Monday 3 May 2021

2015 F4 Japanese Championship

2015 European Figure Skating Championships:

Lub 2015 European Figure Skating Championships tau muaj nyob rau 26 Lub Ib Hlis - 1 Lub Ob Hlis 2015 hauv Stockholm, Sweden. Cov khoom plig tau raug muab rau hauv cov kev qhuab qhia ntawm cov txiv neej qhov poj niam qhov sib tw, poj niam txiv neej qhov sib tw, khub, thiab dej seev cev.

28th European Film Awards:

Kev Sib Tw Zaj Duab Xis 28 thib 28 tau muab coj los nthuav rau 12 lub 12 hlis 2015 hauv Berlin, lub tebchaws Yelemes Cov yeej tau xaiv los ntawm ntau dua 2,500 tus tswv cuab ntawm European Film Academy.

2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship yog qhov kev sib tw ntau lub cev muaj zog rau kev sib tw nrog cov rooj zaum qhib lub rooj sib tw cov tsheb sib tw tau muaj thoob plaws hauv Tebchaws Europe. Kev sib tw tau qhia cov neeg tsav tsheb sib tw hauv ob-liter Formula Peb cov tsheb sib tw uas ua raws li cov txheej txheem kev, lossis qauv, rau kev sib tw. Nws yog plaub tsab ntawm FIA Formula 3 European Championship.

2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship yog qhov kev sib tw ntau lub cev muaj zog rau kev sib tw nrog cov rooj zaum qhib lub rooj sib tw cov tsheb sib tw tau muaj thoob plaws hauv Tebchaws Europe. Kev sib tw tau qhia cov neeg tsav tsheb sib tw hauv ob-liter Formula Peb cov tsheb sib tw uas ua raws li cov txheej txheem kev, lossis qauv, rau kev sib tw. Nws yog plaub tsab ntawm FIA Formula 3 European Championship.

2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship yog qhov kev sib tw ntau lub cev muaj zog rau kev sib tw nrog cov rooj zaum qhib lub rooj sib tw cov tsheb sib tw tau muaj thoob plaws hauv Tebchaws Europe. Kev sib tw tau qhia cov neeg tsav tsheb sib tw hauv ob-liter Formula Peb cov tsheb sib tw uas ua raws li cov txheej txheem kev, lossis qauv, rau kev sib tw. Nws yog plaub tsab ntawm FIA Formula 3 European Championship.

2015 European Freestyle Skating Championships:

Lub Tsib Hlis 2015 European Freestyle Skating Championships tau muaj nyob hauv Busto Arsizio, Ltalis txij hnub tim 24 txog 27 Lub Cuaj Hli, 2015. Koom Tes Los Ntawm European Confederation ntawm Cov Menyuam Skating.

2015 European Games:

Kev Ncaws Pob Ncig European 2015 , tseem hu ua Baku 2015 lossis Baku 2015 European Games , yog qhov kev tsim ua thawj coj ntawm European Games, ib qhov kev ua yeeb yam thoob ntiaj teb rau cov neeg ncaws pob sawv cev rau National Olympic Committees (NOCs) ntawm European Olympic Committees. Nws tau tshwm sim nyob rau hauv Baku, Azerbaijan, txij hnub tim 12 txog 28 Lub Rau Hli 2015, thiab qhov tshwj xeeb yuav luag 6,000 tus kws ncaws pob los ntawm 50 lub teb chaws sib tw nrog 30 kis las, suav nrog 15 lub caij ntuj sov Olympic thiab 2 kis las tsis yog Olympic.

Volleyball at the 2015 European Games – Men's team rosters:

Kab lus no qhia txog cov rosters ntawm txhua pab pawg koom rau hauv 2015 European Games - Cov Txiv Neej kev sib tw hauv Azerbaijan.

Volleyball at the 2015 European Games – Women's team rosters:

Tsab ntawv xov xwm no qhia txog cov rosters ntawm txhua pawg koom nrog 2015 Kev Ua Si European - Kev sib tw poj niam hauv Azerbaijan.

2015 European Games opening ceremony:

Lub Rooj Sib Tham Qhib ntawm 2015 European Games yog lub sijhawm qhib kev ua si thaum tav su thaum 9:00 PM Baku Lub Sijhawm (GMT + 4) thaum Lub Rau Hli 12, 2015 hauv Baku Olympic Stadium hauv Baku, Azerbaijan. Nws tau koom nrog Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm tus thawj coj thiab tus Lwm Thawj Coj ntawm Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, thiab Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm European Olympic Committee Patrick Hickey.Thaum koob tsheej yog kawm los ntawm 68,000 cov neeg saib tau sib sau ua ke ntawm Chaw Qiv Siab Olympic, thiab ntau pua lab tus neeg saib hauv online. Ntau tshaj 300 pab pawg muaj tswv yim los ntawm 28 lub teb chaws tau koom nrog hauv kev npaj lub ceremony. Tus nqi ntawm kev teeb tsa lub rooj sib tham yog li ntawm 100 lab nyiaj daus las Asmeskas. Lub rooj sib tham qhib tau pib ua los ntawm tus kws tshaj lij kos duab ua yeeb yam Dimitris Papaioannou uas raug qhuas rau nws txoj haujlwm thaum xyoo 2004 Lub caij ntuj sov Olympics.

2015 European Games medal table:

Lub Rooj Sib Tham Hauv European xyoo 2015 yog qhov kev sib tw ntau yam kis las tau tshwm sim hauv Baku, Azerbaijan txij hnub tim 12 txog 28 Lub Rau Hli 2015. Qhov kev sib tw no tau tsim thawj zaug thiab pom 5,898 cov neeg ncaws pob los ntawm 50 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) sib tw 253 qhov xwm txheej hauv 20 kis las. Txij li cov Faroe Islands thiab Gibraltar tsis yog cov tswv cuab ntawm European Olympic Committee, tus neeg koom nrog Faroese tau tshwm sim rau Ligue Européenne de Natation thiab Gibraltar cov neeg koom rau kis las ncaws pob ntawm cov koom haum me ntawm Tebchaws Europe. Cov lus muaj yeej no yog ib qhov kev muaj yeej ntawm NOC los ntawm tus lej kub uas yeej los ntawm lawv cov kis las.

2015 European Games opening ceremony:

Lub Rooj Sib Tham Qhib ntawm 2015 European Games yog lub sijhawm qhib kev ua si thaum tav su thaum 9:00 PM Baku Lub Sijhawm (GMT + 4) thaum Lub Rau Hli 12, 2015 hauv Baku Olympic Stadium hauv Baku, Azerbaijan. Nws tau koom nrog Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm tus thawj coj thiab tus Lwm Thawj Coj ntawm Azerbaijan, Mehriban Aliyeva, thiab Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm European Olympic Committee Patrick Hickey.Thaum koob tsheej yog kawm los ntawm 68,000 cov neeg saib tau sib sau ua ke ntawm Chaw Qiv Siab Olympic, thiab ntau pua lab tus neeg saib hauv online. Ntau tshaj 300 pab pawg muaj tswv yim los ntawm 28 lub teb chaws tau koom nrog hauv kev npaj lub ceremony. Tus nqi ntawm kev teeb tsa lub rooj sib tham yog li ntawm 100 lab nyiaj daus las Asmeskas. Lub rooj sib tham qhib tau pib ua los ntawm tus kws tshaj lij kos duab ua yeeb yam Dimitris Papaioannou uas raug qhuas rau nws txoj haujlwm thaum xyoo 2004 Lub caij ntuj sov Olympics.

Volleyball at the 2015 European Games – Men's team rosters:

Kab lus no qhia txog cov rosters ntawm txhua pab pawg koom rau hauv 2015 European Games - Cov Txiv Neej kev sib tw hauv Azerbaijan.

Volleyball at the 2015 European Games – Women's team rosters:

Tsab ntawv xov xwm no qhia txog cov rosters ntawm txhua pawg koom nrog 2015 Kev Ua Si European - Kev sib tw poj niam hauv Azerbaijan.

2015 European Athletics Indoor Championships:

Lub 33th European Ncaws Pob Ua Si Ncaws Pob Hauv Kev Ua Si tau tsim los ntawm 5 txog 8 Lub Peb Hlis 2015 hauv O2 Arena hauv Prague, Czech koom pheej.

2015 European Athletics Indoor Championships:

Lub 33th European Ncaws Pob Ua Si Ncaws Pob Hauv Kev Ua Si tau tsim los ntawm 5 txog 8 Lub Peb Hlis 2015 hauv O2 Arena hauv Prague, Czech koom pheej.

2015 European Inline Speed Skating Championships:

Lub 27th European Inline Speed ​​Skating Championships tau muaj nyob hauv Wörgl, Austria, txij hnub tim 20 Lub Xya Hli txog 26 Lub Xya Hli 2015. Tsim los ntawm European Kev Sib Koom Tes ntawm Cov Menyuam Skating.

2015 European Judo Championships:

Lub 2015 European Judo Championships tau koom los ntawm European Judo Union. Thaum pib nws tau npaj siab tias kev sib tw yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Glasgow, Scotland, txij lub Plaub Hlis 9 txog 12 Plaub Hlis 2015. Nyob rau 21 Lub Ob Hlis 2015, nws tau tshaj tawm tias kev sib tw yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Baku, Azerbaijan, thaum xyoo 2015 European Games.

2015 European Junior & U23 Weightlifting Championships:

Lub 2015 European Junior & U23 Cov Kev Sib Tw Tawv Rog Lub Cev tau muaj nyob hauv Klaipeda, Lithuania txij thaum 3 Lub Kaum Hlis txog 10 Lub Kaum Hli 2015.

2015 European Junior Badminton Championships:

Lub 2015 European Kev Sib Tw Ntaus Tus Ntaus Ncauj Qib tau ua nyob rau ntawm Lub Tsev Haujlwm Sib Tw Hauv Cheeb Tsam ntawm Lub Nroog Chav hauv Lubin, Tebchaws Poland, thaum hnub tim 26 Lub Peb Hlis - 4 Plaub Hlis 2015.

2015 European Athletics Junior Championships:

Lub 2015 Kev Ncaws Pob Ua Ncaws Pob Ntaus Me-Junior Kev Sib Tw Ncaws Pob yog 23 qhov kev cuam tshuam ntawm kev sib tw biennial European U20 kev sib tw. Lawv tau ua nyob hauv Eskilstuna, Sweden ntawm 16 Lub Xya Hli txog 19 Lub Xya Hli.

2015 European Junior Cup:

Lub European Junior Cup 2015 yog lub caij thib tsib ntawm European Junior Cup. Nws tau mus sib tw tshaj yim kab ncig, pib rau 12 Plaub Hlis ntawm Motorland Aragón thiab xaus rau 4 Lub Kaum Hli ntawm Magny Cours. Pib hauv xyoo 2015 tau "Kev Ncaj Ncees European Cov poj niam \" rau cov poj niam caij hnub nyoog nruab nrab ntawm 14 thiab 23 xyoo. Kev txwv lub hnub nyoog sab saud tseem tau nce ntxiv rau 21 rau txiv neej.

2015 European Junior Cup:

Lub European Junior Cup 2015 yog lub caij thib tsib ntawm European Junior Cup. Nws tau mus sib tw tshaj yim kab ncig, pib rau 12 Plaub Hlis ntawm Motorland Aragón thiab xaus rau 4 Lub Kaum Hli ntawm Magny Cours. Pib hauv xyoo 2015 tau "Kev Ncaj Ncees European Cov poj niam \" rau cov poj niam caij hnub nyoog nruab nrab ntawm 14 thiab 23 xyoo. Kev txwv lub hnub nyoog sab saud tseem tau nce ntxiv rau 21 rau txiv neej.

2015 European Junior Curling Challenge:

Lub 2015 European Kev Ncaws Pob Tawb Sib Ntsib tau pib txij lub Ib Hlis 3 txog 9 ntawm Curling Hall Roztyly hauv Prague, Czech koom pheej. Cov teb chaws nyob hauv thaj chaw Europe uas tseem tsis tau tsim nyog rau Kev Koom Tes Ntiaj Teb Kev Ncaws Pob Ua Ntiaj Teb tau koom nrog kev sib tw curling. Cov neeg ua haujlwm siab tshaj plaws ntawm txhua qhov kev sib tw tau nce mus rau 2015 World Junior Curling Championships hauv Tallinn, Estonia.

Swimming at the 2015 European Games:

Cov kev ua luam dej hauv 2015 Kev Ua Si European sib tw tau tshwm sim ntawm Baku Aquatics Center, Baku txij hnub tim 23 txog 27 Lub Rau Hli 2015. Cov xwm txheej 42 tau sib tw hauv cov chav kawm ntev.

2015 European Junior and U23 Canoe Slalom Championships:

Lub 2015 European Junior thiab U23 Canoe Slalom Cov Kev Sib Tw Tau muaj nyob hauv Kraków-Kolna Canoe Slalom Chav hauv Kraków, Poland txij thaum 26 txog 30 Lub Yim Hli 2015 raws li kev txhawb nqa ntawm European Canoe Association (ECA). Nws yog 17th tsab ntawm kev sib tw rau Juniors (U18) thiab 13th tsab rau hauv qab 23 qeb.

2015 European Karate Championships:

Lub 2015 European Karate Kev Sib Tw , 50th tsab, tau muaj nyob ntawm Istanbul hauv Turkey txij hnub tim 19 txog 22 Lub Peb Hlis, 2015. Ib qho kev sib tw tag nrho ntawm 482 tus neeg sib tw los ntawm 47 lub tebchaws tau koom nrog qhov kev tshwm sim no.

2015 European Le Mans Series:

Lub 2015 European Le Mans Series lub caij yog xyoo kaum ob ntawm Automobile Club de l'Ouest's (ACO) European Le Mans Series. Lub sijhawm tsib-lub caij tau pib ntawm Silverstone Circuit, hauv kev sib tw nrog FIA World Endurance Championship, thaum 11 Plaub Hlis thiab tiav rau ntawm Autódromo ua Estoril thaum 18 Lub Kaum Hli.

2015 European Le Mans Series:

Lub 2015 European Le Mans Series lub caij yog xyoo kaum ob ntawm Automobile Club de l'Ouest's (ACO) European Le Mans Series. Lub sijhawm tsib-lub caij tau pib ntawm Silverstone Circuit, hauv kev sib tw nrog FIA World Endurance Championship, thaum 11 Plaub Hlis thiab tiav rau ntawm Autódromo ua Estoril thaum 18 Lub Kaum Hli.

2015 European Masters Games:

Lub 2015 European Masters Games yog qhov thib peb luam tawm ntawm ntau qhov kev sib tw kis las rau masters sport, uas tau ua nyob nruab nrab ntawm 1-11 Lub Kaum Hli 2015 hauv Nice, Fabkis. 7200 tus neeg tuaj koom los ntawm 76 lub teb chaws tau sib tw 27 kis las.

2015 European Mixed Team Badminton Championships:

Lub xyoo 2015 ntawm Pab Pawg Sib Tw Seem Ntaus European tau koom rau ntawm Sportoase hauv Leuven, Belgium, nruab nrab ntawm 11-15 Lub Ob Hlis thiab tau raug tsa los ntawm Badminton Europe thiab Badminton Vlaanderen. Nws yog tus 23rd tsab ntawm kev sib tw. Lub teb chaws Yelemees yog tus tiv thaiv tau zus ib. Qhov kos duab tau ua rau 18 Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2014.

2015 European Modern Pentathlon Championships:

Lub 2015 European Niaj hnub nimno Pentathlon Championships tau tuav hauv Da, Great Tebchaws Britain txij li 17 txog 23 Lub Yim Hli 2015.

2015 European Race Walking Cup:

Kev sib tw European European Taug Kev Ncaws Pob Ncig Ncig xyoo 2015 tau tshwm sim thaum Lub Tsib Hlis 17, 2015. Cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws ntawm qhov xwm txheej tau muab rau IAAF thiab rau EAA.

2015 European Racquetball Championships:

Kev sib tw ntawm XVIII Racquetball European Championships tau muaj nyob hauv Hamburg, (Lub Tebchaws Yelemees) txij Lub Rau Hli 24-27, 2015, tsuas yog 3 lub tebchaws sawv cev. Lub EURO 2015 tau nyob hauv kev saib xyuas ntawm lub nroog Hamburg.

2015 European Rally Championship:

Lub 2015 European Rally Championship lub caij yog 63 lub caij ntawm FIA European Rally Championship, European continental Championship series hauv kev sib tw. Lub caij tseem yog qhov thib peb tom qab kev sib koom ua ke ntawm European Rally Championship thiab Intercontinental Rally Challenge.

2015 European Rally Championship:

Lub 2015 European Rally Championship lub caij yog 63 lub caij ntawm FIA European Rally Championship, European continental Championship series hauv kev sib tw. Lub caij tseem yog qhov thib peb tom qab kev sib koom ua ke ntawm European Rally Championship thiab Intercontinental Rally Challenge.

2015 FIA European Rallycross Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA European Rallycross Championship yog lub caij peb caug cuaj ntawm FIA European Championships rau Rallycross Tsav Tsheb. Lub caij muaj tsib puag ncig, pib txij 16 Lub Tsib Hlis nrog Belgian round ntawm Circuit Jules Tacheny Mettet, thiab xaum ntawm 18 Lub Kaum Hlis, hauv Ltalis ntawm Franciacorta.

2015 FIA European Rallycross Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA European Rallycross Championship yog lub caij peb caug cuaj ntawm FIA European Championships rau Rallycross Tsav Tsheb. Lub caij muaj tsib puag ncig, pib txij 16 Lub Tsib Hlis nrog Belgian round ntawm Circuit Jules Tacheny Mettet, thiab xaum ntawm 18 Lub Kaum Hlis, hauv Ltalis ntawm Franciacorta.

2015 European Road Championships:

Lub 2015 European Txoj Kev Sib Koom Tes tau tuav hauv Tartu, Estonia. Qhov kev tshwm sim muaj kev sib tw ntawm kev tsav tsheb thiab kev sib tw rau lub sijhawm rau cov txiv neej thiab poj niam hnub nyoog qis dua 23 xyoos thiab cov hnub nyoog qis dua. Cov kev sib tw yeej tau tswj hwm los ntawm European Cycling Union.

2015 European Road Championships – Women's under-23 road race:

Cov Poj Niam Txoj Kev Sib Tw Txoj Kev 23-kev sib tw ntawm 2015 Kev Sib Tw Txoj Kev European Kev Ncaws Pob tau pib rau 8 Lub Yim Hli. Lub rooj sib tw tau tuav los ntawm Estonian nroog Tartu. Txoj kev kawm tau ntev 124 km. 76 tus neeg caij tsheb sib tw hauv cov sijhawm sim, ntawm uas 18 ua tsis tiav.

2015 European Road Championships – Women's under-23 time trial:

Cov Poj Niam lub hnub nyoog qis dua-23 lub sijhawm sim ntawm 2015 European Txoj Kev Kev Ncaws Pob Kev Sib Tham tau nyob rau 6 Lub Yim Hli. Lub rooj sib tw tau tuav los ntawm Estonian nroog Tartu. Txoj kev kawm yog 18.4 km ntev. 28 tus neeg caij tsheb kauj vab sib tw rau hauv lub sijhawm sim. Kawm tau tag nrho qhov siab ntawm 53m, nrog lub siab xav ntawm 5.1% thiab qhov siab tshaj plaws txoj kev nqes ntawm qhov qis ntawm 4,9%.

2015 European Road Championships – Women's under-23 road race:

Cov Poj Niam Txoj Kev Sib Tw Txoj Kev 23-kev sib tw ntawm 2015 Kev Sib Tw Txoj Kev European Kev Ncaws Pob tau pib rau 8 Lub Yim Hli. Lub rooj sib tw tau tuav los ntawm Estonian nroog Tartu. Txoj kev kawm tau ntev 124 km. 76 tus neeg caij tsheb sib tw hauv cov sijhawm sim, ntawm uas 18 ua tsis tiav.

2015 European Road Championships – Women's under-23 time trial:

Cov Poj Niam lub hnub nyoog qis dua-23 lub sijhawm sim ntawm 2015 European Txoj Kev Kev Ncaws Pob Kev Sib Tham tau nyob rau 6 Lub Yim Hli. Lub rooj sib tw tau tuav los ntawm Estonian nroog Tartu. Txoj kev kawm yog 18.4 km ntev. 28 tus neeg caij tsheb kauj vab sib tw rau hauv lub sijhawm sim. Kawm tau tag nrho qhov siab ntawm 53m, nrog lub siab xav ntawm 5.1% thiab qhov siab tshaj plaws txoj kev nqes ntawm qhov qis ntawm 4,9%.

2015 European Rowing Championships:

Lub 2015 European Rowing Championships tau muaj nyob rau hauv Poznań, Poland, thaum 29 thiab 31 Tsib Hlis 2015.

2015 European Rugby Champions Cup Final:

Lub 2015 European Rugby Champions Cup kawg yog qhov kev sib tw ua thawj zaug hauv European European Rugby Champions Cup, thiab twentieth European club rugby kawg nyob rau hauv dav dav, raws li kev sib tw hloov Heineken Khob.

2015 European Senior Tour:

Kev Ncig Ncig European xyoo 2015 yog lub caij 24 ntawm European ncig saib kev tshaj lij, kev tshaj lij golf ncig saib rau cov txiv neej hnub nyoog 50 thiab siab dua ua haujlwm los ntawm PGA European Ncig Saib.

2015 European Senior Tour:

Kev Ncig Ncig European xyoo 2015 yog lub caij 24 ntawm European ncig saib kev tshaj lij, kev tshaj lij golf ncig saib rau cov txiv neej hnub nyoog 50 thiab siab dua ua haujlwm los ntawm PGA European Ncig Saib.

2015 European Shooting Championships:

Lub Rooj Sib Tham Sib Tw Ncaws Pob Hauv 2015 tau muaj nyob hauv Maribor, Slovenia txij thaum Lub Xya Hli 19 txog 31, 2015.

2015 European Short Course Swimming Championships:

Lub 2015 European luv luv Ua luam dej Kev sib tw tau muaj nyob hauv Netanya, Israel, txij hnub tim 2-6 Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2015. Lawv tau pib ua thaum Lub Ib Hlis 2015, tab sis LEN tau hloov qhov kev tshwm sim rau Lub Kaum Ob Hlis. Lub chaw nyob ntawm qhov kev tshwm sim no yog cov kev ua luam dej tshiab zoo nkauj ntawm Lub Wingate Institute. Cov txheej txheem nyuaj no tsim cov pas dej Olympic-loj uas muaj 10 kab kev thiab 3 qhov tob qhov dej, rov qab los ntawm cov chaw lim dej tshiab tsim, muaj 8 kab khiav 50 m pas dej thiab 6-txoj kab 25 m pas dej.

2015 European Short Track Speed Skating Championships:

Lub 2015 European Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships tau tshwm sim nruab nrab ntawm 23 txog 25 Lub Ib Hlis 2015 hauv Dordrecht, Tebchaws Netherlands.

2015 European Speed Skating Championships:

Lub 2015 Kev Sib Tw Ceev Kev Sib Tw hauv European tau muaj nyob hauv Chelyabinsk, Russia, txij hnub tim 10 txog 11 Lub Ib Hlis 2015.

2015 European Superstock 600 Championship:

Lub 2015 European Superstock 600 Championship yog lub caij thib kaum ntawm European Superstock 600 Championship, chav txhawb nqa rau Superbike World Championship ntawm nws cov European puag ncig. Kev siv tsav tau siv 600 cc ntau cov maus taus thiab tau tseg rau cov neeg caij nyoog ntawm 15 txog 24 xyoos. Lub caij nyoog 2015 tau sib tw tshaj yim qhov kev sib tw ntawm xya lub rooj sib tham, pib ntawm Motorland Aragón rau 11 Lub Plaub Hlis thiab xaus ntawm Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours rau 3 Lub Kaum Hli.

2015 European Superstock 600 Championship:

Lub 2015 European Superstock 600 Championship yog lub caij thib kaum ntawm European Superstock 600 Championship, chav txhawb nqa rau Superbike World Championship ntawm nws cov European puag ncig. Kev siv tsav tau siv 600 cc ntau cov maus taus thiab tau tseg rau cov neeg caij nyoog ntawm 15 txog 24 xyoos. Lub caij nyoog 2015 tau sib tw tshaj yim qhov kev sib tw ntawm xya lub rooj sib tham, pib ntawm Motorland Aragón rau 11 Lub Plaub Hlis thiab xaus ntawm Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours rau 3 Lub Kaum Hli.

2015 European Team Championships:

Thib 6 European Kev Ncaws Pob Ua Si tau tsim rau 20 thiab 21 Lub Rau Hli 2015.

2015 European Team Championships Super League:

Cov no yog cov ua tiav ntawm 2015 Pab Pawg Kev Ncaws Pob Ncig Super Super League rau 20 thiab 21 Lub Rau Hli 2015 hauv Cheboksary, Russia. Ib yam li cov kev sib tw dhau los muaj ob peb txoj cai thov tshwj xeeb rau qhov kev sib tw no, xws li kev txwv ntawm peb qhov kev sim hauv cov kev sib tw, dhia ntev thiab triple dhia thiab qhov kev txwv ntawm plaub qhov kev pheej hmoo tag nrho hauv lub siab dhia thiab ncej.

2015 European Tour:

Ncig saib European 2015 yog xyoo xya kev sib tw mus rau Dubai thiab 44 lub caij golf ntawm kev sib tw vim cov Ncig Ncig European tau pib xyoo 1972.

2015 European Tour Qualifying School graduates:

Nov yog daim ntawv teev cov 27 tus neeg ua kis las uas tau khwv xyoo 2016 Ncig saib European European los ntawm Q Tsev Kawm Ntawv hauv xyoo 2015.

2015 European Touring Car Cup:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA European Touring Car Cup yog lub thib kaum plaub ntawm FIA European Touring Car Cup. Nws yuav muaj 6 yam xwm txheej hauv Hungary, Slovakia, Fab Kis, Czech koom pheej, Belgium thiab Ltalis. Lub sib tw yuav muab faib ua peb pawg: Super 2000 rau TC2 Turbo thiab TC2 tshuab, Super 1600, thiab Ib Leeg-Ua kom tau lub zog rau cov tsheb xws li SEAT León Supercopa.

2015 European Touring Car Cup:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA European Touring Car Cup yog lub thib kaum plaub ntawm FIA European Touring Car Cup. Nws yuav muaj 6 yam xwm txheej hauv Hungary, Slovakia, Fab Kis, Czech koom pheej, Belgium thiab Ltalis. Lub sib tw yuav muab faib ua peb pawg: Super 2000 rau TC2 Turbo thiab TC2 tshuab, Super 1600, thiab Ib Leeg-Ua kom tau lub zog rau cov tsheb xws li SEAT León Supercopa.

2015 UEC European Track Championships:

Lub 2015 UEC European Track Championships yog tus thib rau tsab ntawm cov neeg tseem ceeb UEC European Track Championships hauv kev caij tsheb kauj vab thiab coj qhov chaw ntawm Velodrome Suisse hauv Grenchen, Switzerland, thaum 14 txog 18 Lub Kaum Hli. Qhov kev tshwm sim tau koom los ntawm European Cycling Union. Txhua tus yeej European tau txais txiaj ntsig ntawm UEC European Champion lub tsho uas yuav hnav los ntawm kev yeej thoob plaws hauv lub xyoo thaum sib tw ntawm tib qho kev tshwm sim ntawm lwm cov kev sib tw.

2015 UEC European Track Championships (under-23 & junior):

Lub 2015 UEC European Track Championships yog qhov thib 15 txuas ntxiv rau kev sib tw nyob sab Europe hnub nyoog qis dua 23 thiab qib kev caij tsheb kauj vab, thiab qib 6 txij li qhov kev tshwm sim tau hloov npe tom qab kev rov kho dua tshiab ntawm European kev caij tsheb kauj vab hauv 2010. Qhov kev tshwm sim tau tshwm sim ntawm Athens Olympic Velodrome hauv Athens , Tim Nkij teb chaws txij li 14 txog 19 Lub Xya Hli 2015.

2015 European Truck Racing Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA European Tsheb Sib Tw Ntaus Sib Tw yog qhov sib tw lub cev muaj zog uas siv cov tsheb laij teb zoo tshaj plaws. Nws yog xyoo 31 ntawm kev sib tw thiab Norbert Kiss yeej lub xyoo thib ob uake nrog MAN.

2015 European Under-19 Rugby Union Championship:

Lub 2015 European Under-19 Rugby Union Championship yog thib cuaj xyoo ntawm European Under-19 Rugby Union Championship rau Under 19 pab pawg hauv lub tebchaws. Nws tau teeb tsa hauv Lisbon, Portugal thaum Lub Kaum Hlis 25 txog rau Kaum Ib Hlis 1.

2015 European Weightlifting Championships:

Lub 2015 Kev Sib Tw Seev Cev Nyob Sab Europe tau muaj nyob hauv Tbilisi, Georgia txij hnub tim 10 Lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj txog rau 18 Lub Plaub Hlis 2015.

2015 European Wheelchair Handball Nations' Tournament:

Lub xyoo 2015 EHF European Pob Tawb Ncig Ntaus Cov Ncaws Pob Ntaus 'cov kev sib tw yog thawj zaug thiab tau ua thawj zaug hauv tebchaws Austria txij hnub tim 12 txog 13 Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2015.

2015 European Wheelchair Handball Nations' Tournament:

Lub xyoo 2015 EHF European Pob Tawb Ncig Ntaus Cov Ncaws Pob Ntaus 'cov kev sib tw yog thawj zaug thiab tau ua thawj zaug hauv tebchaws Austria txij hnub tim 12 txog 13 Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2015.

2015 European Women's U-17 Handball Championship:

Lub Poj Niam Kev Sib Tw Tes 2015 xyoo 17-yog Handball Championship yog 12th xyoo, uas tau tshwm sim hauv North Macedonia. Sweden yog tus tiv thaiv tus yeej tab sis Denmark yeej.

2015 European Women's U-17 Handball Championship:

Lub Poj Niam Kev Sib Tw Tes 2015 xyoo 17-yog Handball Championship yog 12th xyoo, uas tau tshwm sim hauv North Macedonia. Sweden yog tus tiv thaiv tus yeej tab sis Denmark yeej.

2015 European Women's U-17 Handball Championship:

Lub Poj Niam Kev Sib Tw Tes 2015 xyoo 17-yog Handball Championship yog 12th xyoo, uas tau tshwm sim hauv North Macedonia. Sweden yog tus tiv thaiv tus yeej tab sis Denmark yeej.

2015 European Youth Olympic Winter Festival:

Lub xyoo 2015 European Youth Olympic Festival nyob rau Vorarlberg, Austria thiab Liechtenstein thaum 25 txog 30 Lub Ib Hlis 2015. Nws yog thawj zaug uas ob lub teb chaws los ua tus tswv hauv European Youth Olympic Festival.

2015 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival:

Kev sib tw xyoo hluas ntawm European European Lub Caij Ntuj Sov 2015 tau ua nyob hauv Tbilisi, Georgia, nruab nrab ntawm 26 Lub Xya Hli thiab 1 Lub Yim Hli 2015

European migrant crisis:

Cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw European , tseem hu ua kev daws teeb meem rau neeg tawg rog , yog lub sijhawm los ntawm cov neeg coob tuaj txog rau hauv European Union (EU) txawv teb chaws los ntawm thoob plaws hiav txwv Mediterranean lossis hla hiav txwv dhau ntawm Tebchaws Europe. Nyob rau lub Peb Hlis 2019, European Commission tau tshaj tawm txog qhov teeb meem kev tsiv teb tsaws chaw tau yuav kawg, txawm hais tias cov neeg tsiv tawm mus txuas ntxiv los txog.

European Junior & U23 Weightlifting Championships:

European Junior & U23 Cov Kev Ntaus Phaw Tawv Nyuaj yog qhov kev tshwm sim txhua xyoo los ntawm European Weightlifting Federation (EWF). Kev sib tw European nyob hauv qib qis tau tuav txij xyoo 1973 raws li lub npe European Junior Weightlifting Championships . Hauv xyoo 2009 cov kev sib tw tau muaj nyob hauv ob lub nroog, European Junior Weightlifting Championships hauv Landskrona thiab qhov tshiab European U23 Kev Sib Tw Kom Nrawm Sib Nrauj hauv Wladyslawowo. Tom qab xyoo ntawd, cov kev sib tw tau coj lub npe tam sim no.

Eurovision Song Contest 2015:

Eurovision Song Contest 2015 yog qhov thib 60 ntawm kev tsim tsa xyoo Eurovision Song Contest. Nws tau tshwm sim nyob rau Vienna, Austria, ua raws li Conchita Wurst yeej ntawm qhov kev sib tw 2014 hauv Copenhagen, Denmark, nrog zaj nkauj "Rise Like Phoenix \". Nws yog lub sijhawm thib ob Austria tau tuav qhov kev sib tw, uas tau ua dhau los xyoo 1967. Cov Kev Sib Koom Tes los ntawm European Broadcasting Union (EBU) thiab tus tswv tsev tshaj tawm xov xwm resterreichischer Rundfunk (ORF), kev sib tw tau ua tiav ntawm Wiener Stadthalle thiab suav nrog ob ib nrab kev sib tw kawg ntawm 19 thiab 21 Tsib Hlis, thiab zaum kawg rau 23 Tsib Hlis 2015. Qhov peb nyob tau raug tso tawm los ntawm Mirjam Weichselbraun, Alice Tumler thiab Arabella Kiesbauer, thaum Conchita Wurst tau tuav chav ntsuab.

2015 Evansville, Indiana mayoral election:

Lub 2015 Evansville, Indiana mayoral kev xaiv tsa tau muaj rau lub Kaum Ib Hlis 3, 2015, thiab pom qhov kev rov tsim tsa ntawm Republican Lloyd Winnecke.

2015 Evening Standard Theatre Awards:

Lub 61st Yav tsaus ntuj Standard Theatre Awards tau muab rau hnub Sunday 22 Kaum Ib Hlis 2015 ntawm Lub Tsev Teev Ntuj Qub Vic in London. Cov kev tshaj tawm tau tshaj tawm rau 2 Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 2015. Lub koob tsheej tau nthuav tawm los ntawm Rob Brydon thiab koom ua ke los ntawm Evening Standard tus tswv Evgeny Lebedev, Dame Judi Dench thiab Sir Ian McKellen.

2015 Evergreen Premier League:

Lub 2015 Evergreen Premier League yog lub caij thib ob ntawm Evergreen Premier League. Lub caij pib thaum 25 Lub Plaub Hlis 2015.

2015 Evian Championship:

Lub 2015 Evian Championship tau ua si 10-13 Cuaj hlis ntawm Evian Resort Golf Club hauv Évian-les-Bains, Fab Kis. Nws yog qhov 22nd Evian Championship, thiab qhov thib peb raws li kev sib tw loj ntawm LPGA Ncig Saib. Qhov kev tshwm sim tau raug tshaj tawm los ntawm Golf Channel thiab NBC Cov Kev Ua Si hauv Tebchaws Meskas thiab Sky Sports hauv Tebchaws Askiv. Lydia Ko yeej nws thawj qhov kev sib tw tseem ceeb, dhau los ua tus neeg hluas uas tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, thaum muaj hnub nyoog 18 xyoo, thiab tua tus lej qis kawg, 63, kom yeej loj.

Evo 2015:

Lub Tuam Txhab 2015 Evolution Championship yog kev sib ntaus sib tua ua si hauv Las Vegas thaum Lub Xya Hli 17-19. Qhov kev tshwm sim featured ib tug loj kev sib tw rau cuaj lub sib ntaus sib tua ua si, xws li qhov loj tshaj plaws Super tsoo Bros. kev sib tw li ntawd point thiab ib tug heev nrov Ultra Street Fighter IV kev sib tw. Txoj Kev Sib Tw Txoj Kev IV tau yeej los ntawm Yusuke Momochi, kov yeej GamerBee hauv Grand Finals.

2015 Exeter City Council election:

Lub 2015 Exeter City Council kev xaiv tsa tau muaj nyob rau 7 Lub Tsib Hlis 2015, los xaiv cov tswv cuab ntawm Exeter City Council hauv Exeter, Devon, Tebchaws Askiv. Qhov no tau nyob rau tib hnub li lwm qhov kev xaiv tsa hauv zos.

2015 Exeter City Council election:

Lub 2015 Exeter City Council kev xaiv tsa tau muaj nyob rau 7 Lub Tsib Hlis 2015, los xaiv cov tswv cuab ntawm Exeter City Council hauv Exeter, Devon, Tebchaws Askiv. Qhov no tau nyob rau tib hnub li lwm qhov kev xaiv tsa hauv zos.

2015 Exeter Sevens:

Lub 2015 Exeter Sevens yog qhov kev sib tw zaum kawg ntawm 2015 Rugby Europe Sevens Grand Prix Series. Nws tau muaj nyob rau hnub so ntawm 11-12 Lub Xya Hli 2015.

Expo 2015:

Expo 2015 yog lub ntiaj teb Chaw Tso Khoom Ntiaj Teb tso los ntawm Milan, Ltalis. Nws qhib lub Tsib Hlis 1 thaum 10:00 CEST thiab kaw thaum Lub Kaum Hlis 31. Milan tau txais kev nthuav qhia thib ob; thawj yog xyoo 1906 Milan International.

2015 Extremaduran regional election:

Cov kev xaiv nom tswv cheeb tsam 2015 tshaj tawm rau hnub Sunday, 24 Tsib Hlis 2015, los xaiv tsa 9 lub rooj sib tham ntawm cov neeg zej zog ntawm Extremadura. Txhua 65 lub rooj zaum hauv Pawg Neeg Tawm Tsam tau xaiv tsa. Cov kev xaiv tsa tau koom ua ke nrog cov kev xaiv tsa hauv cheeb tsam hauv kaum ob lwm lub zej zog thiab kev xaiv tsa hauv zos thoob plaws Spain.

2015 Extremaduran regional election:

Cov kev xaiv nom tswv cheeb tsam 2015 tshaj tawm rau hnub Sunday, 24 Tsib Hlis 2015, los xaiv tsa 9 lub rooj sib tham ntawm cov neeg zej zog ntawm Extremadura. Txhua 65 lub rooj zaum hauv Pawg Neeg Tawm Tsam tau xaiv tsa. Cov kev xaiv tsa tau koom ua ke nrog cov kev xaiv tsa hauv cheeb tsam hauv kaum ob lwm lub zej zog thiab kev xaiv tsa hauv zos thoob plaws Spain.

2015 Extreme Sailing Series:

2015 Huab Cua Sailing Series yog xyoo thib cuaj ntawm kev caij nkoj hla thiab xyoo thib tsib ntawm nws yog qhov kev tshwm sim thoob ntiaj teb. Cov pib tau pib nyob hauv Singapore thaum 5 Lub Ob Hlis 2015 thiab xaus rau Sydney, Australia thaum 13 Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2015 thiab tau tshwm sim hauv 8 lub nroog hla 3 lub teb chaws.

2015 FC Tokyo season:

Lub xyoo 2015 FC Tokyo lub caij yog lub club li 15 lub caij thiab yog 4 xyoo sib law liag hauv kev faib loj tshaj hauv Japanese football. Nws yog Massimo Ficcadenti lub caij thib ob ua tus tswj.

2015 Formula One World Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula One World Championship yog kev sib tw lub cev muaj zog sib tw rau Formula One cov tsheb. Nws yog 66th ntawm lub Formula One World Championship uas tau lees paub los ntawm pab pawg ntaus pob ncaws pob, Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), ua chav kawm siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev sib tw rau kev sib tw qhib tsheb log. Nees-ob tus neeg tsav tsheb sawv cev rau 10 pab neeg tau sib tw 19 Grands Prix, pib nyob rau Australia hnub tim 15 Lub Peb Hlis thiab xaus rau Abu Dhabi thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis 29 thaum lawv tau sib tw rau Cov Neeg Tsav Tsheb Ntiaj Teb thiab Cov Kws Tsim Ntiaj Teb 'kev sib tw.

2015 F1 Powerboat World Championship:

Lub 2015 UIM F1 H2O Ntiaj Teb Championship yog 32 lub caij ntawm Formula 1 Powerboat kev sib tw. Lub caij muaj rau rau qhov kev sib tw, pib hauv Doha, Qatar rau 14 Lub Peb Hlis 2015, thiab xaus rau hauv Sharjah, UAE ntawm 18 Hlis ntuj nqeg 2015.

2015 F1 Powerboat World Championship:

Lub 2015 UIM F1 H2O Ntiaj Teb Championship yog 32 lub caij ntawm Formula 1 Powerboat kev sib tw. Lub caij muaj rau rau qhov kev sib tw, pib hauv Doha, Qatar rau 14 Lub Peb Hlis 2015, thiab xaus rau hauv Sharjah, UAE ntawm 18 Hlis ntuj nqeg 2015.

2015 Formula One World Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula One World Championship yog kev sib tw lub cev muaj zog sib tw rau Formula One cov tsheb. Nws yog 66th ntawm lub Formula One World Championship uas tau lees paub los ntawm pab pawg ntaus pob ncaws pob, Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), ua chav kawm siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev sib tw rau kev sib tw qhib tsheb log. Nees-ob tus neeg tsav tsheb sawv cev rau 10 pab neeg tau sib tw 19 Grands Prix, pib nyob rau Australia hnub tim 15 Lub Peb Hlis thiab xaus rau Abu Dhabi thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis 29 thaum lawv tau sib tw rau Cov Neeg Tsav Tsheb Ntiaj Teb thiab Cov Kws Tsim Ntiaj Teb 'kev sib tw.

2015 Formula One World Championship:

Lub xyoo 2015 FIA Formula One World Championship yog kev sib tw lub cev muaj zog sib tw rau Formula One cov tsheb. Nws yog 66th ntawm lub Formula One World Championship uas tau lees paub los ntawm pab pawg ntaus pob ncaws pob, Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), ua chav kawm siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev sib tw rau kev sib tw qhib tsheb log. Nees-ob tus neeg tsav tsheb sawv cev rau 10 pab neeg tau sib tw 19 Grands Prix, pib nyob rau Australia hnub tim 15 Lub Peb Hlis thiab xaus rau Abu Dhabi thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis 29 thaum lawv tau sib tw rau Cov Neeg Tsav Tsheb Ntiaj Teb thiab Cov Kws Tsim Ntiaj Teb 'kev sib tw.

2015 F2000 Championship Series:

Lub xyoo 2015 F2000 Championship Series yog lub caij thib kaum ntawm kev sib tw rau koob.

2015 F2000 Championship Series:

Lub xyoo 2015 F2000 Championship Series yog lub caij thib kaum ntawm kev sib tw rau koob.

2015 F4 Japanese Championship:

Lub 2015 F4 Japanese Championship yog lub caij nyoog pib ntawm F4 Japanese Championship. Nws pib 4 Lub Plaub Hlis hauv Okayama thiab ua tiav rau 15 Kaum Ib Hlis ntawm Twin Ring Motegi tom qab xya ob kab lus sib tw.

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