuam rau thaum Lub Kaum Hlis 27 Lub Kaum Hli 1916 thiab muab cov ntaub ntawv npe rau xyoo 1916 Σ 61 . Nws lub npe hu ua tom qab lub heroine nyob rau hauv lub tshiab Quo Vadis los ntawm Henryk Sienkiewicz.

Area code 952:

Thaj tsam tus lej 952 yog tus xov tooj hauv cheeb tsam hauv North American Numbering Plan (NANP) rau sab qab teb hnub poob nroog Minneapolis-St. Paul nyob rau hauv lub xeev Hwj Naj Minnesota. Tus phiaj xwm phiaj xwm hauv cheeb tsam (NPA) suav nrog cov nroog xws li Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina thiab Minnetonka. Nws tau tsim nyob rau xyoo 2000 nrog rau thaj tsam thaj tsam 763 thaum lawv tau carved tawm ntawm thaj chaw tus lej 612, uas tam sim no tsuas muaj Minneapolis thiab qee thaj tsam sab hauv.

10th century in England:

Txheej xwm los ntawm lub xyoo pua 10 hauv lub Kingdom ntawm Askiv .

950s in poetry:

Cov lus ntawm haiv neeg txuas rau cov lus qhia nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub teb chaws sau paj huam lossis ntaub ntawv.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
9524 O'Rourke:

9524 O'Rourke , tau npaj tseg rau xyoo 1981 EJ 5 , yog lub hnub qub los ntawm cov cheeb tsam sab hauv ntawm cov ntu nraub qaum, kwv yees li 3 mais diam. Nws tau pom nyob rau 2 Lub Peb Hlis 1981, los ntawm Asmeskas neeg caij tsheb loj Schelte Lub Chaw Haujlwm ntawm Siding Spring Observatory hauv New South Wales, Australia. Lub asteroid tau lub npe tom qab Laurence O'Rourke, kev tshawb fawb ntawm European Space Astronomy Center.

List of minor planets: 95001–96000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:

Xyoo 953 ( CMLIII ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Saturday ntawm Julian daim ntawv.

900 (number):

900 yog lub ntuj tso raws li 899 thiab ua ntej 901. Nws yog lub xwmfab ntawm 30 thiab tus lej ntawm Euler lub zog tas nrho rau thawj 54 tus lej. Hauv paus 10 nws yog tus naj npawb Harshad.


Xyoo 953 ( CMLIII ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Saturday ntawm Julian daim ntawv.


Xyoo 953 ( CMLIII ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Saturday ntawm Julian daim ntawv.

950s BC:

950s BC yog xyoo caum uas kav los ntawm 959 BC mus rau 950 BC.


Xyoo 953 ( CMLIII ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Saturday ntawm Julian daim ntawv.

953 Painleva:

953 Painleva yog ib tug me nyuam ntiaj chaw orbiting lub tshav Nws tau pom ntawm 29 lub Plaub Hlis 1921 los ntawm Lavxias tus kws saib hnub qub yawg Benjamin Jekhowsky. Lub ntiaj chaw tau muaj npe nyob rau hauv kev hwm ntawm Fab Kis Tebchaws Asmeskas thiab tus lej lej Paul Painlevé.

953 West:

953 West yog kev hu nkauj los ntawm Siegel – Schwall Band. Qhov lawv thib peb album ntawm Cov Ntoo Wood Nickel Cov Ntawv Sau Npe, thiab lawv xya phau nkauj zuag qhia tag nrho, nws tau sau cia ntawm Paragon Cov Ntaub Ntawv Teev Tseg Studios hauv Chicago thaum Lub Yim Hli 1973, thiab tau tawm tom qab xyoo ntawd. Nws tau rov ua dua CD, los ntawm Wounded Bird Records, xyoo 1999.

10th century in England:

Txheej xwm los ntawm lub xyoo pua 10 hauv lub Kingdom ntawm Askiv .

950s in poetry:

Cov lus ntawm haiv neeg txuas rau cov lus qhia nrog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm lub teb chaws sau paj huam lossis ntaub ntawv.

List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:
List of minor planets: 9001–10000:

Xyoo 954 ( CMLIV ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Sunday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

900 (number):

900 yog lub ntuj tso raws li 899 thiab ua ntej 901. Nws yog lub xwmfab ntawm 30 thiab tus lej ntawm Euler lub zog tas nrho rau thawj 54 tus lej. Hauv paus 10 nws yog tus naj npawb Harshad.


Xyoo 954 ( CMLIV ) yog xyoo ib txwm pib rau hnub Sunday ntawm Julian daim ntawv qhia hnub.

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Adriano Castellesi

Adriano Munoz: Adriano Afonso Thiel Munoz yog tus neeg ncaws pob Brazilian uas tau sau tseg ntau tshaj plaws rau nws lub sijhawm hauv...